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Baum PS Quote (Too good to be true?!)

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HAHA! Go consult with them and tell them exactly what you want! I think you can achieve that nose if you describe your ideal type of nose to them thoroughly :smile:
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first one is insane, the second one is nice.
First one would never work for daily life...... unless you're an actress....
btw why do you want rib rhino
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If I am not wrong I think the doctor in Real Ps does closed rhino, a person-promoter approached me and told me so. But I am logged in from my bf's pc and can't see my notes to see if it is valid..

But their website is weird, at least the one I visited
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Why do you say shady?:amazed: Have you heard anything about them?:amazed:Of course using promoters is a shady tactic, that's what you meant?

I just saw that Laprin has a closed rhino method, they call it ''Laprin closed endoscopy nose surgery'', check it out:http://laprin.imhostings.co.kr/sub/eye_nose_surgery/eye_nose_surgery_07.html

Do you think it has any difference with the classic closed method or it is a gimmick name? I see no difference from the pictures but I could be wrong!
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It is a gimmick name because all closed rhinoplasty surgery is operated using endoscopy haha! Korea has so many gimmick names sometimes we have to think twice. @erichyung many clinic actually buy their before and after picture from marketing company specially for the plastic surgery industry did you know that
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Hi Happysoul - may I know the ear cartilage the doctor took out from your ear? Is it a must to take out? I m hesitating actually
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that also done but it takes time because patient to fully recover can take months so there is companies which sell these type of before and after. Many things in Korea cannot be trusted really
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Hi LittleBu,
The ear cartilage which Dr Park took out is for my tip projection as the silicon most clinics use now is the "I" shape silicon instead of "L" shape silicon. If you do not wish to use your own ear cartilage, i think you can opt for donor cartilage (i'm not sure though). But it'd be better to use your own cartilage. Anyway, I'm not sure if tiplasty is required for every rhinoplasty, hence it'd be better if you consult with the doctors directly.

Anyway if you want to have natural nose, just have to indicate it to the doctor. For me, I have requested for natural looking nose, hence the implant that dr park used for me is only 2-3mm. For the model inside the picture, the consultant told me its more of the "extravagant" style as requested by the person herself.
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Hi happysoul - thanks for your description. The dr asked me to take a pic of the nose that I want, but I still prefer a natural nose. Not sure how to describe to him. What is your suggestion? Do you have to show a nose pic that you want to the doc?
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by the way, donor cartilage means cartilage from a dead person, just so you know :biggrin: For anyone out there wondering what donor cartilage actually means.
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