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My experience with Dream, DAPRS and Braun

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Hey guys,

Took me long enough but I finally got out of my lazyass mode and will start writing a review on my PS experience this past year. I stopped participating in this forum due to busy workload and the kakao chat has most of the information I need but I want to post a review to help others out with my experience. With that being said...here is the review.

I went to Seoul in March for my primary rhino and fg. I went to Seoul with time constraint which I regret. I gave myself one day to consult because I only had one full week after that before I went to Japan. Imagine running around in a foreign country consulting at 3 places and deciding on the spot where to get surgery the next day. Not a smart idea of mine but it happened. I did do some homework on the forum and the interweb so I had an idea where I was going, I wasn't completely lost.

First I went to Dream since I've heard many great things about the clinic on the forum. I consulted there first because what attracted me to that clinic was I did not find anything bad about the clinic online like many others out there. Also, the closed method for rhino is definitely a plus since it's my first time doing PS, I was quite scare of scars, looking fake etc.. After consulting with Dr. Park, he suggested I do septal lengthening (as my nose is short), add silicon implant to the bridge and use ear cartilage for my tip. They also suggested full face fat graft as I initially only wanted forehead fg but they did have a point, a full face fg will give my face more volume. They quoted me quite a high price which was way out of my budget. I was an obvious foreigner and solo so it's obvious I will get taken advantage of. Also, I asked to see before and after pictures, they told me to go online on their website, which doesn't have much...

After that, I went to go get my eyebrows tattoo because it's better to get it before doing fat graft. so I went to Oscar which was a couple stations away.

Back to consulting, I went to Braun which was across the street from Dream. Should of did both consultations back to back but being there for the first time, I didn't know. Braun only had chinese translator. At first they thought I could only speak english so they tried to kick me out by telling me I need to bring a Korean friend then I told them I speak chinese so they said ok you can wait. They asked which doctor I wanted to see, I said Dr. Park. The consultant said he is in surgery and I cannot see him that day but I can see Dr. Seo who is another good rhino surgeon. So I agreed to see him. I showed Dr. Seo my ideal nose and he said it can be similar to what I want but I will need to do osteo (bone shaving). The bone shaving scared me at that moment as it seemed so invasive. He noticed my concern and said I don't have to do it if I don't want to. He was very genuine. Then I proceed to ask about fg to forehead and they quoted me around 6mil from what I can remember. With frozen fat top up within 5 months. I almost booked with Braun but I wanted fresh top up for fg in a year like Dream offered.

Last consultation I went to that day was Unique. Unique only have a chinese translator as well. I didn't make an appointment, I jus walked-in and I got to see the doctor within 5 mins. Apparently there's 3 Dr. Lee's at that clinic so I forgot which one I saw. He basically suggested same method as Dr. park from dream. The price they quoted me was lower then Dream and Braun but I didn't book with them because I haven't done much research about their past work and the before and after pictures they showed me weren't impressive to me.

At the end of the long hectic day, I decided to go with Dream as they did lower the price a bit for me but I realized now it was still over priced. I went back to Dream to consult with Dr. Park again as the first time I saw him, it was really quick and I didn't get to ask everything I wanted to. I asked more questioned about how he can give me my ideal nose in the pictures I showed him. I paid my deposit then and they scheduled my surgery the next day in the morning. During the surgery, I was half awake and I can see the lights and Dr. Park stitching my nose up. I was tripping out at first thinking they switched doctors on me but the nurse thought I was crazy and said they don't switch doctors here :lol:

6 months later...
My nose did not come out the way I wished. It was droopy and the tip wasn't projected or sharp. It was an improvement from my original nose because the bridge was defined but the tip wasn't looking good. My fg at this point has 30% left.

I went back to Dream for revision and told Dr. Park my tip is not how I wanted. I want it to me more projected and less droopy. He said it's a simple fix and he will use my other ear cartilage to project the tip. The surgery went by really quickly and I wasn't as swollen as my primary. I also did fg top up, this time taken from my stomach instead of the back of my thighs because he said he doesnt want to leave another scar. My revision and fg was supposed to be free with anaesthesia fee but they tried charging me 1.4mil because I asked for implant change from 3.5 to 4mm. I thought because they are performing the revision on me, it shouldn't be a big deal to change the implant to a bit higher. I was pretty upset when the consultant tried to rip me off again. After arguing for some time, she agreed to lower it to 1mil which I had agree but now regret even asking for an implant change as I was pretty happy with the height before.

It's been one month since my Rhino revision and I realized there is a dent on my nose specifically on the left nostril. I was having lunch with a friend that day and my friend suddenly asked what is wrong with my nose. She thought I had put bad makeup on because the dent is obvious and it looks brown in the light. I didn't believe her at first then I went home to look in the mirror and saw the dent. My nostrils is uneven because the dent has suppressed the nostril. I quickly messaged the consultant with my picture and concern and she told me to go in to see Dr. Park. Unfortunately, the only day I was in Seoul returning from Hong Kong was a sunday so the clinic was closed and I could not see him. Dream said they will mail me a nose retainer to help with the dent but at this point, it is so upsetting I don't know if a retainer can help. I am not satisfy with the result because of the dent, I was hoping this would be my last trip to Korea for PS but it seems like I have to go back in 6 months time. Although I did not get to see Dr. Park when I returned, I got to see the doctor at Trend clinic as I was waiting for a friend to do her post-op. The doctor at Trend took a look at my nose and said it is depression. He then began to consult my nose for a good 45 minutes explaining what he can do when I come back in 6 months. He said it would be an easy fix but still, the fact I have to fly across the world again to fix something like this angers me. Trend doctor also drew on photoshop how my nose will look and how he can project the tip as Dr. Park couldn't do so.

At this point, all I can do is wait another 6 months and for my retainer to come in the mail to see if it'll help with lessen the dent.
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October 2015,
Besides going back for my nose revision at Dream. I also got my eyes and BA done.

I got my eyes done at Braun with Dr. Cho. I didn't consult anywhere else for eyes because I have seen a few results done by him which were very successful. Also, I was on time constraint...again.. I never learn:lol: I thought I only needed non-incisional double eyelids done as I already had double eyelids. I showed Dr. Cho a picture of the eyes I want and he began looking at my eyes and making me open and close. He was very nice and care about what I want. I instantly felt a good vibe from him. He suggested that if I wanted the eyes I showed him, I should do epi so my eyes can look less sleepy and also do lateral to lengthen my eyes. He said I don't have to do lateral if I don't want to but my eyes will look more round and less almond shape. After thinking for quite sometime, I went through and agreed to do 3 procedures since I came so far, might as well do it all at once then regretting it later not doing one procedures. He seemed very confident that he will make my eyes brighter and prettier just like the girl in the picture I showed him. After I paid, I got my surgery done on the same day in the evening. Real quick right? I had to because I had a rhino revision booked on that day that they made me switch to the next day as it is better to do eyes first. Thank God Dream let me switch my surgery time an hour before I had to go in to the operation room. I had to wait quite long because Dr. Cho had a scheduled surgery before mine so Braun provided me with free facial on the upper level. After waiting anxiously for 3 hours, I finally got admitted to the surgery room. Dr. cho kept apologizing for making me wait and kept reassuring me that he will make my eyes pretty and to have no worries. He calmed me down and I got knocked out...I woke up in the recovering room can barely open my eyes but when I finally did, I saw my puffy eyes. I was surprised I didn't wake up during the surgery to have the doctor to tell me to open and close my eyes.
A month post-op, I am very happy with the result. Even when I was recovering, I was getting so many compliments from friends and strangers about how nice my eyes looked. I didn't believe them as I was still swollen but now I can almost see the full results I can now agree with them. I barely have any scars, there is some pink-ness in the epi area but that will heal over time. My result is quite natural as some people can tell but others who didn't know my before cannot tell at all. Some of my friends are going to go to Dr. Cho for their eyes surgery and I definitely recommend him. When he saw me post-op, he seemed very happy with his work and told me if I am ever unhappy with my eyes or have concern to not hesitate to go back to him for revision. I am very satisfy now that I don't have to think about revision.
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Review on DAPRS for BA

I went to DAPRS for BA because I have seen good results on a friend who was very satisfy with her result. BA was something I never thought I would do because I thought it was a long and painful procedure. After reading a few reviews and talking to a few girls, they have convinced me that it is not as bad as I think.
I consulted with Dr. Koo from DA and he suggested I get round implant and under breast incision after telling him my lifestyle. He suggest different methods depending on your lifestyle. I went in thinking I was going to get teardrop implants and underarm incision. Because I am a dancer and I will be wearing alot of revealing clothing, he suggested I do underbreast incision because the underarm scar will be visible for at least a year. underbreast scar is easier to cover even wearing a bikini. I already had tissues on my breast to begin with. I was a full B and I just want to enhance to a full C cup. I told him I didn't want it too big because I am very athletic and I don't want to get it in my way of dancing. He suggested 280cc ~310cc he wasn't sure which size he was going to use until operation. He assured me I will be happy though. I woke up from the operation room shaky cuz I was cold then, I was fine 5 mins later. I didn't feel any pain at all. I had to stay in the clinic for a night. I was so bored and wanted to leave but I couldn't so I just watched youtube videos all night. Dr. Koo came by my room to check up on me and I asked him what size implant he used. He used 322cc saying it was best for my body shape. I'd have to say, I thought i would be in bed for a couple days but I was out everyday after I got discharge. I recovered pretty quickly. Overall, I am satisfy with my result thus far. It is still swelling and I won't see full results till 6 months later but from what I can see now, it is the perfect size that I want. More cleavage but not to the extent I look like a bimbo lol.

I also got lip fillers from DA by Dr. Koo. I told him I want bigger upper lip as I already had full bottom lip. I went with 2 other friends and we all got lip fillers at the same time. He told me I needed 1.5cc and during the injection, I kept telling him I want bigger because I know in korean's view, big lips aren't their ideal beauty but I live in north america where bigger is better. He injected almost 2cc in my lips because I came out looking like a swollen duck lips. I knew it was going to go down eventually so I was happy with my duck lips lol

Its been one month and a lot of it has gone down but not completely. My upper lip is still somewhat full but none of my friends can notice. It is more noticeable when I apply lipgloss. I like the result now but I am just worried it will go down more. I would of refilled if I had a longer stay in korea.
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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Sounds like a hectic journey! How was your experience at Trend, how come you didn't go to them to do your revision? I saw a before and after picture of someone who went there and the results look amazing. Are you happy with your revision? I want to get several procedures done as well, BA being one of them. I reached out to DAPRS , they gave me a quote for the teardrop which i thought was quite high. Do you mind sharing how much you paid? Much appreciated, thanks!
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Thanks so much for your review and also thanks for being there for me in Korea.

Come back with me for check up and holidays.

Your eyes look so pretty and I love Dr cho for that. We were lucky to find him through our kakao chat and the amazing results he did on all the girls who went there. He is also a very nice and kind Dr. I like him too !

Hope you like your lips and ba from da as many girls pm to ask for your pics but I said It already look amazing after 1 week. Either you are a super healer or you have eaten a lot of manuka honey secretly 😆
QUOTE=sunshinegirl7;29413348]Hey guys,

Took me long enough but I finally got out of my lazyass mode and will start writing a review on my PS experience this past year. I stopped participating in this forum due to busy workload and the kakao chat has most of the information I need but I want to post a review to help others out with my experience. With that being said...here is the review.

I went to Seoul in March for my primary rhino and fg. I went to Seoul with time constraint which I regret. I gave myself one day to consult because I only had one full week after that before I went to Japan. Imagine running around in a foreign country consulting at 3 places and deciding on the spot where to get surgery the next day. Not a smart idea of mine but it happened. I did do some homework on the forum and the interweb so I had an idea where I was going, I wasn't completely lost.

First I went to Dream since I've heard many great things about the clinic on the forum. I consulted there first because what attracted me to that clinic was I did not find anything bad about the clinic online like many others out there. Also, the closed method for rhino is definitely a plus since it's my first time doing PS, I was quite scare of scars, looking fake etc.. After consulting with Dr. Park, he suggested I do septal lengthening (as my nose is short), add silicon implant to the bridge and use ear cartilage for my tip. They also suggested full face fat graft as I initially only wanted forehead fg but they did have a point, a full face fg will give my face more volume. They quoted me quite a high price which was way out of my budget. I was an obvious foreigner and solo so it's obvious I will get taken advantage of. Also, I asked to see before and after pictures, they told me to go online on their website, which doesn't have much...

After that, I went to go get my eyebrows tattoo because it's better to get it before doing fat graft. so I went to Oscar which was a couple stations away.

Back to consulting, I went to Braun which was across the street from Dream. Should of did both consultations back to back but being there for the first time, I didn't know. Braun only had chinese translator. At first they thought I could only speak english so they tried to kick me out by telling me I need to bring a Korean friend then I told them I speak chinese so they said ok you can wait. They asked which doctor I wanted to see, I said Dr. Park. The consultant said he is in surgery and I cannot see him that day but I can see Dr. Seo who is another good rhino surgeon. So I agreed to see him. I showed Dr. Seo my ideal nose and he said it can be similar to what I want but I will need to do osteo (bone shaving). The bone shaving scared me at that moment as it seemed so invasive. He noticed my concern and said I don't have to do it if I don't want to. He was very genuine. Then I proceed to ask about fg to forehead and they quoted me around 6mil from what I can remember. With frozen fat top up within 5 months. I almost booked with Braun but I wanted fresh top up for fg in a year like Dream offered.

Last consultation I went to that day was Unique. Unique only have a chinese translator as well. I didn't make an appointment, I jus walked-in and I got to see the doctor within 5 mins. Apparently there's 3 Dr. Lee's at that clinic so I forgot which one I saw. He basically suggested same method as Dr. park from dream. The price they quoted me was lower then Dream and Braun but I didn't book with them because I haven't done much research about their past work and the before and after pictures they showed me weren't impressive to me.

At the end of the long hectic day, I decided to go with Dream as they did lower the price a bit for me but I realized now it was still over priced. I went back to Dream to consult with Dr. Park again as the first time I saw him, it was really quick and I didn't get to ask everything I wanted to. I asked more questioned about how he can give me my ideal nose in the pictures I showed him. I paid my deposit then and they scheduled my surgery the next day in the morning. During the surgery, I was half awake and I can see the lights and Dr. Park stitching my nose up. I was tripping out at first thinking they switched doctors on me but the nurse thought I was crazy and said they don't switch doctors here :lol:

6 months later...
My nose did not come out the way I wished. It was droopy and the tip wasn't projected or sharp. It was an improvement from my original nose because the bridge was defined but the tip wasn't looking good. My fg at this point has 30% left.

I went back to Dream for revision and told Dr. Park my tip is not how I wanted. I want it to me more projected and less droopy. He said it's a simple fix and he will use my other ear cartilage to project the tip. The surgery went by really quickly and I wasn't as swollen as my primary. I also did fg top up, this time taken from my stomach instead of the back of my thighs because he said he doesnt want to leave another scar. My revision and fg was supposed to be free with anaesthesia fee but they tried charging me 1.4mil because I asked for implant change from 3.5 to 4mm. I thought because they are performing the revision on me, it shouldn't be a big deal to change the implant to a bit higher. I was pretty upset when the consultant tried to rip me off again. After arguing for some time, she agreed to lower it to 1mil which I had agree but now regret even asking for an implant change as I was pretty happy with the height before.

It's been one month since my Rhino revision and I realized there is a dent on my nose specifically on the left nostril. I was having lunch with a friend that day and my friend suddenly asked what is wrong with my nose. She thought I had put bad makeup on because the dent is obvious and it looks brown in the light. I didn't believe her at first then I went home to look in the mirror and saw the dent. My nostrils is uneven because the dent has suppressed the nostril. I quickly messaged the consultant with my picture and concern and she told me to go in to see Dr. Park. Unfortunately, the only day I was in Seoul returning from Hong Kong was a sunday so the clinic was closed and I could not see him. Dream said they will mail me a nose retainer to help with the dent but at this point, it is so upsetting I don't know if a retainer can help. I am not satisfy with the result because of the dent, I was hoping this would be my last trip to Korea for PS but it seems like I have to go back in 6 months time. Although I did not get to see Dr. Park when I returned, I got to see the doctor at Trend clinic as I was waiting for a friend to do her post-op. The doctor at Trend took a look at my nose and said it is depression. He then began to consult my nose for a good 45 minutes explaining what he can do when I come back in 6 months. He said it would be an easy fix but still, the fact I have to fly across the world again to fix something like this angers me. Trend doctor also drew on photoshop how my nose will look and how he can project the tip as Dr. Park couldn't do so.

At this point, all I can do is wait another 6 months and for my retainer to come in the mail to see if it'll help with lessen the dent.[/QUOTE]
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It is a hectic journey and unfortunately it seems like the journey is never ending but i hope after i fix my dent that I no longer have to do anything else.

I loved my experience at Trend, I was there more often then my own clinic at Dream. I was the accompanying my friend and helping her translate as they don't have an english translator. The trend doctor spends a lot of time with you from consultation to the last day of your post-op, he's there to do everything. Unfortunately, I didn't go there because I found out about Trend after I had done my revision. When I was accompanying my friend after my post-op, he would also check up on me to see how my nose was healing lol.

I am not happy with my revision 1 month post -op because of the dent. The shape and tip of my nose is nice but I can't overlook the dent as it is very obvious. Before I left, Trend doctor took a look at my nose and did a consultation on it. I will most likely go to him when I back for my next revision in 6 months.

I think getting a quote from any clinic will be quite high over the internet. Best bet is to go in to the clinic and bargain there. It should be around 6~7mil depending on which implant you use. I had the FDA approved elegant implant. They said if I want cheaper, I can go with korean brand but i opt out and wanted the FDA approved product.

Hope that helped :smile: Good luck with your journey

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Thank you for being there for me as well! I wouldn't know what to do without you. I hope I get to see you again and go on holidays as well lol :smile:

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Thanks for sharing your experience! Just wondering did you get your eye surgery the day before your rhino revision? Did you feel uncomfortable after getting two surgeries in different clinics within 2 days? Thank you!
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I did 3 surgeries back to back. It was intense and I thought I wouldn't be able to do BA under general anesthesia after doing rhino the night before. I didn't feel any uncomfortableness after doing eyes and nose and BA all back to back. I am still quite young so I think my body recovers pretty quickly. I even took the train home right after my eyes surgery lol.

I did my rhino pretty late in the evening the day before my BA though. I finished my rhino surgery around 7pm and had BA surgery the next day at 8am. My friend told me not to do it because it's bad for my body to go under so many drugs at once and general anesthesia is no joke. I should be 100% before going under. The evening of I was a bit dizzy and tired so I thought I would have to reschedule. The morning of, I woke up fine and energized so I went in to DA for them to test to see if I was healthy to do BA then. Turns out I was fine and did anyways. I wouldn't recommend doing all these surgeries so close together. I consider myself lucky everything went well.
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Woah youre an amazing woman!! I was thinking if I could do eyes first then next day rhino... But yeah... Tbh I have exact same concerns as you too like scars, tip and etc for primary rhino do you think I should stop restraining myself to get close rhino? I'm still hesitating which method should I go for hahaha thanks heaps!
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Yes don't restraint yourself from closed-rhino. One of the reason I went with Dream was the closed rhino method but because now I am unsatisfy and have a dent, my next revision will be open so avoiding that from the beginning didn't help me much. From seeing alot of my friends who has done open rhino, its not that bad. some scars aren't even noticeable.
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