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My Plastic Surgery Experience with April 31

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Thank you for your kind words @maliboo
I get my bandages and stitches out this Thursday!! I'm so anxious yet excited. Ill definitely keep you all posted then :smile:
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Thank you for the detailed review. Does it look like the tip is more defined? I hope your recovery goes smoothly and you love your results!
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Hi @beauty12 , Im still bandaged up atm but later on today I actually get to remove my stitches and bandages. Yay! Im excited but also super nervous too. So far from what I can see my nose tip is still really swollen therefore making my tip look even more upturned looking than usual. Brian told me overtime when the swelling goes down the tip will slowly drop... I really hope that will be the case because ive heard some bad stories about the nose looking more upturned after surgery. Which would suck! But other than that I can also see how my tip extends out a lot more than before too. It should go down a little though when the swelling decreases, as I dont want my tip to extend out too much either. Overall, that's all I can see for now! Hoping for the best eek
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Hi! How did it go? I'm seriously considering April, MVP, & JW for rhinoplasty. next week I want to fix my extremely bulbous/deviated nose! So any comments would be very helpful!! Wish you the best!
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Hi @itsangie123! I'm currently not even 3 weeks post surgery yet so it is quite early to say.. But so far it's been okay. I'm still waiting for more of the swelling to go down. Originally, when the bandages were removed I was alarmed to see my nose.. It was upturned, the nostrils were uneven and from the side profile my nose looked SUPER long and big. The projections was ridiculous. At that moment I felt really discouraged but I was reassured by the doctor that when the swelling subsides it would look much better. Now that the days have gone by the swelling has sloooowwly but surely gone down. There's still a lot of swelling that needs to subside but there's been an improvement. My nostrils are a little less uneven and less upturned. I no longer have the large bulbous tip, which I am very happy about because that was my main concern originally and from the side profile it doesnt look AS long but can still shrink down more.

So overall, I do think my new nose looks better than my old nose, especially from the front view. The only thing that really worries me is if the side projection will shrink enough to look natural on my face and if the nostrils will even out too. So Im praying it turns out well.

As for my opinion on April 31 overall.. I would say they blew all the other clinics I visited out of the water. Their service is on a whole diffferent level. I felt that all the other clinics came off very generic, robotic and factory-like. They didn't spend the time getting to know their clients, explaining the surgery or healing process and the consultation felt very rushed. However, at April 31 the experience felt more personal and they really invested their time being thorough by explaining everything and answering all your questions. Once you have your consultations with these clinics you will really see the big difference with the service at April 31 and the others.
The only thing that may be a downfall is the price but if you can afford it then I'd highly recomend you considering this place and another thing I'd stress is make sure you really explain what kind of nose you want and what nose you dont want to not only the consultant but the doctor too! I kind of regret not stressing the fact that I do not want a over-projected nose. I just assumed he wouldnt do that so I kept hush hush. But once again maybe my nose is still really swollen and maybe eventually the projection will reduce significantly.

Anyways sorry for the long essay haha! Hopefully that was helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions and thank you for your wishes!
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Wow overall sounds good. My main concern is the bulbous part of my nose as well, so you're reassuring me to go to Dr. Kim! May I ask how much you paid for your surgery? Also, Is it possible to see B&A pictures of your nose? Or if you feel uncomfortable is there a way you can show me a pic that resembles your nose before and after ? I'm looking at a lot of Aprils 31 B&A Rhinoplasty and their "before" nose is not even that bad so I'm a bit concerned :/. May I also ask, did you travel alone and how was your experience with the transportation system in Korea? Thanks for your time ^^
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In my case I was charged roughly around 6mill KRW for just a tip plasty. So if you were wanting more than just a tip plasty it may cost more. Sure, is there an email I can send the pictures to?

Hmm I know what you mean because before i did my surgery I kept trying to find B&A pics of noses similar to mine and I personally couldnt find anything quite the same. It was either the nose wasnt as bulbous and unportionate as mine or their nose was large from top to bottom. My nose on the other hand is a little different than the typical person in my opinion. My overall nose wasnt that big but it was super unportionate. The stem/bridge was small but the bottom half gets super round and buldges out on the side making me have a button or rudolph like nose. So im not sure if you have a similar nose to mine.

My bf came and took care of me which was very nice. As for transportation.. We were being pretty lazy and spoiled so we took cabs the entire trip. Cabs are quite affordable in Korea and are everywhere. The only downfall is the traffic.. but we luckily did book a hotel pretty close to the clinic so the cab ride was very close. So id recommend trying to book a hotel in Gangnam as most of all the PS clinics are located there. No problem! Im happy to help :smile:
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Ahh I see. well luckily you had your boyfriend to assist you! Yes I would really appreciate your photos!
My email is: [email protected]
Do you speak any Korean or were you able to communicate in English? Also, if you dont mind me asking how much did you pay for a room in Gangnam? I'm considering AirNB since it's a lot cheaper. ^^
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I sent the photos! No I cant speak Korean other than a couple words haha. Communication there was a little bit annoying especially with the cab drivers but it's manageable. I also downloaded a translation app on my phone for times when I was desperate but technically I only used that app once on the entire trip. I believe we paid close to $200 a night? We paid the air fee and hotel fee together as a package price on expedia. I think airbnb should be just fine!
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WOW!! I love your results! Its really natural profile (not too upturned) and the bulbous is definitely reduced! I'm So excited to go check out Dr. kim! Last question, may I ask how much did you pay? Thank you for your time ^^
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Oh Nvm, I just re-read the post! Your results really helped my decision. Ty ^^
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Hello Everyone,

I'm back to update you on my one month post op progress. Starting from where I last left off I was scheduled to remove my nose stitches and bandages 7 days post op. When I arrived to that appointment my face and nose was still very swollen... I was told that my swelling appeared to be subsiding slower than the average person therefore they recommended wearing the bandages for another few days to help compress the swelling. After a few days I was finally able to remove the bandages and could start applying the ointment to the scar. Honestly, I was very frightened and anxious to see what was underneath the bandages and low and behold what I saw was nothing near what I expected... it was still SUPER swollen. My nose was severely upturned, my nostrils were completely uneven, and the projection was horrendously long. I honestly felt like the creature from the movie: The Grinch Stole Christmas. My nose just looked like a foreign object on my face. I momentarily had a break down and messaged Brian (consultant) about my concerns. He told me not to worry and that my nose was still super swollen so over time it will settle into my face. He also reminded me that we had one last appointment with Dr. Kim, therefore we can go over my concerns and have another look at my nose before I return back home.

It was around 10 days post op when I had my last appointment with Dr. Kim. The swelling on my face and nose had slightly improved; the nose looked less upturned, the bulbous tip reduced compared to my old nose and a tiny less swollen but the projection was still super long, especially on the left side. This worried me severely because I couldn't see the projection shrinking too much; when the ratio of the projection to my face was way off. I addressed my concerns with the consultant and Dr.Kim. They said that my nose was still very swollen and that the projection should shrink 20% when it heals and after a month I should be overall content with my nose.

As time passed by I tried to not pay too much attention to my nose on a daily basis as I was told the changes will be very slow and I must be patient with the results. One week lead to two weeks, then three; I noticed it slooowwwly starting to deswell and that the nose started to settle into my face. There were days where I was loving the results and other days where I saw little improvement. Now that I have reached one month post op I can honestly say I have mixed feelings with my nose. I have mixed feelings because overall my nose no longer has a severe bulbous tip which was the main reason why I wanted a tip plasty but on the other hand my nose still doesn't look very natural, the nostrils are still very uneven and for some odd reason my left side of the nose looks crooked, the projection is still too long, theres a slight bulge on the side tip and looking above theres a slight dip creating a bird nose effect. Im not sure if this is caused by the swelling or if this is an error to my surgery...

It's a little disheartening because many people say that once your reach the one month post op it will overall determine how your healed nose should look and that there wont be too much change afterwards. I hope that this will not be the case for me as this is not what I asked for or imagined my nose to be. I have been told that my healing process is slower than the average person so it potentially could just be really swollen on the left side mainly. Who knows... I just hope for the best and that eventually things will look a lot more natural and proportionate to my face. I was really hoping that my surgery would be successful and that there would be no need of a revision, especially if I go to a reputable doctor. I suppose I will have to wait a few more months to see if things improve.

That is all I really have to say for now. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you have experienced a slower healing process. I want to hear your story!
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