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Hi Seoulsearching

I am looking for a surgeon that can and successful correct anterior deviated septum . First of all congratulation on your rhinoplasty. I am sending you a healing vibes from here :smile: . I hope the recovery will be smooth sailing and you will like your final result .

If you don't mind me asking , how deviated are you ? Anterior ? Posterior ? And how did Dr Kim fix it ?
My left breathing passage is partially blocked after my rhinoplasty because my septoplasty rhinoplasty relapses .

Now I am considering to come back to my old surgeon or looking for a different one .

Thanks in advance .

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Hi I am caucausian and I just had surgery for a contracted nose at April 31st. I was where you were but with 10 surgeries under my belt (YES 10 JUST TRYING TO GET FIXED) I was where you were. I even bougt a rope. I looked like Michael Jackson and for 7 of the surgeries I was just trying to get fixed and look normal not even pretty. Please contact me if you can, Nadine
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Hi MissOrange. Thanks for responding. I really hope they did not switch out doctors but i think they would not do that for my case unless they were crazy. My skin is so bad the risk of necrosis was pretty high..I just don't think they would do it. I do think a famous surgeon in Cleveland let his fellow work on me though. An unscrupulous botch master that should have retired years ago. will definitely send you my photos as soon as I get home but even if I sent you it now, I am only 5 days post op so it would really be an inaccurate result, Will you go back to Dr. Ion or are you looking to have your nose lenghtened in Korea?
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One of my Thai friend did her FORTH revision nose surgery at GNG Hospital after her previous surgery at Grand demolished her nose completely. Her previous two were done at some "famous" clinic in Bangkok. She's only 6 weeks post-op so I can't say for sure, but so far she's really happy with her result.
I totally feel you on the horrors of revision rhinoplasty cause I'm still looking for a surgeon of my own. But you don't need to feel alone! really! I'm planning to do some Seoul searching in early Dec- mid Dec if you wanna hook up and go around together. I hope the best for you! send me a PM if those dates work for you
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Hi MissOrange. I don't blame you. The reason I got into this mess was because I was seeking perfection and now I will never have my ideal nose. I like a really long nose with a high bridge like Gisele Bundchen and my nose is short now and will always be short. It is a huge psychological burden for me because i have a long midface and a short nose looks odd on me and I have French, English and Ashkenazi Jewish origins so my birth nose was big..If I look normal and presentable, I will be very happy!! I will keep you updated.

Oh yes, Dr. Kim did come see me immediately post op. Another did see me on a post op visit to remove the packing but it did not worry me because I have had fellows remove my packing/bandages before. If he would have come right after then I might have been really worried because that would have been unusual.
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Dr. Seung-Mun Hong?
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  • 4 months later...
Tragically, the OP of this thread passed away this summer. :sad: In order to protect her identity, I won't post a link to her obituary here, but can do so privately upon request. She was a familiar face on various PS community message boards over the years and some interacted with her in person - perhaps some of you did. Although I never met her, everyone who's heard feels incredibly sad about it. It appears she was in Korea earlier this year although for what purpose (surgery/travel) I don't know.
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:sad: appreciate you sharing and I feel terribly saddened.

Remember her when I used to lurk more here.

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Her surgeons name was Luciano Ion
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Hrmm I don't want to comment on her mental/emotional state but I will say this tho, while i do not know the reason behind mariana's passing, her nose that ive seen, was absolutely not a botch job. It wasn't even close to that. In fact, mariana is really pretty and she had a beautiful post op nose. I'm assuming the nose which made her depressed which she showed me was from Luciano Ion. However objectively speaking her results were very beautiful. It was one of those noses who most of us would dream to have but do not have the pre existing structure to achieve such a nose even through surgery
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Apologies - I was late to respond to my PMs as my internet went down last night.

About Mariana:
Yes, she went to Lucian Ion in London. According to an old forum post of Mariana's on LookYourBest UK, her mother wrote to him beforehand, asking him to reconsider. Aside from any obvious bias or moral objection to PS, in this case, it's evident she was a beautiful girl with an ideal nose to begin with. Yet these realities did not deter Ion from performing 3 rhinoplasties on her (1 primary and 2 revisions). According to one guy who knew her well, this sent her down the rabbit hole and was the reason behind her subsequent Korean trips. But it's clear this wasn't a cumulative result of surgery alone - she had many longstanding issues of different kinds. I really feel for those who tried to help her, as well as her friends and poor mother. It's incredibly sad when I think about it.

Someone mentioned to me via PM that we tend to see posts like this often - only in hindsight do we notice they were a cry for help.

@MissOrange I don't know how many revisions she had at April31 but from her SM it seems she was there twice - perhaps she had a consult on her first trip?

@K Couture After her Ion surgeries, she was left with a shorter, flatter nose that lacked projection - almost a snub nose. If you PM me I can send you a link. Perhaps the results you saw represented the later improvements made? Even that wasn't a true "botch", although her old nose complemented her Slavic facial structure and was, in itself, an attractive and symmetric nose. Her facial proportions were ideal, so there was nothing positive to be gained from tampering with the overall size, shape or length, IMO. My understanding is that she worked as a model for the alt scene, which I think goes some way towards explaining why she "dramatised" her natural good looks with various surgeries and body modifications.

Pfffffttt - Lucian Ion. Honestly, I don't blame him for Mariana's tragic end, but I DO think surgeons are partly accountable for sad outcomes like this. Unlike most, I had his hypocrisy sussed from the outset, despite the Realself litany of praise. He's acquired a reputation for being something of a revision specialist, but he isn't the antidote to everyone's nasal woes because - if you look closely - he almost exclusively focuses on making attractive young men and women look "perfect", and shies away from rectifying some of the more obvious, occasionally devastating problems arising from bad surgery and/or genetics.

In my view, making attractive people better looking is akin to picking the lowest hanging fruit; it doesn't take a genius to work out that "good results" look better when the face is conventionally attractive to begin with. It's a good marketing strategy, particularly in this day and age of social media sharing.

A cursory look at Ion's Realself profile will tell you as much. From private conversations as well as my own negative experience with him, Ion's "exit strategy" involves telling people with genuine, difficult issues that they have BDD and/or psych issues in order to get off the hook, instead of being truthful and stating he can't help. Yet all the while, he's doing multiple surgeries on people who literally don't stand to gain any kind of improvement from surgery, like Mariana - the very definition of someone with such problems.
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I couldn't have put it better myself upload_2017-12-19_19-15-5.gif she really did have a perfect nose. She also knew it was a mistake - it’s tragic. My guess is that she was simply sick and tired of it all.

That early question she asked on Realself shows how she was originally on the fence about getting a rhino at all. It’s a shame no doctor thought to elucidate the reasons as to why a nose job wouldn’t improve her face (or nose) - not from a psychological perspective, but from an aesthetic one. I believe she’d have been at least somewhat receptive to that, possibly more so than the opinions of friends and relatives.

My guess is that Lucian Ion promised or intended her a different outcome, given he twice tried to rectify it afterwards. However, the fact she was so attractive may have occluded his objectivity in her case. And in looking at her pics, in light of the hypocritical BS he's told me and others, I find it astonishing that he found any solid reason to tamper with her nose.

Another thing I think: PS isn’t really about beautification - it’s about change. If that’s not what’s sought, it’s a counterintuitive way to go about things. The more bad jobs I see, the more I realise how “flaws” don’t really lend themselves to surgical techniques, as they're invasive and kick up scar tissue. They always say revision surgeries are more risky but I think primaries are - for the patient’s mental health, that is - as they create the subsequent need for more surgery. By the time you’re several surgeries down, it’s easier to accept a compromise. That’s why I think the decision to operate for the first time is the most important, and why beautiful people should stay well away from the knife and not be reeled in by some near-unobtainable promise of a “finesse” result.

@MissOrange I hope you are doing well and, for the record, you’ve achieved an amazing overall improvement with your procedures. I would not even notice your nose, which is how it’s meant to be. But I get it - once it’s been operated on, it becomes an identity thing for us. In cases of serious botches, it becomes something of a disability. I predict that I'll also wind up with a still-upturned nose as a best case scenario, and if I manage to get the broad improvements I want, I’ll probably settle for a compromise too.
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She actually showed me her original nose, which was so gorgeous I couldn't understand why she would want more. She also shared her revision noses with me on kakao and honestly she kept telling me how bad it was an a snub flat short nose so I was expecting something horrendous. But when she showed them to me I was like ".....ummmmmmmm ok the difference between your original nose and your post op noses is quite subtle, and regardless of what your subjective perception is, objectively speaking non eof your nose pics look bad and in fact your nose looks beautiful in all the pics, original, post op 1 and post op 2." That's pretty much what I said to her. And after that I didn't want to offer her anymore advise because I felt a nose like hers is already so gorgeous, yes even the post op nose is gorgeous, hence there's absolutely no reason to touch it. I wish she felt that way too.
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I definitely think she looked beautiful before and after, and had I seen her post-rhino for the first time, I would not have detected anything other than a very attractive face. What it boils down to I think is a loss of identity and an intense feeling of regret that can really eat away at you.

I don't know if you've seen the comparative pics on Mariana's Realself? These do illustrate the overshortening quite clearly, evidenced in part by a larger space between her nose and upper lip. This could've been rectified in part at April31, as some of the social media pics of her in Korea show her with a slimmer looking nose. I'm so sorry to hear she didn't accept your kind words, though. I was in touch with a guy who tried to help her for a very long time, and I know he had endless conversations with her about these issues.

What does irk me though is how her insecurities were needlessly exploited in the first place. Educating people like Mariana on how they already benefit from a positive aesthetic balance, as well as sidestepping suicidal patients who have model-worthy looks, should've been the surgeon's first priority, as opposed to performing 3 unsuccessful nose jobs and proposing a 4th. It's a different story for those who need the work done and therefore stand to benefit. Even the Realself surgeons were telling her not to do it, and they're usually the worst for procedure recommendations - so that alone tells me something.

Ultimately, I just hope that if we see another person on this forum or elsewhere who posts a similar thread, one of us will be able to make a positive impact before it's too late :sad:.
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