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In SK next week for Rhinoplasty, Vline & Cheekbone, no idea which doc.HELP

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Hi all,

I have to say I have left this quite late....well....I originally had an agent to take me around and consult, but then I realised I should have done research about doctors and hospitals way earlier on my own instead of being semi "controlled" but the agents here.

As the title suggests I am looking to do my nose, facial contouring and reduction of cheekbones, I have been in contact with docfinder and my seoul beauty etc.

I WOULD REALLY BE GRATEFUL if anyone here can shed some light on your previous research findings/personal experiences/any knowledge at all.

I would love to know which doctors and clinics are recommended for my procedures, and should I do all 3 at the same time or do them separately?

So far I have seen the following names floating around:
- ID
- JW
- TL
- Banobagi
- Regen
- Girin

I am sure I have seen more but as I am freaking out ALOT I am forgetting the rest.

PLEASE HELP ANYONE. p.s I am after results that are halfway between natural and 'dolly', I don't want it to look super fake but I would like to look better than now...

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Hi I PMed you back but Ill post here too. Please look them up in own time also ^^ Searching this forum is good. For every clinic you are thinking :smile:

# I recommend 2 trips and am doing that myself i think. But if you are doing them all in 1 operation you want a good clinic. Stay away from ID they are well known on here for botching lots of patients. Wonjin, Grand also are a big NO NO to name few. Read the thread above. JW also has a lot of negative reviews. I PMed you what I think of TL

A clinic thats good for both FC and rhino is hard, because they usually have different doctors for them. You should consult at a lot btw. Braun does good noses I hear, and also the "dolly" faces but you can ask for natural and take in pics of celebrities. Personally one of my top choices is Hershe because of their safety record (no accidents) and they communicate well when I email questions. There are not many before and after pics tho.

Banobagi I hear is expensive, and does natural natural faces. Sometimes can't tell difference. LOL. I think their noses are quite ugly from before after pics. You can check the site and maybe you like them. MVP does nice noses (I am probably going for nose, but not facial contouring as I want the chio dolly look).

Anyway here is my suggestion ^^ plz let us know how it goes.. and good luck..

# -Regen http://bongqiuqiu.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/3-months-post-op-before-after.html
-Hershe http://hershebeauty.com/index.php/board/list/en_real_story/957
-The Line

Look at their websites and if you like you should email now and make sure you can book consultation. Always speak to doctor who will be working on ur face ^^ And if u can't speak Korean. Ask if you need a translator in ur email.
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Could you PM me what you think of TL as well? I'm going to SK in a few months and I am heavily leaning towards TL right now...
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I am so grateful for your response!! It's getting a little overwhelming with the schedule coming up and all these choices.
Thanks for the link but that negative experience thread seem to blacklist everything! LOL!

I heard of Grand and Wonjin, and also heard that they are big nos, as well as ID. I am now seriously considering getting the procedures done separately. Banobagi just went off my list, I saw some photos of the nose and I can't say I can even tell a difference....or like it for that matter.

I do really like Qiuqiu's nose at Regen, but I am not sure how good their FC is.

I will look into MVP and Hershe today! thank you so much!
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You're welcome ^^ I also do recommend that you look up stuff in the time you have left hehe. Like decide how exactly you want to change your face and nose. Even get pics of celebrities to show doctors. If you can speak Chinese check out Chinese forums and what they say for plastic surgery, if you want more clinics to visit.

I know lol :P It is v helpful though IMO. if you have a clinic in mind and its on the list, look through the negative clinic thread to find exactly what people have said. Its hard work but its ur face, you dont want anything to go wrong and there are some nasty things that happen like doctor swapping :shocked: You should also search this forum n Google to see if there have been any negative reviews.

TBH I would recommend doing procedures separately, facial contouring then rhino to fit ur new face. I too was considering going in one trip because my boss won't let me have much time off work lol. But I am now going to leave 1 or 2 months in between. In fact, if you want to do this, I would recommend some other clinics because some places are good for FC but not rhino. Let me know :smile:

  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Jessica, would it be possible to share with me your view of TL as well? ^^ I am also planning to do facial contour, both cheekbone and jawline reduction, do you think it is advisable to do separately, with maybe a year apart? Because even one surgical procedure is a major thing to me, would like to take step by step. Would love your input ! :biggrin:
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Hi Jessica, would it be possible to share with me your view of TL as well? ^^ I am also planning to do facial contour, both cheekbone and jawline reduction, do you think it is advisable to do separately, with maybe a year apart? Because even one surgical procedure is a major thing to me, would like to take step by step. Would love your input ! :biggrin:
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