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Nerve Damage after ps in Korea

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Every plastic surgeon nightmare is nerve damage. It could be motor or sensory one. I can't tell how common it is as I am not a surgeon, however for sure each surgery involves a risk and it totally depends on the surgeon skills. I did my first Zygoma and mandible reduction in JW clinic. And everything went perfectly, however I was stupid and was seeking for more V line face so I did a revision in DA. Regarding your last question there is nothing you can do once a nerve is cut or damaged. People say accupuncture might help but no guarantees.
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  • 3 weeks later...
@sayau01 Sounds like somehow your infraorbital nerve was damaged, which accounts for the numbness in the areas you described.

If your nerves are damaged during surgery, surgeons usually say to wait about 6 months for sensation to return because healing of the nerve will happen within the first few months, and not much after. If you've already waited a year, likely the paranasal implant is putting pressure on the nerve and causing numbness, or the nerve was cut during your surgeries and already healed as much as it could. I had jaw reduction and experienced permanent nerve damage that impairs sensation to my lower lip, gums of my lower front teeth adjacent to the lower lip, and chin. The surgeon kept reassuring me that sensation would return, but only about 30% ever did, and I still experience significant neuralgia (unusual tinglying or painful sensations due to nerve damage). Unfortunately, nerve damage is a serious side effect of cosmetic surgery that can really impair your quality of life, and IMO not discussed enough pre-surgery.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I got a nreve damage from v line surgery and fat grafting on my face (at id hospital) 2 yrs ago. And the doctor who performed these to me is Dr.Kim who now open his own clinic called EU Dental. He is the nightmare for me. I still regret I shouldn't have done surgery with him. The first time I met him. He's not as I expected. and he didn't care what I said. My bf said he's not surprised because dr kim was very ignorance. Now I'm very sad and depressed. The numbess is very annoying. And it will be like this for the rest of my life. This is the side effect that not many talking about.
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Normally before the surgery, the doctors explain there's a chance of nerve damage which will recover within a year. and there are chances some of the sensation won't recover. but I think your case if rare. you should get that checked!
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Nerve damage is not as rare as you may presume. Craniofacial anatomy is complex, and surgery (esp ostectomy) is inherently invasive and fraught with risk. I know/have spoken with several people who've experienced varying degrees of facial nerve sensation loss.

I am a huge proponent of going in to a surgery knowing the potential side effects, and have no agenda beyond the hope that individuals who seek facial contouring surgeries not be blindsided by potential nerve damage complications.
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I'm so sorry that you are going through this..
Can I ask if your surgery had went perfect at JW, why did you not return to them to request you wanted it more Vline? Also who was your doctor at JW? I'm also interested in getting a mandible reduction..
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  • 3 months later...
I wanted more like a doll shape face and JW is more on the natural look side thats why I didn't go back to JW..
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Thank you for your compassion! Yes this is one of my biggest mistake in my life, being only 21 and knowing that I will have nerve damage for the rest of my life thanks to inexperienced doctor.. Even if you would consider jaw surgery please choose a surgeon very carefully this is really serious surgery
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