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Disfigured by new dental clinic

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Hello everyone.

I am sorry to hear about your misfortune.
But on all justice please hear me out. If you look up my threads i did a post with regards to TFD in which i have a successful surgery.

Instead of jumping in conclusions about a clinics Inability pls hear some of my stories. Since i have visited TFD i believe i have the rights to judge them.

I was in Korea for 2jaw from Oct2015-Dec2015. Until today i have literally zero side effects. But the point is not me. When i was there, there was another US(maryland) african american girl that did surgery with Dr lee. After 2Jaw, she looked at her xray and assume that the chin was not cut short enough for her liking. She demanded dr lee to proceed another surgery to further cut the chin, despite the fact she was only 2 weeks post 2Jaw surgery. In the end, dr lee actually AGREED to do it.

Even i have advised her NOT to do it, you cannot just judge from the Xray! She said she works as a nurse so she can judge it.

Despite many advise for her not to do it, and dr Lee even said please waitfor AT LEAST 3 months, but she insisted and Dr Lee very well agreed to her request. Hence, i dont think Dr lee is the sort that dont take responsibilities

Also, dr lee is certified by Korean Maxilofacial Association. If you ever visit the clinic u will see the Certifications hung proudly on the main desk!! Its not in his room, but at the RECEPTION!!! he is more than capable to operate double jaw surgery!

With regarda to the story about thw African american girl, after her 2nd surgery i did not hear any news from her. The last update was that she said she was disfigured and want to commit suicide.

Apart from all of these drama, i urge everyone to do your research properly and have thorough consultations with your doctor! With regards to Dr lee, he is definitely NOT irresponsible and NOT incapable!

With regards to you, Carnation, i believe you will never want dr Lee to touch you anymore. And i can only say i am sorry about this. I have PM you if u need any assistance i can try my best to help you.

P.s. Yall may assume i am promoter all you want, but as Carnation said, they r really v nice to me so this is the least i can do, standing up for this clinic.
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Guys... don't pick your clinic based on who offers the lowest price. ㅜㅜ This is your face we're talking about! I'm even suspicious of those LASIK/LASEK deals where you get a discount if you bring a friend. If there's one place in life where you spare no expense, I'd say surgery would be it!
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The issues with price has been justified lohg ago. Everyone wants to get LOCAL korean price. Some expensive quotes can also lead to disfiguration and deaths. Clinics like WonJin are examples that you pay MORE money and yet are not QUALIFIED.

*qualified means in the Korean Maxilofacial association*

EverM is qualified, ID hospital is qualified. But they charge you more simply because you are a tourist. Is that justifiable?! In the end are their results also better??? EVERM also have bad reviews and cases of disfigure!!!

All in all, be rational and do extensive research.

I am giving advice for someone who did 2jaw and a nosejob. I am post 6mths from surgery and i can say i am pleased with the results. If you are given a second chance in life, use it and stop complaining about being "ugly" when there is an opportunity for u now in this very age. Just do your research, consult properly and be RATIONAL.
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Wow, shame on whoever betrayed this post. I thought this was a site where I can share how I was feeling and give advice for fellow users. I only wanted to help but someone went to the doctor and showed them the post. I am pretty sure you can tell who it is because they are advocating very hard on here.

On another note, Thank you so much for the support and the messages. I really hope those of you with botched jobs or who are thinking of getting surgery have great results. I am done posting now because I really am unhappy that someone would share my thoughts with the clinic.
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I am sorry Carnation for what is happening to you, I hope with time everything will be resolved. What do you intend to do now? Does the doctor refuse to perform revision on you?:hrmm:

Could I contact you on kakao?
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Oh my.. It's already stressful to go through PS as a foreigner, and paying much higher prices and being discriminated as such. But when things get botched and we just want to share, some rat snitches on us ?

Man, I really hope that snitch will get permanently banned or something!
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You can find her kakao id on her previous post from clicking on her profile link. Which is when i realized that girl i was mentioning was literally her.

I can reply on her behalf, she is in seoul now doing revision, doctor is more than willig to do revision for you for FREE. If u read other post on tfd, they agree to do revisions for free if anythig goes wrong 6months after the surgery. Her case was so special, after 3 weeks can do another surgery, now she is back again. I have screenshots to back it up but i dont want to be so extreme.

At the end of the day, i understand that Carnation is the victim and she is "disfigured". I strongly believe pursrforum is NOT just a place to vent out anger, unconstructively. Carnation did not lie on her post, but she did not share the FULL STORY. You can say TFD is not meticulous or other excuse as to why she is botched, but you cannot judge them as UNQUALIFIED, IRRESPONSIBLE.

1) they are qualified maxilofacial surgeons in Korean Maxilofacial association

2) dr lee did revisionS for carnation.(i have evidential support)

When you read reviews, pls be mindful. With that said, you can be wary about my replies too, definitely. But my stand is that, this platform should not be just to simply VENT fustrations over botch surgeries.

If Carnation have the rigihts to post her grievances in the internet, she should be brave enough to face the truth and share the truth. In which, i happened to see this shocking post.

This clinic is so humanely polite and sincere, since i had a successful surgery, i just want to stand up for them. Whether u think i am a promoter or not, u can dont go to TFD, i just want to get this across to Carnation.

Also if u think i am a silly promoter, then LETS TAKE my individual thread "double surgery in seoul"(google yourself) in which i share everything on my experiences with TFD , as an promotion ad. ( i am not saying i am promoter, just hypothetically). Just that 1 post is good enough to "satisfy" tfd. Why would i even bother to reply and digging out facts to prove TFD's innocence here? Wakeup please

All the best
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You mean that african american girl you mentioned few posts before that wanted to reduce her chin more after 2jaw?
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I had revision as I already mentioned. Twice and it made it worse after the first time and the second time did not make any difference. I did not have revision double jaw because the doctor said he could not do it. I only had chin work. In the end nothing is fixed.
1. My lower gum and teeth show so I look like an elderly person
2. My upper teeth do not show at all
3. One side of my jaw is bigger than the other
4. My lips and teeth are misaligned

These things can only be fixed with double jaw revision which I did not have. The chin revision was to undo the genioplasty which was very bad and lopsided. The first revision was because it was too long and the second one was to just push it back altogether and reverse it. The revision fixed nothing.

Again do your own research. This is just my review and I don't appreciate that rat honeybooboo on my thread telling me I am not providing full information or airing my business. I am being nice by not providing full information.

I never even gave out the clinics name so I can protect them. But he did.

This is my last post. I tried to help but now you all make your own decision.
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I personally don't believe any full-paying customer of plastic surgery will 100% support and think of their clinic as perfect and go all out to speak out about them.

Even for myself having had a successful surgery, i also refrain from over promoting the clinic I went to. Because though they did a gd job for me, I can't be certain they will also go all out to help me should something bad happens. (Not that anything bad happened, of course)
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You already said, "personally". the world dont revolve around you. Just because you wont, doesnt mean the rest of the world think like you.

I am nor afraid to let yall know this drama happened to TFD. Rather than hiding and being dubious and suspicious. Since carnation shared the patient's point of view, I want to be frank from the clinic's point of view. Everyone in purseforum just giving at a patient's point of view, i think we should be fair to the clinic. Clinics that bother to go extra mile for you.

In the end of the day, i just want to advise anyone going through doublejaw surgery to be very patient with your results. I have personally advise Carnation(in real life when i was there in nov 2015) to wait for deswelling, in which she insist to proceed another surgery only 3 weeks after double jaw. (Which to be honest, which clinic would agree to this they would just tell you to go back home and wait for at least 3 months)

double jaw surgery is the most invasive plastic surgery, if you guys dont have the business to do it, pls dont do it. I have a slight maccolusion, low smile, square jaw so it benefited me alot. Just because you want a small face, this surgery may not be the surgery for u.

I advise all of you to visit other establishments like JUM oral surgery, EverM. I remember i advise Carnation to just consult what other thought about her case, in which she just wanted to go for TFD.
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When you say from the clinic's point of view you mean you work for/with them? Not trying to be rude though:P
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I completely agree! Not revealing the entire story and omitting portions that make you look less favourable, and the clinic rather accommodating is absolutely ridiculous. Two jaw results usually take a few months and even up to a year to completely stabilize and reveal its final form. Saying the clinic left you out in the cold, when you were offered free revision is rather ironic. Altering the story to make the clinic look as though they aren't actually qualified and haven't catered to your needs is stupid. The fact is TFD has been producing quality results for clients at excellent prices, a look at the Korean Naver forums will reveal legitimate 'transformation stories'.Doing revision double jaw surgery three weeks after, because YOU believe you're a 'nurse' and thus qualified to validate your own revision surgery is just SILLY.

Point is negative reviews are told from the perspective of a customer that may be slightly skewed. If you're going to post a review, please reveal the truth. Revision double jaw surgery after three weeks is a stupid decision to make and the doctor personally advised you against it, yet your whining resulted in him finally accepting his clients requests.

Be careful with your words because some of them were used in a way that were misleading. They did not leave you out in the cold, they accommodated your requests.They are in fact qualified and not just merely plastic surgeons buts rather maxillofacial surgeons. They DO know what they're doing as evident by many patients who were happy when they complied by the clinics advice and consultation, regarding the recovery process.

I don't know anyone at the face dental but I absolutely detest rude customers who feel that they can make sweeping generalizations.
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So silly. Just being compassionate towards the clinic and putting myself into their shoes. So if you put into Carnation's point of view, means you're workig for her?
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