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Clinic recommendations for Rhinoplasty and Facial contouring please!

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Hello everyone! This is my first thread :smile: I have been wanting to do rhinoplasty and facial contouring for about a year now and will be flying to Korea on June 22nd, 2016.

I haven't researched clinics as much as I would have liked too. Now with 6 weeks left before I fly to Korea with my mother, I'm panicking because I'm not sure what clinic I want to go. I am a 17 year old, Caucasian/Chinese female looking to do definite Rhinoplasty, and possible facial contouring, though I would rather do laser sculpting.

I was going to go to Banobagi and have surgery done on June 24th, 2016, but they want a $1,000 deposit, and I'm not sure if I even what to go there. Banobagi is the only clinic I have contacted and researched so far (though I'm trying to avoid Grand and I.D. Clinic)

This whole process has been extremely stressful. As I am not Korean and cannot speak the language, so I'm having a hard time getting in touch with clinics. I was going to use DocFinder, but I heard they inflate prices secretly. I went with my friend for her double eyelid surgery at Braun plastic surgery last year, but that is all the experience with plastic surgery that I've had.

My main question is, has anyone done rhinoplasty at a clinic that they would recommend? Are there any clinics and surgeons in Korea that specialize in rhinoplasty? I am in school most of the year, and cannot go back to Korea until summer 2017 if I choose not to undergo surgery this summer. I would prefer to do it this summer, I just need help asap.

Thank you so much!
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Hey there. There are a few clinics that 'specialise' in rhinoplasty or rather, have doctors who specialise in rhinoplasty. I'll just give you this list of English websites to begin with and hopefully that jump starts your research a bit more :smile:

JW: http://www.jwbeauty.net/eng/index.jsp - Dr. Suh is the rhino specialist and speaks highly proficient English, plenty of good reviews about people's experiences overall, including their results.

MVP: http://www.mvpps.com/main/main.asp -A lot of people have recently starting going here and have good reviews about their experiences and results. Apparently Ellen (the English consultant) is lovely.

April 31: http://april31.com/en/ - This clinic really is the rhino specialists. Search and you will find many good reviews about people's experiences. Caution: The prices for this place are apparently through the roof, it may be overkill going here if it's your primary (first) rhino.

ITEM: http://itemcliniceng.com - While there aren't too many reviews avaliable, the people who have gone have primarily done rhino and seem to be quite pleased. K-Cotoure's friends went there for their rhinos and there were no qualms there.

Good luck and keep researching!
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I have gone through the different forums, but I mostly see posts regarding facial contouring and people giving their opinion of a clinic they've been to. I hadn't seen a list of clinics or surgeons specifically for rhinoplasty, so that's why I asked. The info already here for facial contouring is very helpful though :smile:
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Hey, I used docfinder despite knowing about their inflation, mostly bc I'd prefer the convenience of being chauffeured to & from appointments & the airport.
I'm torn between Banobagi & JW at the moment.

I'm as new to this as you are :sad:
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Just because I cannot speak Korean, I feel like DocFinder is good because they contact multiple clinics for you so it's less stressful. I also like how they pick you up for post-surgery appointments. I'm just worried about a giant increase in price. I'm planning on sending them my photos today regardless.

I haven't really researched JW, though I have heard about it. I'll definitely check it out. I went with Banobagi because my Korean friends have talked about it, even though they have not had surgery there. I also saw all these bloggers get work done, and I was pleased with the results. I haven't seen too many reviews for Bano's rhinoplasty though, and from what I did hear, their noses turned out okay, but not amazing. That's why I want to know places specialize in Rhinoplasty.

I'm just panicking because I only have 6 weeks until I fly to Korea. If I can't decide on a place by then, I have to wait a whole year until I can go back.

Good luck with your research :smile: I know this process is stressful, but it will be so worth it in the end with beautiful results.
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But JW price are way too expensive..
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Hello Im elizabeth and im 18,
i am also planning for a rhinoplasty in June so I can relate well with you :smile:

Ive contacted several clinics and yes, choosing the right clinic for us is not an easy task cause there are around 900 clinics in korea!

so the clinics that ive contacted are:
1) HerShe Clinic in Cheongdamdong. ive visited the clinic itself and have a consultation in there. Its a really big clinic like they have their own bulding just for their clinic and salon. My mom's friend recommend this place she is really satisfied with her result however, she didnt do rhinoplasty in there so I was kind of scared if they are not specialised enough in it. Also, Hershe are really pricey they charge me 7000USD if i want to do rhinoplasty and alar rim reduction. But if youre interested you can contact them and ask more! I think theyre pretty well known and theyre really experienced though.

2) JW Clinic. this clinic is currently on my top list. i might do my surgery in there. The one who answer my email is really friendly, they respond me really fast and provide a very detail information regarding to my concerns. I see JW have lots of good reviews and the before after pictures are also pretty. just check their website and instagram! and they said the surgery will be around 5000-5500 USD. price can changed, it is based on your nose if you dont need much surgery it will definitely be cheaper.

p.s i also see that youre worried about the language barriers. you dont need to worry! almost all clinics in korea (the big ones) have translator for you! They also usually have pick up service and hotel partners and they can help you to book the hotels!

3) TL clinic. I also found some good reviews for TL thats why i contacted them, they respond me the fastest and they charged the cheapest for only 2500USD!! i know this might be stupid but i directly removed TL from my list lol, cos its too way cheaper than the others my mom scared that they will use bad medicine and stuffs. but you can check them out if you want to, its just a matter of opinion.

4) Shimmian. Shimmian is also on my top list, my mom's friend did her surgery (rhinoplasty) in there and they are also specialised in rhinoplasty. The result is really natural and they said the range price is between 4200-5800USD depending on our nose. If you want your nose to be even higher they will use your rib bones and price will increase for around 2000-3000USD. However, there are several reviews that says shimmian has bad result..... so im in dilemma right now hahahha. but my mom said its normal for a doctor to make a mistake once in a while since theyre also human, cos the doctor are really specialised in rhinoplasty so we still consider doing it in shimmian.

5)Wonjin. Wonjin is known for being the biggest and longest clinic i think? but i dont think ill do the surgery in wonjin cos they charged me 6.6 million won excluding tax so its too pricey in my opinion, and since i think shimmian and JW is better i remove wonjin from my list too.

I hope this helps you well to make the decision and for the others please please give me some other clinics and reviews too to help me decide for my own surgery! other than that, i believe we just have to follow our heart and pray to the Lord so we can choose the right doctor and have a successful and safe surgery :smile:
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Wow, thank you so much Elizabeth for the detailed information and your experiences! :smile:

Do you have a KakaoTalk or a Line account? If it's possible, may I add you? I have been alone through this whole process, and it would be so great to be able to talk to someone close to me in age that's going through the same thing. I am the first in my family to be doing plastic surgery, and while I have a lot of friends in Korea, most of them have only had eyelid surgery.

My mom asked me to gather a list of clinics that appeal to me and we'll go consult with them the first few days in Korea. As I mentioned earlier, I have only contacted Banobagi so far, but have not seen any reviews for their rhinoplasty. It is of the upmost important that I go to clinics that "specialize" in Rhinoplasty.

I'm thinking about going to JW (as I heard a lot of good things about them), ITEM (I like their after pictures), and Banobagi. I'm still just gathering research and adding to my list. I never heard of HerShe before, but I'll check it out.

As for a little about my nose. I am not good with official terms, so please excuse me. I am mixed race, but my features are more on the Caucasian side than the Asian side. I have a very high nose bridge, which I like. But, I also have a "Roman" nose bump, so I'd like for my nose bridge to be straighten out. As for the base of my nose, it's very bulbous. I do not only have a bulbous tip, but my nose base has no shape to it whatsoever. I have no "indents" on the side of my nose. I think the official name for the part of my nose I'm talking about is called the Ala (of the nose). My nose is just completely bulbous with no shape, so I'd like to make my nose base much smaller. I'm okay with with my nasal tip.

Anyways, I'm going back to researching :smile: We don't have a price range right now, but we prefer for my rhinoplasty to be under $6,000 USD. I'm also aiming to have possible laser sculpting for my jaw, but I'll have to see.
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Hi, I will be flying to Seoul with my mum too on 21 June for facial contouring and DES.
Like you I'm still a student so I can only undergo surgeries during holiday.
I've left a visitor message on your wall, don't know whether did you see.
I can totally relate to what you're going through right now, the fear and anxiousness.
I started planning on March so I'm pretty much ready with my research and plans.
If you're interested I can share my plans/ opinions on clinics that I'm going to consult.
Anyway I wish you all the best with your research and surgeries :smile:
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Thank you! Oh wow, facial contouring, I wish you all the best! ^^ I'm on the mobile version of purseforum, and I haven't been able to view anything properly on my profile, including my wall. Sorry about that! :sad:

That's really great you had a lot of time to research. I've wanted to do rhinoplasty ever since I went with my friend when she got double eyelid surgery done last year; but it wasn't really a priority. My mom planned a trip to go see our family in Taiwan in July, so I was like "Hey, why not go to Korea first and get my surgery done."

It would be a pleasure to hear about your experience with consulting clinics and your plans :smile: I can send you my Line and Kakao ID through private message once I figure out how to do it. I will be flying to Korea June 22nd and staying for 3 weeks.

Update: I posted on your wall :smile:
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Thank you! That's good to know for future reference. I added you on KakaoTalk :smile:
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sure you can add me in kakao my id is elizabeth173 :smile:
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