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Please help me...suicidal :(

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@MissOrange Thank you!
I feel so sad for Mariana. Is anyone in touch with her poor mother? No wonder Lucian Ion suddenly stopped performing revisions.
He ruined me then told me I have BDD and to see a therapist!
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@Kellyz thank you for your support. I am fed up of Lucian Ion making poor excuses for his poor lousy job. He has the nerve to tell me to see a therapist and that I have BDD. He did the opposite of what was planned. My nose looks nothing like my morph. I am seriously suicidal. I told him but he doesn’t believe me!
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Wow @MissOrange what an utterly torrid tale. I'm heartbroken to hear about your terrifying nasal infection and breast implant ordeal. The sense of isolation and loneliness you convey reminds me so much of my own PS "journey", alone and terrified in more than one hotel room, covered in bandages and shuffling around on painkillers whilst trying not to think the worst (which always came true in my case). It also made perfect sense to manage your post-rhino result by improving your nasal/facial relationships, rather than fixate on the nose again, which may have been too traumatic at that time and perhaps evocative of the awful infection. When I feel at my worst, I manage my mood by - perversely - doing a light skin peel or microneedling, so that I don't have to look at my "usual" face for a week and end up with less offensive skin at the end of it :biggrin: I also try to keep up with the botox injects, even tho it's aesthetically futile, just because ridding a few lines is something very simple I can do to make myself feel 0.00001% less grotesque. I appreciate these suggestions may be a bit far out for most, but they work for me. On a more basic level, exercise and good food are really important, esp. if you want to get your health up for these heavy duty ops.

@Marie1000 After the anger, pain, hurt have all subsided to a certain extent (there will be many "off days" and several torturous "off weeks"), you can assume the challenge of getting fixed. Keep your eye on the goal at all times. The rest of us here have all reached the F--- It stage and even when there are knock backs, we come back to that stage because that's ultimately the perspective we need to get fixed. I can see a glimmer of it now when you're describing what went down with Ion, so at least that's a positive sign! :heart:

As MissOrange rightly mentions as well, the purgatorial waiting game is the worst. But in the grand scheme of life, it's NOTHING. All you have to do is survive for 12 months, give or take. Once you are actively seeing WORTHWHILE docs and exploring tangible remedies, you will feel hope again.
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@heylo thank you.
I had a primary rhinoplasty in 2016 for a deviated septum but the surgeon in the US removed 50% of my nose!
I had a revision surgery 7 months ago with Lucian Ion and he made my nose so much worse!
I have been suicidal for 1.5 years. Now I need more rib removed. I don’t know if I can go on living with a botched, be in debt and require further surgery. I hope Ion gives me back my money otherwise I will definitely end my life because I’m not going back to him for a revision and I don’t have another £10k lying around. I paid in total over £20k to get botched! I hate myself
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I am getting really tired of these doctors deflecting their incompetence and calling patients BDD. First off, they have no right to do so since they are not licensed mental health doctors. Secondly they invalidate the patient which makes them despair. These so called doctors need to be held accountable. I also have a very short and flat nose, Marie, and I also have a longish face so you can imagine how that looks. I paid over 20k (I am including travel) last time for what was basically fat graftingDon't worry you will be fixed. I would definitely take MissOrange's advice and look into diced cartilage with fascia. It looks amazing. Unfortunately due to my skin, I have to have the hardcore rib with all it's risks (warping, visibiilty,etc) There is no way my nose woud hold up withoout it. Please take heart everyday will be closer to your surgery date and to getting fixed.
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Don't hate yourself, it's not your fault that a surgeon did this to you. It was out of your hands. I would not pay £20k for an unsatisfactory revision. Right now it would be best to see your doctor and ask them for a referral to see a psychologist. The reason being that a psychologist will help ease the stress and anger that you've been taking on by yourself. They will be on your side and guide you. Talk to @KCouture and she may give some insight as she has been through a few rhinoplasties of her own. We all know what it's like so keep talking to us and see a professional to help you.
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I don't think it's a wise idea to recommend more procedures for someone who claims to be suicidal.
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It's about being able to cope in the interim period, though. If a minor filler treatment is safe for her to undergo and could help her nose look better whilst she waits for a revision, then there's an argument to be made for it.
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No. A patient who claims to be suicidal has no business getting ANY procedures done. Any reputable doctor will refuse.
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Doctors have a moral/ethical right to turn away patients who they do not think are mentally fit to undergo cosmetic procedures. That's part of their job. The absolutely have the right to turn anyone away.
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It is not a "right" of the doctor to turn away patients once they have completed a surgery that rendered a BAD result and CAUSED the patient to feel suicidal, which is what the discussion here actually pertains to.

An ETHICAL doctor would, in fact, compensate the patient financially or perform a corrective surgery procedure at HIS expense. They would NOT resort to a psych slur in order to get themselves off the hook.

It is, however, their "job" to reliably assess patients BEFORE surgery. In the cases discussed in this thread, there were AMPLE opportunities for this doctor to decline surgery in advance of taking the money and performing the work.

After 20 years in practice, PSs should KNOW what they can/can't do, and who is or isn't eligible for a risky surgery based on their looks, sense of perspective relative to their 'problem' area, and what the surgeon can achieve in terms of their skillset. SIMPLY PUT: if you can't deliver on a practical level, don't take the money and look for the back exit when the complaints come in. Or if they can only improve an issue to an extent, albeit not fully, then it is the surgeon (expert's) job to establish accurate expectations in advance.

If the CAUSE of the suicidal feelings is SURGERY, then a solution must ultimately be sought to the actual problem that CAUSED the psychological issue, as well as the "symptoms" of the botched work (depression) in the interim period.
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when you say "right". I think you mean "duty." Of course, very few do. Patients also have the "right" to call out doctors who are not mentally fit to practice surgery or who are incompetent. WSJ is writing about this very subject. A doctor can turn away a patient for ANY REASON. We are talking about doctors who accuse patients of mental illness AFTER performing surgery on them.
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