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which clinics to go to for dramatic results?

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I am trying to get a list of clinics which are more likely to give their patients dramatic (as opposed to subtil or conservative) results.

I am considering doing a nose revision + acculift + v-line surgery in SK.

I felt from reading the reviews on this forum that some clinics seem to have a significantly more conservative approach than others.

From what I understood so far:
- The Line, Girin, The face dental, seem to be more on the conservative side
- DA (?) & Braun seem to be much less conservative and more likely to give their patients dramatic results.

Do you know other clinics reputed for giving pretty dramatic results? (or on the contrary, clinics reputed for having a very conservative approach?)

Thanks in advance for your help
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O&Young for super dramatic.

But at consultation, I felt there B&A looked too artificial and screamed "Plastic Surgery" but some of the Gangnam girls actually, purposely like the PS Look.

For my revision rhino, I changed to a pretty much higher bridge but still wanted to look natural but "idol" and still didn't dare go to them.

I am Day 9 post-op in Seoul now and happy with my choice of surgeon. ; )
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Turnerdhr, may I ask what clinic you went to? All the best for your revovery!
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Thanks for the info! May I ask you how did you contact O&Young, did you take a translator with you to the consultation?
I'd love to know which clinic you chose for your nose revision as well. Hope you're recovering quickly!!!
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Thanks for the info. Did you go there in person? I have heard their B&A pictures are photoshopped so I was not quite sure of their surgery results.
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No, i don't get the surgery yet. ^^ I don't like dramatic change.

I guess so. All of 'make-over models' are supposed to wear makeup and the photos are photoshopped/photo editing. No secret for that. I've seen on youtube that Wonjin are also do the same. Where in the video, it's shown that photo of you before the surgery and after the surgery will be much different if get photoshopped so it's better to get the surgery rather than not get them. They make comparison, but i don't care really. :graucho:
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i dont know about acculift n nose revision. i finally did my eyes in cinderella.. phew.. i saw a girl who did facial contour (i'm not sure what she did though) and decided to check their website n i thought they do a good job. i asked my translator if they're real she said the other staffs met them in person many times. lol. i met 3 japanese girls as well..
i'm considering to come again to do v-line next time so i'm looking into cinderella and banobagi..
lets see if my eyes turn nice.
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I think they are both a bit more expensive than the average ps clinic in SK, aren't they?
Good to hear from you that their results for facial contouring seem to be pretty good, I'll have a look at their website! I hope your eyes turn nice! Good luck with the recovery!
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I am considering a nose and chin job. But i want it to look as naturel as possible.
I am sitting my choice for the moment on cindrella and patingui i emailed them with the photos and they answered me back.
They said that my nose will not look fake after the surgery and they can offer that naturel look i am looking for.
What do you think ? Should i go for one of these 2 ? Or you rather prefer ur clinic ?
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thanks! yeah in the email i freaked out koz their quotes were too much. but then i came to bargain then they were willing to reduce a lot actually i was surprised. :biggrin:
honestly i paid less expensive than other quotes from jk and teuim..
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The quotes are something I've been freaked out about too. I'm leaving for Seoul next week. I've emailed clinics beforehand and I'm hoping I can bargain them down a lot! Also, as I've noticed on places like BabiTalk some of these clinics have promotions.
How far down did you bargain? 20%? 40%
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