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Just got eyebag removal and rhinoplasty at jw clinic

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Update from second check up:
I went in today (5th day since surgery), and they cleaned me up as well as removed my splint. Again, Emily wasn't there so they spoke very little English beyond "don't move." I was nervous because my nose has lost sensitivity , which I'm pretty sure always happens, so I could feel her touching my nose but couldn't tell if it should hurt. It didnt, even when she removed the splint and said there would be little pain. I was so happy to have the sticky bandages off.

The swelling is every changing. My nose bridge seems to have swollen since the splint was removed, and now the bottoms of my cheeks are bruising purple. The rest of my bruises are yellow, and there's little to no swelling in my eyes. Slight purple on my eyelids. I still have my stitches in, but I believe those come out in two day . Nervous for that pain, honestly .

My nose tip is definitely not droopy and the bump is gone! At first the wideness of my nasal bridge was vastly improved, but it looks big again due to swelling. My tip still looks wide, but it has improved a lot and I'm sure it's super swollen.

As for my under eye area, i think they may be slightly swollen and definitely bruised. I don't think that I have eyebags anymore. They're genetic, so I've had them since I was a young child, and it makes me look pretty different. We will see when the swelling and bruising subsides. I'm nervous that the fat will somehow reposition and settle lumpy.

I will post an update the day after tomorrow. I will be meeting with the surgeons

Edit: the only thing I wish that they did is help me clean off the pen marks on my face
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Hmm it didn't hurt in my opinion. Removing the packing hurt and was scary, though. And the way they physically remove the dried blood hurts a little (I think the peroxide helps to chemically break it down... I think?)

Today my nose is so swollen between my eyes. It makes me look like I am wearing my own face as a mask -- creepy. The bruises are huge yellow streaks down my face.
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who is the best eye doctor at JW?
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Went back today. It was super busy. I had my stitches removed (7 days after). It hurt less than expected! Only the first snip really hurt and it was like getting a nose hair plucked out. Dr. Suh talked to me between the stitches being removed and Dr. Kang talked to me in the lobby. I also had an led treatment for deswelling. I'm all good to go but supposedly still really swollen. My nose tip looks smaller and less ... Perky? But it is still an improvement and may just be really swollen ...
Honestly, I do not know ... Sorry! I only paid attention to the nose doctor.
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Did your primary rhinoplasty include a tipplasty? I got quoted $1k more than you for a tipplasty from them, $4600-$5500.

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Finally back in the USA. My swelling is way down and the bruising is basically gone (my lower cheeks are a little yellow. My nose looks great and no eye bags!! I hope my eyes stay like this although they seem to have a different shape. I don't know if it was the framing that my eyebags gave, but now my eyes look like the outside corners slant up. They look smaller to me but my bf insists they are bigger.

As for my nose, it does look great as a nose but its gonna take getting used to on my face.

I also had dinner with my parents and sister, and they didn't seem to notice
I had asked about tip plasty in my emails, and she quoted me 3300-4000usd. However, when I went there, she gave me a different (higher) price in usd because she was converting krw to USD incorrectly. ask for the price in krw. My rhino did include tip plasty as I had cartilage added to my tip.
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Nice to hear you are happy with the result. I want to ask, do you wear glasses? If you do, do you face the problem that glasses are not suggested at least 2 month after nose bridge augmentation? I also want to know, is JW good at replying? Does it take a long time from them to reply? You didn´t tell your family about your surgeries? :smile:
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I didn't have nose bridge augmentation... Mine was reduced! I also don't wear glasses, so I really don't know.

JW is usually VERY quick!

And actually, I didn't even tell my boyfriend I was getting rhinoplasty until I was paying for it at the clinic.. Haha
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actually, yeah! i guess there was way more swelling in my lower cheeks and between my eyes than i had thought. i was also suffering jetlag, which has never happened to me before, and it lasted until a few days ago. i had TERRIBLE dark circles under my eyes for a little bit, and i started getting eyebags from sleep deprivation. i think i went a few days without sleeping... maybe 3? not in a row, but over two weeks.

i've gotten sleep these past two days, and now i look so much more awake. i've been loving my nose. it's still stiff/swollen a little, but visually it doesn't look swollen at all to me. it looks so nice from the bottom view (not that that view matters) compared to before. the scaring is way better. i really want my under eye area to stop being so tender. my nose keeps running, too, and i can't feel it very well sometimes, so my mom or boyfriend will say, "hey, your nose..." which is embarrassing.

i'm so happy that i decided to go through with it. i look really different, in my opinion. i can't believe my parents haven't said anything yet, because they have to have noticed.
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why is eye bag removal so expensive? like almost half the price of eyelid surgery
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi ! Did u bargain for a lower price for the rhinoplasty or did u jus go with the price given?
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