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Drooping Skin After Jaw Reduction--facelift

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For 2 jaw, it depends- like if you're fixing an overbite, underbite, crossbite, etc which will determine if the dr moves your jaw forward, backward, etc. So if the dr has to move the bottom jaw backward, that will increase chances of skin sag. Also, how serious your case is. More serious = more the dr has to move your jaw which may increase chance of skin sag.

With mandible reduction, you might be able to get away without much skin drooping but zygoma reduction will very likely give you skin droop. If you're lucky, you might not see the skin droop at first but it will accelerate ageing so you'll see sagging skin earlier than if you hadnt touched the cheekbones.

There are factors that will increase or decrease chances of skin droop tho, like age and how healthy you are- someone who exercises regularly will have firmer skin which decreases chance of skin sag and someone who smokes will have higher chance of sag. Having a lot of fat on the face also increase skin sag which is why drs will usually not recommend fc to people with high volume of fat on their face or will tell you to lose weight before fc. How much bone removed is also a big factor. Like for zygoma, reducing the body and arch will increase chances of sagging more than just reducing the arch. Doctor's skill and technique also plays a part.

Even if you are the ideal candidate for fc, I think you should go into any fc surgery with the mindset that you will sag and need maintenance for it since even the ideal candidate will experience sagging to some extent- especially from zygoma reduction, and it's always better to think it may happen and be prepared for it than thinking it might not happen.
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Who is a good candidate for fc though? One who needs small reduction or one who needs big reduction?
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For most cases, I'd say if you only need a small reduction, the risk of sagging is not worth the minimal results. A small reduction will still have sagging because the dr has to separate the periosteum and muscles from the bone in order to cut and once it reattaches, it may not attach like how it was before. So you might end up with minimal results and sagging skin.

If your bone structure allows for a big reduction, the ideal case would be that the dr reduces the right amount of bone and not over dissect. Like for zygoma, if the dr. reduces too much of the body, your face might end up flat and the soft tissues, fat and skin in that area will droop down without its previous support; drooping down to your nasolabial folds and accentuating them.
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Do you know anything about sagging from only pushing in the zygomatic arch?

I know I will need a macs lift later, I need it even now imo, so I am prepared for the incoming sagging(hopefully)..

But yeah, I only need my arch to be pushed in, not a zygoma body reduction, so I was hoping to get away with little to no sagging
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Thank you. I have a plump face though my body is ok, but I am looking for quite a big reduction for a "dolly" look (I can't find many clinics that do that instead of a natural look besides TL Plastic surgery?), so I'm worried that there might be a very large sag. I was going to get my zygoma, jaw and chin reduced.

Is it possible to ask the doctor to cut the excess skin away as well? I thought they did that :nogood:
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Cutting away excess skin would fall into the facelift category. Some doctors will agree to perform some sort of lift during your facial contouring surgery but unless you're already showing signs of sagging, I think it's best to wait at least a year after all the residual swelling has gone down from your fc before deciding to do a lift. That way you'll see how your soft tissues and skin settles on your face first and how bad the sagging is. Then you'll be able to decide what type of lift you want to do based on which part of the face is sagging and how bad the sagging is. You might feel like you don't even need a lift. And if you're still young (under 35-40), it might be better to try other methods to help with the sagging first since facelifts are quite invasive and will require a very skilled doc

Also, for some people, they had to get some form of chin / jaw lipo after fc. I suggest waiting at least 6 months after fc before deciding to do lipo if you feel like you need it. If you end up getting some form of lipo, you might end up sagging again which would suck if you got a lift at the same time as fc.
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Do you guys think there will be sagging or drooping after a forward advancement sliding genio? No bone reduction or anything, just purely moving it forward. I'm thinking about 5-6mm? I feel like it'll pull the skin tighter in the front since my chin is moving forward but I'm a little worried about getting a double chin on the underside of my chin :/ and the whole 'reattaching your muscle+tissue' is a huge uncertainty for me too
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Moving your chin forward would, for the most part, have the opposite effect since you're essentially adding to the underlying structure rather than removing from it. That being said, it's common for submental liposuction to be performed alongside chin implants to bring about more contoured results.
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Thank you, I am 23 so don't want facelifts for sure ^^ I am maybe only doing the zygoma, jaw and chin.. I have seen celebrity faces with too much PS! Not a good look for sure :lol:

Would being thinner before the surgery help so I have less fat on my face?
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I had the 2 jaw, Vline, zygoma and the works including a thread lift at ID hospital. I am devastated at the amount of sagging this has caused on my face. I've been spending the past two years spending an exorbitant amount of money to fix it. I am deeply depressed and things are not going well since I made this grave mistake. Beware!
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Hi, I saw your post on the other thread too and read your post on Real self. I am so sorry to hear about what happened at ID, I heard they are very bad :sad: Doctor swapping should be illegal!

I think the recent picture after the fat graft at Aone looks much better ^^ :heart:

I am definitely in two minds about 2 jaw surgery because it is so invasive. Thank you for your other post explaining the difference. I will probably just go with square jaw.
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Hi. Thanks for reading my story. As you know, all I really wanted, initially, was the 2 jaw surgery. I was talked into doing all the additional procedures. That is what makes me so mad; and the dishonesty of the doctor not warning me that most definitely, I will experience sagging. They know everybody will to varying extents. They just won't say so.

The reason bone contouring is not a popular procedure here in the US is not because they don't know how to do it or because they are behind in the times; it is because of the cosmetic complications of the skin after bone reduction. They know, they will have a lot of unhappy campers. The surgeons in Korea don't seem to care if patients are happy/unhappy after surgery. It seems that they are looking forward to your departure back to your home. They are known to go as aggressively as they please not concerned about the repercussions.

Regarding your jaw: I'm not saying that you should get the bone reduction surgery but if you feel that you absolutely have to; if I was you (knowing what I know now), I might go for a more subtle reduction. I know those pictures of cute little faces and those reviews with perfect results are enticing; but with what I know now, since I don't know how my skin will react and I certainly can't trust the surgeon to be completely honest with me, I would rather be safe than devastated. Just shave it down a little bit so that it's more acceptable to you. And for goodness sakes, don't let anyone talk you into tacking on other procedures! I got completely sucked in and got so many unnecessary things that I didn't need. I've been spending the past two years just trying repairing those mistakes, as well as, my drooping face.
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Hey butterfly, I read your story and I felt so sad :sad:Sad and scared at the same time since I also want to get facial contouring surgeries..

So could you tell us more about your lifting procedure?
Was it a smas or macs?
Where did you have it done, Aone?
Did the doctor say how much it would last?(approximately).
How long did it take you to heal?
Did you have any side effects from it? Nerve damage etc
How much did you pay?
How was your communication with the doctor? His manners etc? Was he informative?

I hope that you will evetually find a solution. I know that you will! But please don't lose your courage and will to live. I am saying this cause I have been through a similar situation, and even though my case was definately not as severe as yours, I felt really depressed and isolated myself. So know you are not alone..
That's all, I hope I didn't wear you off, I would really appreciate it if you could answer :smile:
Wishing you the best:smile:
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Yw ^^ I will watch out for doctors that say there is no sagging b/c I am going to lots of consultations.

I didn't know that I thought the surgery was just less popular in US. I am actually from Europe, and there is a famous doctor in Belgium who does jaw reduction I think (Bart van der Ven), but someone on here said he did a bad job so I am not going to him. Korean doctors can get away with everything it sounds.

Does age make a difference to sagging? I am 23 but I don't want that later either.

Thanks. I know for sure I just want zygoma jaw and chin done and I am not going to pressured into anything else. Do I should know exactly what procedures I need in medical words though? (mandibular resection etc.) IIRC some doctors do different procedures as part of V line or whatever
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