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How to find a reputable translator for Korea?

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thanks for sharing, I've been following your posts for a while and find them very helpful. I was wondering though, if you bring a translator with you to the clinic and tell the clinic they won't take commission, will they most likely still spike up prices?
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No idea who that person is. This is a personal friend, so yeah. By your "leave innocent people alone" comment, were you scammed by her?
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dunno it depends on whether your translator is trustworthy haha. But seriously, why do you even need a translator? Most clincs have their own translators. And many surgeons, especially the reputable ones who graduated from good universities can speak english. Korean standard of education is first world.

If you really need a translator i think a really safe bet is to find a young one like really young still studying one just looking to earn some extra spending money. You know at Girin their in house translator looks like she is fresh out of highschool (or maybe in highschool still? lol) and is very innocent. She was even dressed in regular casual streetwear when she was translating for me. I assume cos Girin is smaller they want to cut costs by hiring someone they don't have to pay much hehe....Anyways thats the type you want to get. Young, innocent and hence trustworthy lol
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  • 5 months later...
I know that this post is a bit old, but do you mind sharing? Im planning to visit a clinic but they are one that do not come with in-house english translators. Really sucks lol I'm a new member, so I don't think I can pm people yet until i reach a certain amount of postings- can you pm? ^^
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