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My experience of two jaw +V line surgery in Zeah Dental Hospital in Korea

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Hello everyone,

I am a Mom from China, my son did the two jaw + V line surgery on April this year in Seoul, and I would like to share the experience with you and help those who have the same problems as my son.

1, My story

I have to say it was my fault that brought my son such a big trouble, I should not follow doctor’s advices to agree him with GH injection at his 14 years old in order to get higher height. After 1 year injection I found his face turned asymmetric, right side is bigger than the left. We stopped the injection immediately, but we could not get his normal face back. My son was suffering this for 3 years, because he can only take a surgery to change this after 18 years old. during his high school period, he never took a photo, seldom hanged out with friends, I knew all his upset ,stress and unhappiness, but I could do nothing at that moment, we felt miserable . The only thing we could do is to wait for his 18 years coming. And the day finally came.

I started the investigation and research for this surgery since middle 2015, I checked 3 famous hospitals in China, but I did not choose them because they told me it would take at least 1 and half year or more to straighten teeth before surgery, it is too long, my son would go to college this year and I want him to have a new life in a new place. So I turned to seek for Korean hospitals. I checked a lot on web and also asked my friends in Seoul to help. Finally I chose 6 hospitals to visit on Oct.2015, they are all famous in Korea, Zeah Dental was the 3rd one I visited, after I met Dr.Kang Young Ho, I almost decided to take the surgery here, he is so professional and specialized in 2 jaw surgery, discussed all the details with us and made inspections for my son right now, and I saw real successful cases there, they were the staff of Zeah Dental, Dr. Kang has made surgeries for his 10 staff already, I was encouraged so much.

I did not visit the left 3 hospitals but make consultations on the web, after that I decide to choose Zeah Dental definitely. Because: the other 5 hospitals said it’s not necessary to straighten teeth before surgery, they can do the surgery immediately, and suggested him to straighten the teeth after surgery. This is absolutely wrong way for my son, and I know most failure cases were from non-straightening teeth before surgery. According to my research, surgery is easy and fast, but correct bite is difficult and takes time. I heard a lot of failure cases, they got incorrect bite after surgery, that’s a disaster.

Dr. Kang explained all the details to us very carefully, which matched my research exactly, and I saw real example (his staff) there, so I became to believe in him .

2,surgery procedures:

1) Start Straightening teeth on Dec.7 2015

2) Surgery on Apr.5 2016 (2 Jaw +V line)

3) Staying at hospital for 3 days (2 nights), left hospital on Apr.7

It was really a hard time (1 week after the surgery), my son can only communicate with me by writing on board, he can only drink liquid food within 1 week, nose obstruction, and swell. Swell was coming from the third day, on the 7th day came to the biggest, and then started lightening.

My son told me that the nose obstruction was the hardest thing, then throat block and swell. A little bit pain but can stand. Everything became better after 1 week.

4) Back to hospital for checking every week, staying in Seoul for a month.

3,words to Doctor Kang and Zeah Dental

I think no words can express my appreciations to Dr.Kang, but I still want to say something, my friend in Seoul once told me you are one of the best doctors in this field(2 Jaw+V line) , now I can say that’s absolutely true, and you are the best in my heart, you saved my son’s face and also saved his life in the mean time. He is very happy with his new face now, starts to smile , hanging out with friends, taking photos etc. , our family are very grateful. You have a top team, they treat us as family members, taking very good care of us, although it was a hard time during hospital period, but we received your encourage , help and friendship. we will never forget you all ! never forget the time staying with you! Love you all forever!

4, Suggestions to those who want to make the same surgery

1) Straightening teeth is very important. Most people need to straighten teeth before surgery, remember to follow Dentist’s advices. Don’t take a risk to overlook this.

2) Communication with your doctor is the key of a successful surgery. We had a good communications with Zeah Dental, most of time my friend translated for us between Chinese and Korean, sometimes we also use English, because some words are too professional that my friend can not understand well. Anyway , find your own way to communicate well.

3) 2-jaw surgery is a big surgery, Doctor’s professional is the most important thing, don’t care much a bout the size of the hospital, specialized doctor in this field should be considered first.


Dr. Kang Young Ho’s blog:


My English is not good, sorry for that, I just want to help people who are also suffering this problem and give you more information. By the way, My son is healing pretty good, and I am proud to say Dr, Kang / Zeah Dental is my best choice!
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Thank you for sharing, I hope your son has healed well and enjoying life!

My questions though:
1.Which were the other 5 hospitals/clinics that you visited?
2.Apart from the disagreement on the teeth straightening issue, what was your experience with the other hospitals? Could you provide more details please?
3.For v-line did he get the t-osteotomy method or the long curve? Dissolvable or titanium screws?
4.Any sagging, nerve damage or other side effects noticable?
6.What did you type to find this hospital and where? Google, naver or somewhere else?

Again thanks for sharing :smile:
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Thanks for your concern, my son has healed pretty well and I am very happy with that.

Here are my feedback:

1, they are Faceline, ID, Dream, Banobagi, and Euro clinic.

2, I only visited Faceline, ID, and Zeah on Oct.2015, actually I was planning to visit the left 3 next day, but I changed to contact them on the web for consultations later, because my son took inspections twice in a day (3D X-rays), it is not good to take too much of it. During web consultation, Euro clinic told us frankly that they were not specialized in this surgery, Dream and Banobagi could do it , but told me no need for teeth straightening before surgery, and suggested us do it after the surgery.

According to my research, most of 2-jaw surgery need teeth straightening before surgery, because of the compensation of dental arch and teeth in patients with skeletal protrusion and deviation of mandible. Straightening teeth before surgery takes time but can guarantee the result. I know most failure cases came from surgery directly, they got joint pain and the wrong bite, the worst is the dentists told them teeth could never moved in the right position. Comparing with a good appearance, I think correct bite is more important. When you lose it , you’ll know what a horrible thing it is. And I wouldn’t let it happen on my son.

I think the best way for surgery and teeth straightening are to be made in one hospital, they make a whole plan and assure the control, and responsible for it.

I did not visit Dream and Banobagi, I canceled the visits for the reason of disagreement of teeth straightening. I could not post more details and assessment.

Feceline, my first visit, unfortunately I saw a failure case during my visit, a Chinese girl was standing outside the hospital and lifting assign, she did the surgery there and failed, she could not open mouth, could not bite, joint pain ect., it really scared me and I felt great sympathy for her, she was so young and the failure surgery almost destroyed her life. So we did not spend more time there.

ID , it is very big and the consultant speaks very good Chinese , nice building and facilities. But I heard some negative information before my trip, I was not sure if they were true or not, I wanted to see in person and judge by myself. They made inspections for my son by paying Krw50,000, but the doctor was too busy , only several minutes meeting, said they could do it ,no more explanation about how and why , we felt too much uncertain and left.

Zeah, as I said before, I felt home here, Dr. Kang made inspections for my son and explained all the details, meeting lasted more than 2 hours there, I got all we wanted to know, and realized how professional Dr. Kang was. The hospital is not that big, only dental and face surgery, but really expertized.

3, yes, my son got t-osteotomy method and long curve, and fixed with titanium plate & screws.

4, according to doctor’s instruction, my son started to excise 1 week after the surgery, at beginning, his smile was not in the same line, and the swell made him look sagging, but it was not real sagging, it was from the swell, now more than 2 month passed, he looks pretty good, almost no swell anymore, doctor said the swell will disappear after 6 month to 1 year totally, but I think 90% has healed till now.

About Nerve damage, I think the surgery can not avoid this, but a good doctor can decrease the damage minimum, my son’s jaw is not as sensitive as before of course, but it is still healing , better than last month. No more other side effect noticebale.

5. price, I totally spent Krw 26,500,000 including whole surgery and teeth straightening. I think I did not get a best price,.at that moment, I dare not bargain with any hospital , I cares more about the successful result, due to my fault to my son, money is already out of my consideration. but I suggest to discuss with hospital alone, try to avoid an agent, you will save expenses.

6, I searched a list of Korean hospitals including Zeah, with typing 2-jaw surgery in Chinese, in the mean time, I also asked my friend in Seoul to check professional hospitals for me, after that we gathered all the information and finally chose 6 hospitals for consultation.
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Hello Pearl_us
Thank you for your reveiw I really appreciate your true honesty. But ohh my goodness gracious 26,500,000 KRW for two jaw surgery!!! That's 23,000 in usd!!! Its about 28,000 usd in the United states for this same surgery.Regan two jaw surgery price is 15,000,000 krw .Have to say this but I really do not get the tactic of overcharging patients that these clinic do and will the fact that you can just go on an elevator to a different floor and Boom a new clinic.It's all greed to me. Clinics should charge a fair price then they will get more referrals thus more business.Not the other way around. Scratch Zeah dental off my list of clinics to visit
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@Mdott, 26.5m included orthodontics before and after so it's not too excessive. She may have been able to bargain more, but at the end of the day, it's an amazing result that counts. I don't think anyone should be visiting a foreign country for PS to save money.

It's your face we're talking about! Personally? Korean surgeons have better expertise, experience and asthetic ideals for Asian facial features than surgeons in the West. Especially Nose, Eyes + Facial bone manipulation. Simply market demand and volume. I'd be happy to pay if the result/skill was better.

The fact that there were't any complications, infections or disfigurement is a huge blessing.

@Pearl_US, did you consider The Face Dental or EverM for your son?

If so, what made you decide against? They are popular choices on this forum. Not much info about Zeah
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hello@ JayKS
I understand your reasoning very well ,all and all she is happy that the surgery went well. OK now that I think about it Pearl US went to a HOSPITAL and NOT A CLINIC so that is why the pricing was so high now makes sense lol !!!!!
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Mdott @ pawning lol!!
Yes the price variations are ridiculous. Unfortunately bargaining has become so ingrained in Korean Ps culture that prices are inflated in anticipation. I dislike it, but will work with it at the same time. You will have to hone your negotiating skills to reach an equilibrium that both parties are happy with.

I could pawn my body for years and somehow probably end up owing money.. :sad::lol:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Mdott,

26.5m is not the price only for 2-jaw surgery, it is a whole package cost including:

2-jaw surgery

v-line(long curve mandibuloplasty)

t-osteomy (genioplaty)

orthodontics (before and after)

tooth decay treatment(4 teeth) before surgery

I don’t think the price was far too expensive, maybe it could be lower if I made a bargain with them, but I did bot do so, that’s my choice. I paid all my attention on doctor’s skill and clinic’s reputation, I think I came to Seoul for best doctor and best clinic instead of best price. Besides, I visited ID and faceline in the mean time, they offered me 30m(ID) and 32m(faceline) excluding orthodontics, that’s more expensive. Price 15m you mentioned was only for 2 jaw, that’s different from what my son did.

Anyway, my son is very happy now, and me too, that’s not money could bring.

Thank you.
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Hello JayKS,

I fully agree with you, I think the result/skill is the most important thing too, and we are very happy with the result now. Thank you !

About your question:

Sorry, I did not consider Face Dental or EverM, because I did not find any information about these 2 clinics on Chinese web, while ID, Dream, Banobagi are very famous in China, they have their own website in Chinese, and my Korean friend did not recommend these 2 clinics either. Actually I got more information and knowing this forum during my stay in Seoul, and my son was already waiting for the surgery at that moment. If I know this forum earlier, I may have more consultants with Face dental and EverM of course.
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Hello Pearl_US
Please be aware that I was not coming at you to at you to attack you.I just assumed that your son was only getting two jaw surgery which I stated that was a bit high for only two jaw .But I didnt know that he was having orthodontic treatments before surgery and after surgery.Maybe that is where the price hike went into.You yourself stated you could have bargained more and it was your choice but as long as the surgery went well and your son is happy with no complications that is all that matters. That is incentive is priceless. Im very glad you found this forum though.Hopfully you will come to see that we are all a forum family here to help everyone out on their ps or dental treatment journey to South Korea.So no worries Pearl_US
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  • 4 weeks later...
I was busy with traveling these days, and my son is busy with hanging out with friends, LOL:smile:.
I think this is a good place to share experience and help others, my son and I are willing to do so.
living with thankfulness, that's why I am here.
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Hi, how did your son straighten his teeth? Braces? ^^
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