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my primary plastic surgery eyes and nose experience in Korea!

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Hi guys!

Just wanna share my primary plastic surgery experience here with you guys since I got so much help from here initially and then the kakao group chat. Please pardon my lengthy post and I will break it down into a few parts. Before going to korea research and planning, consultation, operations and recovery.

I've been contemplating surgery on my eyes and nose more than 5 years ago and have consulted in both bangkok and Singapore before finally deciding to fly to Seoul for consult and to do it there.

Before flying to Seoul:
My advice to you guys is to do as much research as possible before you fly and best of you can find find a buddy to take care of each other and to have company when you recover. Cause trust me the first 2 days you will feel like crap and feel home sick.

1. Research the kind of eyes that you want; tapered, parallel, or in out fold, if you want Epicanthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty as well as lower canthoplasty. Keep a few photos of the eyes that you like and show it to the surgeon. Bear in mind that you won't get the exact same result but at least the surgeon roughly know what kind of crease you want. As for nose, know if you wanna do bridge augmentation, tip plasty and alar plasty. Anyway the doctor will advise accordingly during consult what procedures you need.
2. Shortlist a few clinics based on reviews and which clinic do you like for their before and after. Whether you want something natural or dolly eyes or dramatic.
3. Kakao with the consultant of the clinic and get a rough price and book for consult so that the clinic can get really the revelation translator (if they have) that you will need. Most of the the clinics have in house Chinese translator but not really English so double check with the clinic and see if you have to arrange your translator if you can't speak Chinese. A general consensus among the kakao group is that if you speak Chinese they will generally quote you higher as compared to speaking English.
4. Arrange your consultation based on location of the clinics. Have at least 2 hours in between each consult as you might have to wait. Don't be like me just make consultation without checking location and have to travel between sinsa, apgujeong, gangnam alot of times in a day. Train is not that cheap and you waste a lot of time commuting.
5. Choose your accomodation. Try to choose a location near by the clinics that you want to visit. So sinsa, apgujeong and gangnam would be a good place to stay as alot of clinics are there.

I will update update my consultation experience and also my operations later!
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Part 2: Consultations

My main concern is my tiny droopy monolid eyes and also non existent bridge for nose, thick skin on my tip and bulbous nose, wide alar. All of the doctors I visited mentioned my nose is a difficult job and there won't be dramatic difference due to the thick skin.

There is still alot of clinics out there in seoul so do your thorough research!
So consultation starts as soon as I touch down. I miss a clinic in the morning as we got held up in the airport and decided to give the clinic a miss as it wasn't our top choice.

List of clinics I was interested in:
1. Jayjun (my choice in the end I will write write a separate post for my experience there)
2. JW due to alot of advertisement in the beginning but quickly crossed them out as they quote me about 13K SGD for both eyes and nose which is way too expensive. And anyway the results doesn't look that amazing to me after more research.
3. Topface: consultant wasn't too friendly and only Chinese consultant was available. During consultation doctor did not use his hands to touch my nose at all only use Q tip to pull it up to see the shape. Which makes me wonder if he can feel that I have thick skin at my tip area. However they seem to be good in dolly eyes based on before and after pictures and too pointy sharp nose.
4. Secret: they did not recommend parallel lids that I want and insist on doing tapered lids for me which i really don't like. Anyway they quote me a whooping 5mil plus krw just for eyes! Ridiculous!! They reject doing my nose and advise me to find a nose specialist.
5. Trend for nose: they are popular in my kakao chat. And they have reviews on PF so in shall not elaborate more. Just that Dr wanted to use my own rib cartilage and quote me 6.4 mil krw just for my nose. Too expensive and over my budget for just nose!
6. Baum: they were supposedly the lowest quote I got on kakao but ended up being expensive. I didn't really like the consultant there. Looks fierce. My friend did her revision double eyelid incision there though as she was in a rush and didn't consult much clinic. I didn't really have the "feel" with the doctor nor the place.
7. Cocoline for nose: one of my friend recommended cocoline for nose. The doctor is really nice and patient and he can speak basic English so there was no need for translator. I did not choose him in the end was because he is an ENT and not a plastic surgeon. But some people in the group prefer ENT to plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty.

Some others that I shortlisted but did not visit in the end are MVP, Cheongdam U, JYP.
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Thank you Lpl for posting all these, it helps a lot:smile: Plus I wanted to know more about Jayjun as well!!

I also have a bulbous nose with wide alars, so I am really interested to see how your experince was..Do you think you could add me to your kakao research group? If I am not asking too much hehe
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Part 3: my journey with Jayjun

I am 7 days post Op now and is still in the midst of deswelling! I'm loving my new look more every single day :heart:

How I got to know jayjun was through the kakao group chat. They were sharing before and after pictures and jayjun can do the kind of eyes that I like! The only concern i got was that no one in the group had done their surgeries there before and I'm the first one. But honestly I'm glad I chose them!

Jayjun is at yeoksam station, 1 stop after gangnam station and at exit 7. Walk straight for about 300 u will see jayjun cosmetics and medics building and the next building is their plastic surgery building. I'm really amazed at the size of the hospital! I find it really cozy. Not too small nor too big like BK etc which can feel like a "factory"
They have an in house English translator and she spoke the best English among all the clinics I visit! So that's a very good plus point! We can communicate fluently in English so I can fully understand what the doctor and consultant said. I seen the consultant and then the doctor. The consultant is really friendly and nice as well and not at all impatient compared to the other clinics. I then met with the doctors! Yes doctors cause I have 2 different surgeons each for my eyes and nose. So I feel like they are really specialised in that area! Dr Shin for eyes and and Dr Kim for nose. They are knowledgeable and was able to answer all my questions and you can feel they wasn't rushing you or anything and take time to explain to you which is really a plus point!

Dr Shin recommended me in out fold and not parallel as my eyes are droopy and parallel lids will look too unnatural. The width of my eyes is really short as well so he recommended epi and also lateral canthoplasty but not lowering canthoplasty as it will cause my eyes to look more droopy. I was also using alot of my forehead muscle to open my eyes and eyes always look sleepy so he also suggested ptosis to correct the muscle. He was really confident that he can make my eyes much bigger! And he really did it!!!

Dr Kim was the doctor for my nose and I really like him!! He look so kind and nice :smile: the feel was really good! He suggested ear cartilage and donor rib cartilage for me and I quite like that as i find it might be stronger to support my nose and trend recommend rib cartilage as well just not donor. So I got a really good feel about it. He was so detailed about how he is gonna make my nose smaller and less upturned. I also have serious piggy nose! Although no pictures taken and no computer etc like trend but you can feel that he is experienced and know what he is doing. I like that he is honest with me about my nose too as in I might not have a really small nose like model as I have naturally thick skin at my tip area and they can't do much about it. But oh well they turn out awesome! Definitely a huge improvement from my previous nose!

After consulting with the doctors is the consultant to talk the price and that is the part I dislike the most throughout all my consults in Korea but jayjun gave me a really good price among all the other clinics and I decided on the spot and pay the full amount even though they only ask for a deposit that was how certain I am with them. Haha! I was so sick of so much consulting and the high prices I got quoted everywhere.. LOL!

Tips for bargaining: bring cash, be assertive and do your research to know what is the rough market rate. If you are comfortable with sharing your before and after pictures some clinics can give you more discount as well..

Next post I will share my operations details and after care at jayjun!
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Thank you so much for taking the time to write this up! How did you find someone to go with? I'm going this summer and I really don't want to end up alone ://
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Thankyou for reply me and share to us..Now i am thinking of jayjun also...Hope you recovery soon...
Do you have kakao/Line? thanks for advance :smile:
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Thank you for writing such an indepth review! Was really helpful as I'm also planning to do DES and rhino :smile:

Also it seems that they do sedation instead of GA for rhino, would you mind sharing how your experience with that was? I'm a bit hesitant towards general anyways.
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Thank you for this review and all the informations.
I wish u like ur new face :smile: i will start doing research about Jayjun too coz til now i was considering only Cindrella and patingui.
May i ask for the kakao group chat as well ?
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Hmmm one of my friend told me her friend got quoted about 4m for just primary eyes epi and lateral at cinderella! Super expensive!
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