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Help! I want alarplasty but don't want the scar, what method works for this?

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Hi, I have seen some really ugly alarplasty scars and I hate that, along with the unsymmetrical alar issue. I was wondering how i could get alarplasty but avoid that? I have heard of the pinch method, can anyone enlighten me as to what are the different methods and who offers them?
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Scarring heavily depends on your own skin type. Also, asians tend to scar worse than most ethnicities. Of course the surgeon's skill matters a lot due to the incision, but aftercare is very crucial because scarring is inevitable with any kind of surgery. I had alarplasty in 2012 with my nosejob and the scar was gone after a year, but I took very good care of my facial skin in general and take vitamins.
Scarring usually isn't permanent or too noticeable if you learn to take care of the incision line carefully after procedure, but of course the first year it might be noticeable without makeup.
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It really depends on your doctor's skill and how you maintain yourself post-op. The scar was visible on me for the first month, but it disappeared after that. In fact, the scar was barely there after just 1 week after suture removal. I just needed to use a little concealer and it's gone.
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I got my first rhinoplasty when I was 17. It was an open surgery. Despite not having the results I wanted, I ended up recovering very well with practically no scars within 3 months. On a scale of 1-10 on how noticeable my scars were, I'd say 1. Even if you came up close to me, you wouldn't be able to see it because it's write along where any crease is supposed to be on the alar base. I say you have nothing to fear, especially with a good surgeon. Despite my first rhinoplasty surgeon not giving me what I wanted, he still had 20 years + worth of experience under his belt - so he knew how to avoid scarring. He's a western doctor from the U.S. who tried his best with my wicked bulbous Asian nose. I just got my nose revision at Cinderella 8 days ago and it was also open nose surgery. I can already tell it will heal up very well with unnoticeable scarring.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey Apayo, good luck on your recovery! Did you do external alarplasty revision at Cinderella? If so, who was your surgeon? I'm in Seoul today/tomorrow and hoping to consult with them perhaps :smile:

Would you be willing to PM me the name and city of the doctor who did your alarplasty in the US by any chance? I'm thinking of doing alarplasty in the US and would recommend any recs! (esp for surgeons good with not leaving scars)
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