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My nose revision at April 31

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Hi guys,
So i've just come back from Seoul.
I'm sorry for not being able to catch up with you guys in Seoul. I had my operation just one day after my arrival so my Schedule was tight :sad:
Now I'm coming back just to give you guys some quick news about my operation. If you ever followed my threads, you'd probably know that this was my second time in Seoul for plastic surgery.
The first time dated back to september 2014, where I had my first nose revision at April 31 with doctor Kim. To be honest I wasn't really satisfied with the result. Actually the silicon implant was placed too high at the radix (part of the nose between our eyebrows), but too low on the bridge, which gave my nose a curvy look from 45 degrees view. I was sooo sad and desperated after this revision, because my nose looked really weird. I think that the fault was also mine, since right before the operation I told doctor Kim that I wanted a high radix . His fault was that he didn't make it look balanced with the bridge though. I hesistated about going through one more revision (that was my 3rd rhinoplasty), but I couldn't live with that nose. Some people even asked me what happened to my nose, why my radix looked so swollen all the time :sad:(.
During this desperated period, thanks God that Brian never left me alone. We've talked alot on Kakaotalk, he always tried to reassure me from the beginning to the end of the process. We hoped that my nose would get better when the swelling went down. Unfortunately it didn't happen. I waited for one year tp be able to see THE FINAL RESULT, which didn't please me at all, then decided to discuss with Brian about the revision. Despite a really tight work Schedule (you know how hard Koreans work, right? lol), Brian arranged a revision for me, which was TOTALLY FREE. If you guys ever had plastic surgery in Seoul, you would probably know that it is not the case for all clinics. Some clinics might try to dissuade you or try to make you pay for 50% for the revision even if it's a doctor's "technical fault".
Thanks God that it didn't happen that way with April 31. Brian, as Professional and understanding as he is, knew absolutely how to deal with sad patients like me lol. He didn't hesistate to talk with his managers, and I've waited for a long time to have their answer but it's totally worth it!
So, I came back to Seoul in March 2016 for the revision. Everyone was really kind to me, even they knew that I have benefited from a free revision. Brian was always there for me, he took me to see the consultant then doctor Kim. I was unhappy with the first operation done by doctor Kim, but I can never hate him. He was so kind and funny, he told me immediately what he would do to fix my nose. He doesn't even care about the fact that I'm having a free revision. To him, i'm just a patient like anyone else.
I was so anxious before the operation. You know once we have a bad experience, we become more anxious. Both doctor Kim and Brian convinced me that the revision rhinoplasty wans't that risky and he'll make it right this time.
It was really reassuring to me to have Brian as a friend, since I travelled alone and I don't know anyone in Korea. He made things go smoothly, and was there for me during consultation, operation and post op cares since I only speak english. And the nurses in April 31, how kind they are! Despite my fear, I felt so comfortable when they took care of my nose lol.

So now it's been 2 weeks and a half since my operation. The swelling is going down from day to day. I have to wait for at least one month before telling you if I'm happy with the final result, but I already can tell that my nose looks much better now :smile:.

I'm not doing any advertisement for any clinic. I'm just telling you about my experience to encourage anyone who is going through rhinoplasty revisions. Don't loose hope, if you choose a talented doctor, he can fix things for you! April 31 may be a little more expensive than other clinics, but doctor Kim's talent and the kindness, the professionalism of Brian and the nurses there make it really worth the price :smile:
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Hi guys,
So i've just come back from Seoul.
I'm sorry for not being able to catch up with you guys in Seoul. I had my operation just one day after my arrival so my Schedule was tight :sad:
Now I'm coming back just to give you guys some quick news about my operation. If you ever followed my threads, you'd probably know that this was my second time in Seoul for plastic surgery.
The first time dated back to september 2014, where I had my first nose revision at April 31 with doctor Kim. To be honest I wasn't really satisfied with the result. Actually the silicon implant was placed too high at the radix (part of the nose between our eyebrows), but too low on the bridge, which gave my nose a curvy look from 45 degrees view. I was sooo sad and desperated after this revision, because my nose looked really weird. I think that the fault was also mine, since right before the operation I told doctor Kim that I wanted a high radix . His fault was that he didn't make it look balanced with the bridge though. I hesistated about going through one more revision (that was my 3rd rhinoplasty), but I couldn't live with that nose. Some people even asked me what happened to my nose, why my radix looked so swollen all the time :sad:(.
During this desperated period, thanks God that Brian never left me alone. We've talked alot on Kakaotalk, he always tried to reassure me from the beginning to the end of the process. We hoped that my nose would get better when the swelling went down. Unfortunately it didn't happen. I waited for one year tp be able to see THE FINAL RESULT, which didn't please me at all, then decided to discuss with Brian about the revision. Despite a really tight work Schedule (you know how hard Koreans work, right? lol), Brian arranged a revision for me, which was TOTALLY FREE. If you guys ever had plastic surgery in Seoul, you would probably know that it is not the case for all clinics. Some clinics might try to dissuade you or try to make you pay for 50% for the revision even if it's a doctor's "technical fault".
Thanks God that it didn't happen that way with April 31. Brian, as Professional and understanding as he is, knew absolutely how to deal with sad patients like me lol. He didn't hesistate to talk with his managers, and I've waited for a long time to have their answer but it's totally worth it!
So, I came back to Seoul in March 2016 for the revision. Everyone was really kind to me, even they knew that I have benefited from a free revision. Brian was always there for me, he took me to see the consultant then doctor Kim. I was unhappy with the first operation done by doctor Kim, but I can never hate him. He was so kind and funny, he told me immediately what he would do to fix my nose. He doesn't even care about the fact that I'm having a free revision. To him, i'm just a patient like anyone else.
I was so anxious before the operation. You know once we have a bad experience, we become more anxious. Both doctor Kim and Brian convinced me that the revision rhinoplasty wans't that risky and he'll make it right this time.
It was really reassuring to me to have Brian as a friend, since I travelled alone and I don't know anyone in Korea. He made things go smoothly, and was there for me during consultation, operation and post op cares since I only speak english. And the nurses in April 31, how kind they are! Despite my fear, I felt so comfortable when they took care of my nose lol.

So now it's been 2 weeks and a half since my operation. The swelling is going down from day to day. I have to wait for at least one month before telling you if I'm happy with the final result, but I already can tell that my nose looks much better now :smile:.

I'm not doing any advertisement for any clinic. I'm just telling you about my experience to encourage anyone who is going through rhinoplasty revisions. Don't loose hope, if you choose a talented doctor, he can fix things for you! April 31 may be a little more expensive than other clinics, but doctor Kim's talent and the kindness, the professionalism of Brian and the nurses there make it really worth the price :smile:

PS: don't ask for my B/A pictures, I will never ever do the same mistake. I posted some B/A pictures of me and my friend last year, then a Purseforum member showed our pictures on her cell phone during her consultations with some clinics in Seoul, even I already asked everyone not to use our pictures when I posted them. Then a consultant of one of those clinics know my friend, 'cause the clinic was recommended to my friend by her business Partner. Thanks to that forum member, this consultant found out that my friend decided to get her surgeries done in another clinic, so she told my friend that she felt betrayed. My friend was so mad at me, she didn't talk to me for a long time. So now, I will never post my pictures again. Sometimes all we wanted was to help people, but people won't treat you the right way :smile:
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Hi guys,
So i've just come back from Seoul.
I'm sorry for not being able to catch up with you guys in Seoul. I had my operation just one day after my arrival so my Schedule was tight :sad:
Now I'm coming back just to give you guys some quick news about my operation. If you ever followed my threads, you'd probably know that this was my second time in Seoul for plastic surgery.
The first time dated back to september 2014, where I had my first nose revision at April 31 with doctor Kim. To be honest I wasn't really satisfied with the result. Actually the silicon implant was placed too high at the radix (part of the nose between our eyebrows), but too low on the bridge, which gave my nose a curvy look from 45 degrees view. I was sooo sad and desperated after this revision, because my nose looked really weird. I think that the fault was also mine, since right before the operation I told doctor Kim that I wanted a high radix . His fault was that he didn't make it look balanced with the bridge though. I hesistated about going through one more revision (that was my 3rd rhinoplasty), but I couldn't live with that nose. Some people even asked me what happened to my nose, why my radix looked so swollen all the time :sad:(.
During this desperated period, thanks God that Brian never left me alone. We've talked alot on Kakaotalk, he always tried to reassure me from the beginning to the end of the process. We hoped that my nose would get better when the swelling went down. Unfortunately it didn't happen. I waited for one year tp be able to see THE FINAL RESULT, which didn't please me at all, then decided to discuss with Brian about the revision. Despite a really tight work Schedule (you know how hard Koreans work, right? lol), Brian arranged a revision for me, which was TOTALLY FREE. If you guys ever had plastic surgery in Seoul, you would probably know that it is not the case for all clinics. Some clinics might try to dissuade you or try to make you pay for 50% for the revision even if it's a doctor's "technical fault".
Thanks God that it didn't happen that way with April 31. Brian, as Professional and understanding as he is, knew absolutely how to deal with sad patients like me lol. He didn't hesistate to talk with his managers, and I've waited for a long time to have their answer but it's totally worth it!
So, I came back to Seoul in March 2016 for the revision. Everyone was really kind to me, even they knew that I have benefited from a free revision. Brian was always there for me, he took me to see the consultant then doctor Kim. I was unhappy with the first operation done by doctor Kim, but I can never hate him. He was so kind and funny, he told me immediately what he would do to fix my nose. He doesn't even care about the fact that I'm having a free revision. To him, i'm just a patient like anyone else.
I was so anxious before the operation. You know once we have a bad experience, we become more anxious. Both doctor Kim and Brian convinced me that the revision rhinoplasty wans't that risky and he'll make it right this time.
It was really reassuring to me to have Brian as a friend, since I travelled alone and I don't know anyone in Korea. He made things go smoothly, and was there for me during consultation, operation and post op cares since I only speak english. And the nurses in April 31, how kind they are! Despite my fear, I felt so comfortable when they took care of my nose lol.

So now it's been 2 weeks and a half since my operation. The swelling is going down from day to day. I have to wait for at least one month before telling you if I'm happy with the final result, but I already can tell that my nose looks much better now :smile:.

I'm not doing any advertisement for any clinic. I'm just telling you about my experience to encourage anyone who is going through rhinoplasty revisions. Don't loose hope, if you choose a talented doctor, he can fix things for you! April 31 may be a little more expensive than other clinics, but doctor Kim's talent and the kindness, the professionalism of Brian and the nurses there make it really worth the price :smile:
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Hey thank you, i'm still in my Healing process. I don't really know what happened to my thread, I only posted once lol
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  • 3 weeks later...
It’s good to hear that you are happy with your revision. But to be frank after hearing your story I’m bit afraid to undergo my primary rhinoplasty surgery. I have been scheduled for the surgery on 4th May from Dr. Philip Solomon’s clinic in Toronto, Canada. This is the first time I’m going under knife. I have been waiting for years to get it done but as the date is so near I’m really afraid. What if the surgery goes wrong? It was difficult for me to arrange the cost for this surgery itself. So I don’t know what will I do if this surgery become unsuccessful. Please do pray for me!!
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Oh no dr philip solomon in toronto no good did you read about his review , you should do alot of research before go to him , if me i will go to seoul for plastic surgey not in canada , surgeon no experience , good luck
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i had my 3rd rhinoplasty revision 10 days ago at Cinderella, this is my first time to use implant for the bridge. my nose looks heavily swollen now and i cant say anything about the result at this point.
Before surgery i showed a photo that i wanted my nose to look similar to the doctor. Lets hope is our last time as i am truly tired after 3 rhinoplasty.

Wish everyone a good luck
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  • 1 month later...
im planning to get the facial contouring surgery in korea been looking around for a plastic surgery clinic, i had a consultation at cinderalla a few days ago ...i dont know if the translator was new or not but she was terrible and i felt like they were trying to make me spend as much money as possible. i felt like they were using the kpop stars to sell their clinic...very uncomfortalbe.
one of my friend told me about DA plastic surgery, she told me this place is well known for the facial contouring so im going to check it out tomrw!
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it went prettty well, staf was friendly and the consultation was very thorough.
Im considering DA since my friend has been there and she likes her results! and the doctor seems really experienced made me feel comfortable to trust him haha but i have 1 more consultations to go to before i make up my mind :smile:
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