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Necessary to go to Korea for fat grafting?

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Can anyone share any experiences they have had or know about when it comes to Asians getting fat grafting done by non-Asian, western doctors?

I know it's much better to go to Korea for DES and rhino, but when it comes to fat grafting, would it be just as good to do it in your home town? I don't think the technique for liposuction varies from race to race, so I am wanting to just do that in my home city and get fat grafting done along with it.

Also, would you suggest getting fillers BEFORE committing to fat grafting, so you can arrive at a look you know you like first to show your doctor? Is there any other way to create an image of the facial contour you desire before doing the face graft, like 3d imaging?
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hi there
To tell you from my experience, I don't think you should take fat grafting that lightly. I really believe that experienced and skillful doctors would be crucial for the successful result. I 've seen a lot of girls who failed their fat graft and went for the liposuction and repeating....cuz they didn't like the result...well since the fat cells are alive, you cannot really expect the exact amount of fat cells would survive...and also the point of injection depending on one's facial feature would be very important..
for those reasons I would never go to any doctor, but a very experienced and specialized in that procedure even if it takes a long trip to other place.:smile:
i hope it helped^^
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Have you done fat grafting?:shocked: Do you have any Korean doctors in mind?
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I ABSOLUTELY echo Esther's sentiments.

To me, there are several components to a successful outcome for any surgery.

1) doctor's aesthetic-this will depend on the goal of the surgery, essentially what the ideal aesthetics to which the client/doctor is aspiring (ex. sexy vs cute) and to some extent your race (which determines your starting bone/soft tissue structure, the raw canvas). A doctor who isn't familiar with working on your type of features and the look you're trying to achieve, is not someone I'd entrust my face to.

2) experience-how many procedure the doctor has performed. The more procedures, the more complications, challenges, etc the doctor will have dealt with. FG is all the rage in Korea. I'd be hard pressed to find any doctor in NA who has done as many FG procedures as an experienced Korean surgeon.

*price-this should be the least of your considerations, but I believe it ends up being comparable (flight + FG procedure) vs getting it done locally.
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Yes, I have done it and loving the result as much as i want to share the info^^
I went to Fresh plastic surgery for mine and proud to make the right decision.
I was worried about the dolly, made up look, but the natural look came after the swellings gone.
I don't think I need to do another fat grafting cuz they look good and hope they wouldn't go down since it's been over 5 month.
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Wow lucky you:yahoo: Which areas of the face did you have the fat grafted in? And also,if you don't mind, are you caucasian or asian? ^ ^

Thank you!
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Interesting. Fresh seems like a super new clinic with a young (relatively inexperienced surgeon). Mind elaborating on why you chose them?
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I think fillers are better than fat injection. I had many stories about people got their face getting destroyed by fat injection. With filler, if the result is terrible, you can dissolve it if you like.
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What exactly do you mean destroyed? Could you elaborrate on that?

I am interested in getting a fat graft and I am looking for positive and negative experiences. The only side effects I know are lumps,calcificated fat from putting to much fat with too litttle blood supply, overfilling and and making the face fat or not liking the result, and fast absorbation from wrong technique or high metabolism and other individual body factors. But I thought all of these are solvable, have you heard anything more?

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There are pros and cons to injectable fillers and facial fat transfers. The best procedure for you will depend on your individual concerns and facial anatomy. In general, I prefer facial fat transfers as the patient's own body fat will provide the most natural, voluminous results that are long-lasting and compatible. Injectable fillers do not always provide the best results and because they only last between 4 months to a year and a half, the cost of maintenance adds up. :giggles:

You might try a round of temporary fillers and if you like the effect, you could continue to do these and adjust the areas needed as you age. Avoid permanent fillers at all costs as they have potential uncorrectable complications. Know that fat grafts don't always take and sometimes too much takes so this is not as easy as it sounds. :graucho:

Also, no filler regimen will give you "the same effect" as a facelift. Just not possible. I have seen people who needed a facelift but tried to get by with fillers and these fell short. :thinking:You missed the point of fillers. they are not lifters. they are volumizers. Fat also can be used just about anywhere on the body. Fat is potentially permanent and "stem"cells may be benficial but the science just isn't there yet. The main disadventage of fat is lack of reliability in "take", swelling and length of recovery, potential for asymmetry. General rule if you are having another procedure at the same time, do fat. :idea: Otherwise don't waste 2 weeks of recovery after fat grafting when fillers can do the job with little risk, minimal downtime, and ability to add or subtract (if hyaluronic acid used) from the result as needed.

Finally, I would trust my doctor to help me make an informed decision. It would be nice if they could offer all options so that you don't worry they only offer what they can do. While an in-person consultation would be required, I think that fat transfer to the cheeks, temples, and under the eyes is a great procedure. I think that for broad areas that need volume augmentation, fat is great. :oh:

I agree with physicians who have suggested looking at photos of yourself from 10 or 20 years ago, to see how much volume you had to begin with. It is important when answering your question to be evaluated in person. There is a three dimensionality that must be evaluated as well as the condition of the skin and dermis, the roundness of the face, and adjacent areas that may have dropped. If there are focal areas such as smile folds or small indents, then the fillers such as Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Radiesse can be used. :girlsigh: Fat injections may involve a series of treatments and not all of the fat lives; it's not that the fat is being rejected, it's just that the some of the cells die before they develop enough circulation in the new neighborhood to live. It is a thicker product then some ready-to-use fillers. The fillers don't have a rejection possibility, they continue to dissolve after the first day they're placed but their longevity is different in different situations. :cutesy:
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Some people have told me and I have read it as well, that fat only lasts 2-4 years maximum 5 if done with prp..That's a shame, I was hoping it could last 10 or more years. Going to Korea every 4 years or more often to get grafts is not cheap:tdown:
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Yes, lumps and overfilling are common. Sorry, I don't think it can be solved easily. Once fat is injected into your face, you cannot get rid of it easily. That's why most surgeons prefer filler over fat injection. The only downside is filler is just a temporary solution and you have to repeat the treatment every 1-2 year (therefore more expensive)
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Depends on your style, if you like the over-filled voluminous baby-face look of Korean fat graft, then Korea is the place for you.

Western surgeons do it much more subtly than Koreans.

I've done Korean fat grafting before and I think it looks great, the only problem with it is the fact that overfilling does indeed stretch your skin, and you need to maintain it because if you lose weight or the fat reabsorbs, you could be left with some sagging. I have a slight amount of sagging from doing fat grafting a few years ago, losing weight and never doing any additional fat grafting (yet). But Korean fat grafting is hard to maintain if you live outside of Korea because you will need to come back every few months to maintain it.
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But if it reabsorbs gradually with the flow of time will you have sagging as well?

And why will I need to come to Korea every few months? It supposedly lasts for years if you do 2-3 fillings..
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Yes because it stretches the skin regardless when you overfill.

Because typically people's weight fluctuates rather than staying at a consistent weight all the time, thus causing loss of volume to the face with weight loss or even adding more volume to the face causing the skin to stretch and sag with weight gain.
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