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Clinic recommendations for Rhinoplasty and Facial contouring please!

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Hey, mind if I joined your kakao group with elizabeth? :smile:
I've just turned 18 as well, and it's nice having some support from people in a similar age range. I am interested in double eyelid surgery (the usual combo with epi/lateral/lower) and possibly a rhinoplasty (I think tip and bridge augmentation should be adequate). I will be heading to Seoul this June.

Been researching for about a year now, and my shortlist has changed quite a bit since then. I've narrowed it down to three clinics so far - MVP, Item and TLPS. I won't hesitate to check out more clinics if need be, but i'll see how it goes with them first.
I pretty much have my heart set on MVP ever since reading SmittenKitten's review/thread and I got a very reasonable quote from them. They even offered me a free skin treatment and do permanent eyebrows, which i've also been meaning to try :P But more importantly I like that they aren't pushy and the doctors seem to be reputable and give nice natural results. Definitely give her blog a read as well (deskorea.blogspot.com), its highly informative and she talks about her experiences with other clinics.

With that being said, I think it's important to get some different opinions from doctors so I am consulting with a few other clinics. Item and TLPS are on my list because they seem to have a good reputation, reasonable quotes, are responsive to emails and I like their B&As. Check out the forum for their threads/reviews by people.

I considered going with DocFinder too since I wanted someone to accompany me throughout the process, but the pros just don't seem to justify the high prices. Seems like they restrict you to certain clinics, and I think I can do my own research to find reputable clinics. Sure they chauffeur you to appointments/do airport pickup, but taxi fares are not that expensive (use Naver maps for taxi estimates) and I think the subway system there is very efficient. Plus they're all in the Gangnam area anyways so it shouldn't be that difficult to get around. Most hospitals have english-speaking staff and you can just prepare your medicine/food beforehand...so what's even the point of going with them?

Banobagi and JW seem to be good clinics but since they heavily market towards foreigners these costs are reflected in the price (i've received a quote from JW, Banobagi hasn't even responded to me). Have you seen what the locals pay for their surgeries? Check out babitalk.com and you'll be amazed. This is also a good way to find local clinics, but again you'll need a translator to consult for most of them. I know that foreigners require more service and simply can't pay local prices, but the inflation is crazy. Moreover paying high prices does not always mean a better doctor.

I've heard that Trend specializes in rhinoplasty and delivers good results (check out lollipop32swiss's review) but no english speaking staff which is a hassle. I also read a good detailed review of Semin Plastic Surgery clinic for a rhinoplasty on Soompi (though a bit outdated) which I might consult at if I need to - maybe you could check that out? Both of these are 'boutique clinics' (which I honestly prefer over large clinics) because there is usually only one doctor who performs very few surgeries a day.

BTW, you mentioned that you have a friend who did DES in Korea - how was her experience at Braun and your impression of it? I'd love to know
And by laser sculpting, do you mean something similar to acculift for facial fat? Just curious about what it is~

And since you're just starting your research, definitely read KCouture's guide to ps - its amazing: #
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Yes, Of course I'll add you :smile: Is it possible to know your Kakao ID? I don't enough time to properly reply right now, unfortunately, though I'd be happy to tell you more about what I'm considering for surgery and about Braun clinic as I know from my experience going with my friend.

Thank you for including a lot of information and links for me to look at, it helps out a lot! I'd also love to hear more about your experience with ITEM clinic, as I've liked their Before and After pictures, but haven't heard any reviews on it.
No problem! I've pm'd you.
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Hi ^^ I am going this summer too from Germany but I am not decided on the date yet. :smile:

I have heard from someone on here who has friends who went to Banobagi they do a very natural look for facial contouring (so you almost cannot tell a difference) which may be what you are looking for. I am going more dolly so am looking at clinics like Item etc

Read the negative clinics thread

# I heard lots of people don't like Regen's noses but if you search for their thread you can decide ^^

Hershe has had no accidents I think :smile:
Hey, may I join your Kakao group too? :smile:
My trip to Korea is tentatively scheduled for 14 June. I'm nervous, confused & excited at the same time.

Anyway, I contacted one of my shortlisted clinics, JW, on Kakao (since they havent replied to my email) & received a reply recently.

I was quoted 17.8 mil KRW (before discount of approx 10-15% according to the consultant) for the following procedures:

- Zygoma Reduction (which forms the bulk of the total cost)
- Rhinoplasty tip-plasty
- Alar plasty
- Incisional Ptosis Correction
- Epi-canthoplasty

The price is so expensive! So I'm still searching for other clinics, Banobagi is another that I'm interested in. After jiaxo's post & reading deskorea.blogspot.com, I think MVP sounds pretty good too. Ahhh, choices.

I like JW because I've heard good reviews about their surgeons & results.
It's the price that's the huge deterrent.

Also, I made a thread a few days back on DocFinderkorea.
Thanks to posters on the forum I realised for my case, I indeed shouldn't opt for medical tourism agencies.
Most of the clinics I'm interested in already have their own english consultants.
Plus Airbnb-ing my accommodation would save a ton too.

Please share any more info guys! You've been helpful & knowing people are going through the same ordeal is comforting haha.
All the best to us :winkiss:
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Sure! Is to possible to send me a privatemessage with your KakaoTalk? :smile:
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Thank you so much for the input! I was actually born in Germany haha

I've decided that Banobagi is good with facial contouring, but they don't "specialize" in Rhinoplasty, so it has been moved down my list.

Could you please tell me more about ITEM clinic? It's actually on my list, but I haven't heard much about it. I viewed their Before and After pictures and really liked them, but haven't seen any actual reviews.

I wish the best for you :smile:
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Thank you, good luck to you too! 17 is quite young so take your time with research :smile:

You have to be careful for the Before & Afters as most clinics photoshop hehe. They are nice though! I haven't looked at ITEM as much as other clinics like TL but here are some threads

# href="#" class="internalLink"># href="#" class="internalLink"># If you google "Item clinic purse blog" or w/e, you can find all the threads on here for a clinic.
Thank you for the thread links! I'll be sure to research more about Item clinic.
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Hi! I am from Canada and I just arrived here last week.
I am planning to get rhinoplasty and a liposuction. I can speak Korean so I searched some clinics- that the local people go to, but I couldnt find many reviews.. Could
I also join your group? My kakao ID is sanymole3 I'd love to get some information and to share what I've researched so far :biggrin:
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Hello I just sent you a kakao
Iam going this summer for des and nose
Hope to hear from you !
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Hi! I'm also 17, and I'll be going to Korea for rhinoplasty and facial contouring next week! It's nice to know that there's other 17 yr olds wanting a nose job LOL
If you guys want my kakao, its yxmi! And my name is Katie btw :smile:

I have already decided on a clinic (IWell) and I do recommend surgeon Seo Seung Jo in particular. On Babitalk I see reviews on IWell and the noses done by Seo Seung Jo look really pretty. I chose this surgeon based on his technique of doing bulbous noses (복코) since that is my main concern. Others on Babitalk messaged me saying his "hand technique" is spectacular as well. My second option would be Item, but I would be careful about who you choose to do your nose bc some of them are really fake looking. I'm able to read and translate Korean but I'm not fluent, I know enough to read reviews on Babitalk haha.

edit: *I also recommend Eight for noses.

Oh also since I'm staying for about 10 nights, I had them reserve a day for my surgery so that when I get there I don't have to wait to make an appointment (bc what if they don't have room the whole 10 nights I'm there?) and they had me send 10% of the price of my surgery to reserve it which I think is fair because it was only $270. If anyone else is travelling next week hmu!

Also I wish you all the best of luck to everyone on their surgery day! It's our year to glow up!
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aww how exciting!! congrats, please share how your experience was! their results are really pretty, but a review on iwell here made me reconsider... have you happened to have read good things about girin/jyp/banobagi/lamiche for facial contouring/nose??
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I'm reconsidering too LOL because of that same review and the surgeons look young...
so I'm thinking about just going to Item because I feel its a safe choice ;;
Hmmm when I have time today I'll look up those clinics on babitalk and I'll let you know! I actually haven't looked at those clinics before. oh and if you have a kakao, feel free to message me!! my username is yxmi
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