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My Plastic Surgery Experience with April 31

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hey girl do you have kakao? So I can talk to you if possible? I'm still indecisive with which clinic to go to, but my main concern is the bulbous part of my tip. If possible, can I see B&A pictures (with your face censored if necessary) ^^. I wish you all the best luck with the recovery and it's only 1 month! Give it 2 more months to see more of the final results :smile:
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Yes I can PM them to you.

Umm well my bulbous tip started a bit higher up so they had to remove quite a lot of cartilage. When I send you the photos you will have a better idea of what Im talking about. Depends what you mean by the lower area.. If your talking about the alar base then that can to reduced if you really need it but I think that's another additional procedure to a tip plasty.
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Hey I do! PM me your username and I will add you :smile:

Yes forsure! Yeah it has only been one month and I heal slow too.. So I guess I will have to be patient. Im pretty sure all the symptoms im having on the left side is caused by swelling. Once it goes down it should improve significantly.
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Hey thanks for such a detailed account on your journey, it's great to have members give back to the community. I am interested to visit April31 since I'd expect myself to pay around 7 million for my primary rhinoplasty for nasal obstruction and perhaps some lateral osteotomy (hopefully it wouldn't be extremely expensive). I would love to see your results if you're so kind as to PM the pictures, thanks in advance :smile:
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Hey no problem!! Hope it is helpful :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
They have this online live consultation thing on their website which will pop up during their working hours. If not you can contact them through their kakao on the website :smile:
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Yes but i heard from other forumers the maximum discount april31 will give is 10% so yeah. It also depends on the number of procedures you want to do..
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi i saw your posts and would also like to view your pictures if possible. I will be in Seoul in April, and i want to hear more about your rhino experience. Thanks. may i have your kaokao ID too?
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