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Clinic recommendations for Rhinoplasty and Facial contouring please!

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I actually have contacted Banobagi for my rhino and facial contouring! I have read both good and bad things, and I would elaborate, but unfortunately, I don't have time right at this moment :sad:
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Has anyone had a hard time with getting their parents to agree to it? Both of my parents already agreed to it but they keep pushing me to do it in the Philippines instead :/ just because we're filipino LOL I honestly trust Korea's clinics more..
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I already responded to this on Kakao, but I'll just post it here too. My parents were fine with it (we actually never discussed it) they were just really surprised I brought it up all of a sudden because I never talked about it before. My dad was actually more okay with it than my mom, he even asked how much it would cost to get my nose done when my friend got her eyelids done. My dad wants me to get it done in Korea because it's cheaper than the U.S. LOL and my mom even might get something done with me, but because I might be getting facial contouring and definite rhinoplasty, she wants to make sure I'm okay after surgery since it's considered major.
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Your parents are so cool. I told my mom about getting des and she freaked out a little bit. But it definitely is cheaper than the US and the results are much better in Korea.
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Hi, I am planning to go to Seoul in the summer too to get a few procedures done. I am 17 and going with my mom so I can totally relate, but it won't be my first time going to Korea so I'm not nervous as to I'm excited? I have done so much research on procedures so I have a general idea of which clinics are green lights and which are not.. Banobagi has a good reputation but for facial contouring, they may not allow it for a minor even with parent's consult because last I time I had contacted them for ptosis correction, when I was 16, they said that the doctors didn't approve due to my age. I think JW & JK are generally well-known for nose and they're not bad for other areas of the face too. I read rhinoplasty posts on Dream before and they sounded like a good clinic to go consult for too. The clinic you want to avoid are the factory ones like grand for sure, some clinics may be 50-50 like TL (I heard that their post-surgery treatments suck) so watch for those too and do tons of research on clinics like those before consulting with them! Also, I am already sure of which clinics I am going for but I was on this forum looking for someone to hangout with in the weeks of my stay in Korea, ahaha. Honestly after I recover from my surgeries, I want to go out and do everything from eating to shopping cause it's friggin KOREA. But my mom just can't keep up with all my to-do-list. It would be great if we could hangout there :biggrin: We're the same age too so ~ haha sorry I hope I don't sound like a creep o_o
Just feel free to message me ^^ I don't feel that comfortable going in details here...
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Hi xofairy14!! I'm also 17 but I'm going with my aunt haha! What dates are you planning on going to Korea? As for me, I'm actually going next week for rhinoplasty :smile: I was wondering if you have any reccommendations on how to get to Gangnam safely from Incheon Airport? I heard it's maybe 45 minutes to an hour...

My kakao id is yxmi if you have one!

- Tried to message you this but wasn't going through haha
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Oh! Katiee, will you please consider updating us on your experience at Iwell please! im looking to get facial contouring done there, i have contacted them and they have given me the same reply too -about the 10% deposit to secure my surgery date. I am not going until next year tho, i have plenty of time to sort my stuff out. But i would love to hear from your experience. I want to have eyes and square jaw reduction done. They have recommended me the long curved method, said nothing about my cheeks (thankgoodness....coz me no want zygo and dont want to be pressured into it), and a few options for my eyes which are exactly what i expected and wanted.
I am juggling my options between IWell and MVP, Iwell replied fast while MVP have yet to reply me.
My worry is that IWell's doc look pretty young? i dont know how experienced he is, so i would love to hear your experience and ofcause results please pretty please! :smile:
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thank you so much~~ messaged you! i think JYP doesn't have an in house translator, but Girin/Lamiche/Banobagi do! please share your experience with Item i hope all goes well for you!
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oh really?? can I ask your experience with them? I just feel like it's such a popular clinic I think perhaps a smaller one would be good for a first surgery...
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Hey xofairy14! I know Katie already told you on KakaoTalk, but I would love to message with you guys, as we are all 17 and going this summer. I am also going with my mom. This will be her first time going to Korea, but this will be my 6th, so she wants me to show her around. It seems that everyone is going in late May/early June, but I'm going late June/ early July ;_; I really want someone to hang out too. I have a lot of Korean friends, but I don't want them to see me while I'm recovering haha they don't know I'm doing this. I'm hoping to have the bruising for rhinoplasty faded in two weeks because my Korean friends want to take me to a tradition festival outside of Seoul and I don't want to be bruised if we take pictures.

I'd love to contact you :smile: but I don't feel comfortable posting my ID for the public and I don't know how to private message :sad:

Now that you say that they didn't aprove of facial contouring because of your age, I'm slightly worried. I'm on the lower end of the 17 age spectrum (my birthday was 3 months ago) and while all the clinics I've contacted haven't denied me of it, they told me there's lots of ways that I could make my face smaller without facial contouring. I also have acne scars I want to take care of while there (my dad wants me to also get laser for them in Korea because it's cheaper than the U.S.) but I know you can't be in the sun for like a week after laser treatment. Since I only go to Korea during the summers, I don't want to waste my time by staying indoors.
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Hi Katie! Lol literally everyone is 17 here ahahha! I have already booked my flight for July 5th and I will be staying there 3 weeks. If you're going next week, do you still have school? A lot of people take the shuttle buses from the airport to their hotels (you can google for more information online because I don't know much either). My mom and I just took the taxi the last time we went to Korea because it was the easier way and taxis in Seoul r so cheap. Just make sure you write down the specific location and name of your hotel in hangul before flying off! I think it only costed us about 48000 won from the airport to our hotel in gangnam? Oh yeah and a tip is to ask for a receipt as clinics usually subtract the amount for your taxi from the airport to your hotel :smile: They did that last time at JW for me, idk about the less international clinics though.
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Hi! That's perfect because I'm actually flying from canada on July 5th! Omg i have no one close there in Korea :sad: but it would be so great to meet up! I think the bruising will go away in a week tbh. I'm staying in Seoul for 3 weeks and the first 2 weeks is for recovering while the 3rd week is more for going around places. xxx Oh you don't have to worry, I was just saying how banobagi rejected me for smt as small as ptosis correction and assumed they wouldn't allow minors to do fc since its a bigger surgery. Have u consulted with them online about it? It's true that there are other ways but the difference wouldnt be much unless you have a lot of fat & muscles instead of the actual bones; but its up to the doctors to check and see which procedures would be best :smile:

This is solely my personal opinion but I don't think getting laser for acne scars is worth it, especially around the same time as your surgery(ies). I have gotten laser done before but the actual laser that lightened my scars actually irritated my skin and caused new pimples to show up = more scars. And if you were to get laser, it would only be like once or twice in your whole stay and that's not enough to erase the scars completely. Unless your skin is not acne-prone anymore, pimples will eventually show up again and the process repeats like you said, + there's the need to avoid the sun, so I find laser kinda pointless. I have acne scars too and I use this cream from a Korean brand, ciracle specifically for acne scars. The cream doesn't work as fast as laser does but it costs 10x less and it reduces breakouts rather than cause them.
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Hi, we can talk more on our Kakao :smile:

I know this is suppose to be a plastic surgery forum, but ill talk about my scars >< They are second biggest insecurity. I don't have indent scarring, but it still hurts me all of the same with hyper pigmentation scarring. I've always gone to dermatologists, but my scarring didn't start until I came back from Korea two years ago. My parent's thing it was something in Korea that caused me to suddenly get terrible acne, like cyst acne and it left scars. That continued for about 6 months until I started doing ILP treatments, which calmed down my acne and scarring tremendously. I still have some acne, but not even close to before. I have a fraxel treatment sceduled in August, but I'm worried having it done because I'm having my surgery in very late June/early July. I'm currently on RetinA Micro, but I haven't been able to use it consistently because I've been doing laser lip hair removal every month (my natural hair is very dark and I'm so fair skinned, so it was very visible.) The place I go is good, but very expensive; my family paid $2,000+ for the ILP treatments (4 treatments), and Fraxel is $1,500 (I have to do 3), so that's why my dad is desperately asking me to ask the surgery place I go to to do scarring treatments on me, but I'm just so concerned about downtime. So yeah, unless they have an alternative, I won't do laser. Maybe something else. Is Ciracle like a Retinoid? And I know it's for acne scarring, but is it for red scars? Most places in Korea I went to said they didn't have scar treatment for redness, and when I look at products for scarring here, it's more for brown spots. Thank you though :smile: I'll check it out.
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Ahhh I have bad pigmentation scarring as well :sad: I've found that sun protection has really helped me. Originally I don't go out a lot (in the sun) and if I do I make sure to wear sunscreen and a hat to avoid the sun making my marks darker.

Even in the car I make sure the sun doesn't hit my face hahaha! I see the results but since I'm in Guam its so hot and sunny and they got a little dark again :sad:

Also these sheet masks in particular really helps lighten them!! ImageUploadedByPurseForum1463376923.962763.jpg

Make sure to get the blue one specifically because it's for whitening ^^ Its by Kracie!
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