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my primary plastic surgery eyes and nose experience in Korea!

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Hi! Most clinic would do sedation for eyes and rhino if it's not complicated. Initially I thought I was under sedation as well.. until I left the clinic and the translator kakao me and say I will have to go in for checkup as doctor wants me under GA. personally I don't feel much difference between GA or sedation i can't tell the difference... haha

Anw, you might not need GA if yours is not a complicated case..
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Day of surgery!

I was ask to go in at 9am on Sat and to fast 8hrs before that as I was undergoing GA. The translator wasn't around though as it was a Saturday and I think is her off day but the other staffs are really nice. I have this lady (receptionist??) She can speak a little english and chinese with me throughout the surgery. She went through with me the post op care and medicine and i was given a cool gel bag for eyes and also 10packets of pumpkin juice! I was then escorted to level 2 where I change into surgical gowns that look like pyjamas and was given a locker to place my stuff. I was asked to wash my face and gargle my mouth. Then it was time to see the doctors for "designing" before the surgery. Dr shin English isn't that good but Dr kim English is good!! Nothing much that I wanted to ask Dr Shin before surgery. Just make sure you remind them of the kind of fold and crease that you want. Dr kim had a box of silicon implants with different height and shape which he will place on ur nose to let you see the height and if you like it. I ask for natural not too high of a bridge. Then they use a marker to draw on the face. And I also have my photos taken before the surgery.

After seeing the doctor at level 2 I moved to level 5 for the operating room. There were min 2. Operating room didn't look around much and can't remember exactly as I was quite nervous at this point. In the room there were a few nurses dressed appropriately for surgery with the gown. So I am assured of the hygiene control. I can see my photos pasted on the wall just beside the operating table I think is for the surgeon reference. The nurses then hook my on IV and strapped me down. At this point I started praying really hard! Haha! I got so scared like what if I can't wake up from GA or the surgery go wrong or anything.. haha.. prayers calm me down and then I was knocked out. I didn't feel the rush nor the high as some people in the forum described and it is quite disappointing. I just sleep! Then all of a sudden I heard somebody asking me to open my eyes. And I think it was the middle of my eye surgery when the doctor is checking. But it was really hard to open I feel so groggy and back to sleep again. I can't remember I walked to the recovery room or they push me there. I tried to keep myself awake after GA as I was told not to sleep for a few hours after GA as it's not good for your brain. But still I feel asleep and got woken up a few times by the nurse. I was only aware of the time when the lady staff who was accompanying me showed me the time and it was 8pm!!! I think I went into the surgery room at about 11am-12pm. I wasn't expecting 8pm! I guess my nose is a really complicated case. I leave the clinic at about 930pm and I'm the last one there. The lady helped me to get a cab and I managed to get back to my airbnb and bought some congee at a convenience store nearby to eat and then have my medicine.
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Thank you for replying.
This is what Cindrella quoted me in their email : "For nose surgery, we can do hump reduction and also augmentation. This will give you more feminine look and defined nose. Hump Reduction costs 1,500,000 KRW and augmentation costs 1,800,000 KRW

For chin surgery, we suggest that you do chin implant to have more defined chin and also a very feminine V-line. Price estimate for this is 3,000,000 KRW."

Their price is still less than what JW and BK quoted me, even Pitangui gave me the same quote but after i asked for discount on the original one.
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I realise that whatever quote I got on kakao when I visit in person it's always much more expensive =/ i suggest you to consult more clinics and get more opinions. At least 6 would be good 3 per day and consult for 2 days..
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Thank you very much for your advice. I've seen that somwhere. The price is always more once you are there.
But at least this 2 clinics they gave me a good quote and did not suggest anything else.
The other clinics i emailed : ID, jayjun, JW...they suggested other things that i don't really need, so i removed them straight from my list
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May I know the email of Jayjun? I can't seem to find it on their site. Many thanks!!
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Thank you so much for your posting. It is indeed a great help to us who are still so confused , like me.

May I know how much was the cost for your rhino (with donated cartilage)? I just wonder if donated cartilage is compatible with our own tissue?
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Thanks so much! I found their kakao instead and it's a much easier channel to communicate with them there.
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Hi Thank you so much for all the information you shared. Can I ask you what they quoted you at Jayjun for your eyes and also nose? Did you also consider Mega Plastic Surgery or Dream? How long were you in Korea to get these procedures done? I am being told that if I come to korea to have a consult, it may be too late to schedule a surgery the same week because they get very busy. I plan on going to korea in July. I still have a lot of research to do.
Also, did the clinics offer you a significant cheaper price in person as opposed to when you email or kakao them? I am getting very high prices over the internet.

whoever can answer these questions, thank you!
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i got quoted 3 million for both epi n lateral.. 4.3 million together with ptosis.. down from 5.5 million. which was original quote.
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I got high prices over the internet then once i came for in person consultation even JK was willing to go down a lot. Cinderella and also Wonjin went down quite a lot.. i think email doesn't sound serious so they up the price. don't get thrown off just because of email prices. In person, they are more accommodating or at least that is my experience.
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What was your bargaining tactic ??
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They quoted me 2.75m for eyes and 7.1m for nose initially. But the prices came down alot since I was willing to share my full before and after pictures. So I would definitely suggest you guys to consult in person to get a better quote. Kakao prices are never accurate. Secret quoted me 3.5m for eyes on kakao but when I consult in person they quote me over 5m! I did not consider Mega cause I did not heard of them. Dream I think I read on PF about swapping of doctors so I'm not so sure about them and did not consult. I feel it is better to bargain in person.
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You can kakao jayjun using this I'D 제이준성형외과. they speak good english.
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