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My experience for jaw reduction and lateral

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I am very sure that the chinese consultant was assigned to me and she didn't want to bother about me and serve other customers. So try not to think that the whole of TL is like that. Right after the surgery I kinda felt like fainting and sleeping(nauseous) it lasted for like 15 minutes or so. But 1 chinese consultant asked me to stay awake(No pain). And when i was discharged I felt really bad because i was drooling lots of saliva(with blood) as I couldn't close my mouth and drink water properly. Therefore I couldn't take any medication for the pain(thought i was gonna die) and i couldn't reach my consultant melissa because she was in japan and her phone was not roaming. so i sent quite a few messages to her(now I feel like a little b1tch). So anyways come the next day I went to TL and they remove 1 layer of bandage for me and i went back. Felt much better and was able to drink water and eat the medications so I am getting alot better day after day. My facial contouring surgeon was Dr Choi.

And yes, Melissa is my consultant and she is really sweet and pretty(wish i had a girlfriend like her). I like her alot. Though at first I thought she was ignoring me but turns out i'm wrong. And she also asked me on kakaotalk if i was ok and taught me how to eat the medicines. So if you were to undergo the same procedure and unable to eat the medicine, melt the meds in water and drink it down(that's what melissa taught me). But really i was able to eat the medicine on it's own without trouble. :smile: I hope it helps
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7.77mil KWR for these 3 surgeries are really very cheap! Even with discounts, I didn't manage to get this kind of pricing. But yeah... TL is quite known for their poor aftercare ... While going through the forum, I've read some reviews on that.
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Hey valenrina! How's your results? Did you also do it at TL?
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Hey hey! ^^ I do like my side and 45 angle profile. The bridge is augmented nicely and the tip is cute. There's no f-up at all. Oh, very little swelling, very easy recovery, my nose ain't even that stuffed.

But ... there's always a but ... I was being too conservative and didn't opt for alar reduction. So my nose still look bulbous, not much difference from my original. It can be better but I'm satisfied for now. I don't want to end up with multiple corrections only to make things worse. If you're interested, you can see the pics in my blog (signature) or read the thread I started. Cheers!
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Thank you for answering! I am sorry for your experience with the consultants..Please take care

If you don't mind, may I ask you some more questions?:smile:

1.Did you have 3d or quick zygoma?
2.Where are the stiches? On the scalp or by the ear and intraoral?
3.For the T-osteotomy, did they use titanium or dissolvable screws? Do they have dissolvable screws?
4.Are you Asian or Caucasian? How old? If you don't want to say speciafically tell me if your are under 24 or above :smile:
5.Did the doctor play down the side effects or was he informative and patient? Did he tell you everything you need to know? And which doctor was he btw?
6.Where there many Koreans in the lobby? Did you see patients recovering from facial contouring surgeries? How many surgeries do they do per day?

That's all haha, hope you didn't get bored:P Please take care !!
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Hey I am happy to answer you as I'm pretty bored at the hotel. ok I will answer your questions in point form too :smile:
1)Not really sure but doctor told me he will reduce the zygoma and the body of the cheek. I will check with him tomorrow and get back to you:smile:. But I don't think it's quick zygoma reduction though since it also touches on the body of the cheekbone arch. Not sure.. Will get back to you nonetheless.
2)It's by the ear and intraoral because i did cheek, jaw and T osteotomy.
3)The consultant told me they would be using titanium screws. Not sure if they have dissolvable screws.
4)I am asian/male/19 years old (Turning 20 in 3 days time. SAD that there would be no one to celebrate my birthday with:sad:)
5)He didn't tell me the side effects but I think I've read about sagging so I would check with him tomorrow as well and let you know what he said:smile: It was Doctor Choi :smile:
6)There were lots of mixed customers in the lobby If I were to put it into ratio(10)
Chinese : English(english speaking asians) : Koreans
2 : 2 : 6
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I have seen your pictures it looks good:smile: Glad you like the results
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Ugh I hate feeling nauseous, but I really want to fix my chin haha. :biggrin: TLPS is at the top of my list so thanks for telling me about your experiences since there aren't too many reviews on TLPS and it really helps with my research. :smile:
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Thank you thank you!! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Also, happy birthday :party::party::party:(even though it's 3 days earlier!)

Do you have kakao? If you do, may I add you?

Also, it would really mean a lot if you could keep us up with your recovery as many people here want to get facial contouring surgeries. Again thaaanks! :smile:
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Don't worry about it as it only lasts for 15minutes. I will keep you updated on my results. I will be visiting them tomorrow(1 week post op) I will be able to look at my CT scan and will take a picture of it. If it's good I will share it with you:smile:
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Hey thanks! And thanks again for the birthday wish! You are the first one wishing me happy birthday(Unofficially though). Yes I do have kakaotalk. You can give me your ID and i will add you:smile:. Yes I would keep posting about my recovery either good or bad. If it's good, I hope many people can get what you want and if it's bad I will make sure to give details so that no one will be like me:smile: Also I would recommend you guys to do your own research because surgery is not like an hair cut, you have to take time off, spend lots of money and etc so do not be stingy/uneducated on surgery. I believe all of us want the best results so do your research and don't solely depend on my experiences and etc. I've learnt my lesson the hard way for my eyes and nose. It turned out bad and I'm getting revision on that. SEE. at least 1.5x more than my primary surgery as it's revision and another round of pain and recovering from the surgery. DO YOUR RESEARCH GUYS! Take my posts as 1 of the hundreds of research you are doing:smile:
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I will send you a pm for the kakao :smile:

Yes, we will do our research don't worry. But the people who get surgeries and come back here to update us, I really appreciate them! Their reviews, good or bad, true or false, help us with our research.
So, again, thanks!

Ooh, I forgot to ask! Where did you find that offer for facial contouring? On babitalk, soyoung or somewhere else? That is a good price you got!
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Yes I am thankful for those people who update us. Helps with my research as well. It is on their website :smile: just google TL plastic surgery and then get to their page and you can see it:smile:
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Sorry I have to add something. After the 15 minutes of feeling like fainting/sleeping, I felt like vomitting a few times, probably about 3 times or so.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello! everyone lol..
I'd done my surgery 1 weeks before!! :biggrin:
Sorry everyone lol, I am kinda of lazy person and I totally forget to upload my review lol
I am ok but looks really funny :roflmfao: my face looks like balloon, huuuuge balloon lol
Anyway, keep going on my review haha

- Such a nice facility and consultant
- Good doctor during consultation

- Never reply from email consultation :storm:
- Too high quotation (vline surgery, they called around 10M,,what the..?)

5. DA -
- Doctor is good.. yep that's it

- Push me to get surgery in their clinic with huge discount,, so weird?
- Quotation was different with email consultation..?why??
- They seems like prefer 'Dolly' looking

After finish all of consultation, i visited again GIRIN and THE LINE for second consultation.
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