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How to find a reputable translator for Korea?

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Hi, I want to go to Korea in April for double jaw surgery. Only thing is I'm unsure how to find a translator that is reputable. I know Seoul Touchup and other places have translation services, but those are for like 2 weeks and other things are in the package. I would have to stay here for 5 weeks and was just planning on using airbnb. I would need a translator for consultation and I guess for when I recover from my surgery and for going back to the clinic. Honestly, I'm just really clueless about this topic. I tried google but didn't really find anything. Does anyone know more about this?

I want to go to The Face Dental Clinic. I messaged them on kakaotalk and it's clear they don't speak English (although they tried really hard anyway and were incredibly nice) so I definitely need a translator. I don't know anyone who speaks Korean so I can't bring a friend.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I know I need help in this department also I need a translator that does not come off as one but more like a friend who can help me with the consultation I seen some on craiglist korea.what I'm scared of is will the clinics overcharge me with a translator I don't know if I cam win
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Whaaat??!:P Do you think that is a good idea? Have you done it? lol
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Yes, I did.:cool:

Seriously, try to make some Korean friends who had plastic surgeries before. Korean businessmen don't honour honesty. Bring a Korean friend with you if you want to avoid ripoffs.
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I personally don't think it's a good idea to ask strangers for help, because a lot of Koreans also try to bring their Korean friends to clinics for commissions.

Best option is bringing someone you know and trust well or you just need to deal with paying the foreigner price.

If you're coming to Korea on a low budget and only bring enough money to afford local pricing, that's not smart. First of all, you are a foreigner and second of all, if you don't have any family or close friends you're just going to have to deal with the foreigner pricing. Don't expect to be treated like a foreigner if you get local pricing, clinics will not give you extra attention and extra benefits that foreigner customers receive (being babied, emotional support from translator, extra aftercare treatments, car rides, overnights at hospital, etc). You'll be in a foreign country and being treated the same way as a local might even be a bit overwhelming emotionally and physically.
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I agree with you I'm either bringing my Korean friend or if shes unable to go (still planning ><) I'll just be putting her on call through line app if if I run into translation problems. Banobagi will still give you foreign pricing even with a Korean calling about prices after they find out its for a friend Theyll force you to contact their foreign line for higher pricing ~.~. im guessing more clinics will do the same.
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LOL...that's, a creative way to save a bit of money.

Honestly though, I'd rather shell out some $$$ for a qualified translator. No guarantees they won't try to steer you towards one clinic or another and then go back for commission later.
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  • 3 months later...
hi a little late to the game but I figured I'd share my experiences in korea getting plastic surgery 3 years ago. I'm actually looking to go back to get something fixed but that's another subject matter.

anyway, yes translators work with clinics and receive commission. however, i do recommend finding an independent translator. ones who work for clinics will be more likely to side with the clinic and you WILL be overcharged way more than just the foreigner price.

i get that some of you think shelling out some extra money is worth getting a "proper" translator but it doesn't make any difference other than you wasting extra money for the exact same level of service.

when I say independent translator, I mean there are actually people who will take you to clinics and help you negotiate with the clinics. the one that I hired is unfortunately no longer doing it but she basically took me to the clinics that I chose for the consultation and was there with me during payment, surgery, and post surgery. I knew that she would get a referral commission but I made it clear to her the price that I wanted and that I wanted her to negotiate for me.

I ended up using her as a direct translator meaning I told her to say everything that I was saying to lower the price. I ended up making them cut down 2 million won, which is equivalent to almost 2,000 usd

point is, with a little digging, you can find a translator who can help you. you just also have to stand your ground when negotiating the price.
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hhahahha brilliant! But save the hassle. Go on Tinder, find a coffee date then give a "poor little me lost in translation in this big city" I'm sure some Oppa will lend a helping hand rofl
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In all seriousness tho, I found some pretty good translators at the Seoul National Hospital (i think thats the name of the hospital?).

Back in 2013 when I first went to Seoul, I think cos I was on the plane for so long I pulled a muscle or something but I got paranoid and thought I had a blood clot in the lung area. So I went to the International department at the Seoul Hospital. It was super cheap to see a surgeon, only like 80 dollars I paid? Maybe less. Which I was surprised because if this were in Australia or the US, my god i'd be hit with a whooping fee.

Anyways point is, at the hospitals they have nursing students at the university who volunteer to aid the international patients. So these kids are lovely, UNPAID and if you offer them a translation job would gladly take up your offer. Plus they have medical knowledge to translate properly for you too. :smile: I think it be useful to just ask around
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Thank you for useful information
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  • 4 weeks later...
I know a translator who used to work at a ps clinic but is now going freelance. You can leave your kakao and I'll link you to her or just give me a message. I'm not keen on leaving her info on a public forum.
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