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anaesthesia safety

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Hey guys.

I'm heading to Seoul next month to get rhinoplasty, and I am absolutely terrified of dying on the table. I'm getting sedation anaesthesia instead of general, which is known to be much safer, but it doesn't comfort me in the slightest.

Has anyone ever had rhinoplasty while still being partially awake? I don't want to be completely knocked out, so I'd prefer to get just enough IV sedation to relax me but still stay conscious. It would make me feel tons calmer.

Also, does anyone know of any stories where patients have died due to sedation anaesthesia?
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What made it so awful? Was it the pain?
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That sounds terrifying >< which clinic was that at?
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Have you ever had your wisdom teeth removed? I was under general for that and it was okay....yeah it is pretty scary but still chances are extremely, extremely small that you will die, unless you had some sort of allergic reaction or something.
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i had teeth removal under general as well. not wisdom, but different adult teeth that were still under my gums. i was partially awake, and all i remember is that things were really fuzzy, and i listened to the surgeon and assistant talking about their lives. :P
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Clinic was iWell

The pain was a solid 10/10. I know that I was numbed, but I felt quite a lot of pain. When I was screaming in pain, I expected them to give more dose of anesthesia but they just ignored my screams.

They didn't even let me know that I had to be woken from general anesthesia, they just woke me and put me under local, didn't say a thing to me while they started hammering on my nose, wasn't even given an explanation after my surgery was done.
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I have slight PTSD from it. I now can't go through any other surgery without crying or terrible thoughts. It has messed up my anxiety towards surgery and amplified it.

I told the clinic after, they had absolutely nothing to say. I didn't even get an apology. Not too sure what I can do about it since I have no proof.

My results are better than before, but not satisfactory. I went to consult with other clinics, and apparently I have a slight over-rotated tip, my left nasal bone did not heal attached to my skull, I might have an open-roof deformity, my nasal bones are still wide after having my 2nd osteotomy, can feel slight protruding cartilage on my tip, my hanging columella wasn't corrected when it should have been, and the head doctor made a promise to fix my alar which he told me he wouldn't do on the day of surgery after I paid. My nose is an improvement from before and functionality wise is fine, however it was done sloppy with no care and a terrible anesthesia experience.

iWell gave me the best sales pitch out of all my consultations, which is why I chose them. But everything turned for the worst after I paid them.
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