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How to pay for the surgery in Korea? Bring cash, traveller check or credit card?

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Glad you found it useful! Yes, the Tmoney card was sooooo convenient. You can grab a bus, train, or cab anytime w/o fumbling for cash or your credit card! Just keep it well-stocked, and when you leave, simply cash in your card at the CU store again at the airport (that's what I did). There was only a small fee taken off for getting what cash I had left on it returned (you can only get your money returned at the CU store on 3 floors of the airport--any of them will tell you which floors (I don't recall now but it only took a few minutes) so make sure and go a bit early to do this--or, simply use it all up or nearly so if you prefer). Every time you use it you'll see how much you have left on the little machines at the subway or bus. I highly recommend it!

You can refill it easily near the entrance/exit gates in the subway stations at any time of the day/night. You need Korean Won to do so though, so off and on you may need to change some money but you can do that at any bank/atm. There was an atm near my Airbnb (and many as well in the subway stations) that I used when needed for just this purpose! When you get on a bus, you simply run your Tmoney card over the little machine as you step on the bus, and you do so again as you leave through the back door. (similar to the subway). Most of the people riding the bus and subway use the Tmoney card. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the cab drivers accepted it as well! It's a win-win really.
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  • 1 year later...
is it safe to bring that much in cash through customs and everything. did you just carry it on your flight?
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I read that if you bring 10k or more you have to declare it and i dont know how youre supposed to do that so .....
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I paid with my debit cảrd to avoid all limits set with credit card. It is convenient, cheap, and safer than paying cash. However, some clinics give u discount for cash payment (as they quit their responsibilities of tax i guess).
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  • 1 month later...
Hey Yuku, Thanks for your information, I got my plastic surgery through Seoul Guide medical ( https://seoulguidemedical.com/en/ )and I think, They did a great job, I know that docfinder has access to many hospitals out of Seoul. But from Seoul guide medical you will get over 20 free services. Hope this will help to someone looking for best plastic surgery clinic in korea ( https://seoulguidemedical.com/en/plastic-surgery/ )
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  • 2 months later...
Very useful information. Thank you!
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