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almost one month for fc at the face dental

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Hey guys! I just came back to my country after face contouring at TFD..

My surgery date is on 18/Feb/2016, so it is my 25 days post op.

I did zygoma, chin and jaw, as well as buccal fat removal. The cost is resonable.

I like my result so far. It is really natural and Dr Lee can give me what I want.

But my face is very very fat now~~because of the swelling :nogood:

I hope my swelling can go down fast so I can meet my friends as soon as


For the staffs at TFD, they are ALL VERY NICE!!! especially the consultant and Dr Lee!

I like them SO MUCH! and of course, Dr Lee's skill is good enough to give me pretty face.

During the consultation, Dr lee is professional and patient . I asked so many questions but

he still explained to me very detail. After surgery, I also got many times to see him. He is

very caring and had been checked up my condition and wound few times before I left

Korea. If you have some questions about my surgery or fc in korea, you can ask me here.

I will check this forum when I am free. If you want to see my photos, I can only show you

in snapchat in case there is someone going to save my photos and send to others.
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Thank you for sharing your experience!! I also plan on visiting TFD and it's great to see positive reviews:biggrin:

May I ask you some questions then?

1. Did you have 3d or quick zygoma reduction? Does TFD even offer the quick method?
2. For jaw and chin, did you have the long curve or the t-osteotomy method?
3. Where are the incisions from all the procedures?
4. Did you consider using dissolvable screws? I know TFD offers them. If yes,could you give us some more information about them? (price, drawbacks etc)
5. Did the doctor inform you about any possible side effects? Sagging etc..Was he honest?
6. Did they have an english consultant or you spoke in Chinese? Is dr Lee fluent in english?
7. Did you ask for a natural result or is this the style of dr Lee?
8. Do you know if they offer free revision in case of dissatisfaction or poor results?
9. This is kinda personal, but could you share if you are caucasian or asian and how old? I am asking this for the chances of sagging..
10. How many surgeries does he perform per day?

Sorry for the many questions, it's just that TFD is on my list and I would like to gather as much information about them as possible!
Again, thanks:smile:
Wishing you a speedy recovery and beautiful results!
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Hallo aaaabbb11.thank you for sharing :smile: May i know:
1.how much is the price for your plastic surgery?is it inclusive deswelling treatment and medicine?
2.is your stitches remove in 14 days after the surgery?can it be faster?
3.for how long you cannot chew?what meals do you eat now?
4.do you consume pumpkin juice to reduce swelling?
5.how many percen is you swelling now?have you see the CT scann?do like the result?

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1. Did you have 3d or quick zygoma reduction? Does TFD even offer the quick method?
i had 3D zygoma reduction. I dont think TFD have the quick method and many clinics dont recommend this method. After you have done more research, you may found out that the quick method isnt as safe as the normal method which is using screws to fix the bones. Also , normal method causes less chance of sagging.

2. For jaw and chin, did you have the long curve or the t-osteotomy method?
I did t-osteotomy and Sliding G. You can see my X ray.

3. Where are the incisions from all the procedures?
inside the mouths and two sides near the ear.

4. Did you consider using dissolvable screws? I know TFD offers them. If yes,could you give us some more information about them? (price, drawbacks etc)
I didnt consider dissolvable screws. and Dr lee also didnt recommend this to me as he said the normal screws are safe for me.

5. Did the doctor inform you about any possible side effects? Sagging etc..Was he honest?
Dr Lee is very very honest, he pointed out all side effects to me including sagging and losing nerves feeling in chin for short period. He said sagging is the most common said effect to all people who do fc. But after surgery ,when I went to TFD for check up, he told me my skin is really tight and elastic( I can also feel that ^^), so he said that i dont need to worry of sagging. I am happy to hear that. The consultant is also very honest, she told me all side effects again as well, and told me that i wont look very pretty even after surgery, i was sad to what she said , but still i choose TFD and turn out good .I think i look much better than before. My face was uneven before, Now i am improved and more balanced. I didnt make a wrong choice.

6. Did they have an english consultant or you spoke in Chinese? Is dr Lee fluent in english?
they have both english and Chinese consultant. DR Lee can speak english as well. When the consultant wasnt here( and always not here V_V.. ), I used English to communicate with him.

7. Did you ask for a natural result or is this the style of dr Lee?
I asked for natural result. Communication is the most important part.

8. Do you know if they offer free revision in case of dissatisfaction or poor results?
Yes free revision(maybe need to pay for some basic operation fees). and 1m won for taking out screws after 6 months if you want.

9. This is kinda personal, but could you share if you are caucasian or asian and how old? I am asking this for the chances of sagging..
asian middle 20

10. How many surgeries does he perform per day?
I dont know haha :P but I have asked the chinese translators, she said that Dr lee performs 3 to 4 double jaws surgery per weeks . I think including fc, around 2 surgeries per day ?!!

Good luck for you!
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1.how much is the price for your plastic surgery?is it inclusive deswelling treatment and medicine?
7m won ..including deswelling treatment and they helped me washing teeth one time for free.
body check before operation is also free.
Medicine is not included in the prices. In korea , Pharmacy and clinics are separated.

2.is your stitches remove in 14 days after the surgery?can it be faster?
14 days. I dont know but i dont recommend. Wound is not healing within 14 days. Because i still have bleeding in my mouth 12 days post op. Dr lee said my wound isnt healing very well due to my bad body health.

3.for how long you cannot chew?what meals do you eat now?
i still cant chew. :sad:( i eat soft food. and my mouth still cant open wide.

4.do you consume pumpkin juice to reduce swelling?
not at all as i dont think it really helps haha

5.how many percen is you swelling now?have you see the CT scann?do like the result?
swelling is 50% now~~ today is 27 days post op . So far i like the result.
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You're almost 1 month post op, congratulations.

Do you think your face has gotten longer after vline (t osteotomy), zygoma reduction? I think mine has gotten longer but, in a good way.
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still long way to totally recover :S
Yes my face looks longer now but in a good way too
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Double jaw will make the face look longer. You will need vline and ask to cut the chin so the face doesn't look long. Making the zygoma smaller will make the face skinnier so that the overall face will become long if that makes sense to you.
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Thank you so much for answering :woot:

About the quick zygoma, there are several methods, I know it's more dangerous if it's done without screws and fixation, for many reasons, but if the bones are secured I don't think the dangers are that many..Plus I prefer a scalp incision rather than the intraoral and ear one.

Again thank for all the help! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Please keep us updated:biggrin:
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hmm..depends where your problem lies. If you have a long face due to a misaligned bite like an underbite, getting your chin cut can make your face shorter but the underlying problem will still be there. If your bite is really bad, there might be so much the dr can cut because of the nerves under your chin and along the jaw so the outcome might not be as dramatic. If your jaw protrudes forward a lot from your bite, 2jaw might be the best option...
A lot of people combine 2jaw with other jaw or chin reductions to achieve their desired look.

As for just fc, theres a lot of different methods..
Like if you have a long face due to a protruded chin, then one method is this

A common method is the T-cut
The first pic cuts horizontally to reduce the length and the 2nd pic cuts vertically to reduce width. If your problem is both of these, they'll combine both.

Depending on how your nerves run along your chin and what look you want to achieve and your problem area, the dr might recommend different methods like the M, W, Y or ㅅ osteo. Not all can significantly reduce the chin length tho.. I'm sure there's even more methods than those so research thoroughly and consult with different drs to see what they recommend for your case
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I only consult unique and TFD as I wanted it done as soon as possible so I just shortlisted two clinics to consult.

For unique, the consultation was not comfortable and the doc is really rush. he just told me that my zygoma, chin and jaw have to do ,Thats all . But the chinese consultant is really patient and friendly. After the Doc left ( actulally he just talked to me no more than 5 mins@@), consultant explained and talked to me almost one hour. But I think what Doc said is most important, only the consultant knows my desire is not enough, I want my Doc to communicate with me instead. Also, that consultant always said they do lots of idols haha:biggrin:
I like her personally she is funny and friendly.

I chose TFD as i think it is a safe clinic and I have a friend who did 2 Jaws there, he gave me confidence. and I feel comfortable while consulting with TFD.

Just choose the doc you r comfortable with.
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Thanks for your detailed reply :smile:
For my zygoma, I pushed in and backward 5mm each.
For my chin, I got T-osteo (5mm) and Sliding G (5mm).
For Jaw , I dont know its long cut or not.
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No worries:smile: and thanks ..
yea just choose the method you like after you have done enough research !
and try to consult different docs for diff opinion.
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