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My zygoma, V-line, genioplasty and rhinoplasty surgery in Cooki PS

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I would have agree here, I have been researching for some month and everyone who has been agreed that you don't want to put down the deposit, without consultation. Because, you can't regret and get the refund. I am sure Cooki a great clinic but :smile:
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Hey asgogoas ,
thanks for all the information.
I just have a little question. I would like to do ASO , vline and rhino. How hard is it to breath after doing vline and rhino? Do you suffer a lot trying to breath or is it still easy to breath calmly?
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I'm sorry to hear your story, and I am sorry for misleading you guys to think that way. I am definitely not trying to encourage people to have prepayment, I am just sharing my own story, I didn't think that much about the bottomline for 'promotion' here, I am sorry if I have offensed you and I apoplogize, I also agree you should do consultation first before paying the surgery fee, I was just too irrational haha.
And yes, I do like Zach alot :smile:
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Well, you can breath freely after fc but for rhino, it took me 5 days or a week to breath freely haha. It is a bit uncomfortable.
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I hope you don't mind me asking some questions haha
But I'm really interested in getting the same procedures as you
Be honest, how painful was it after the surgery? Did it get better quickly?
How long did it take for your face to be able to look relatively "normal" again? as opposed to very swollen hehe
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For fc, honestly, I don't feel much pain from it. But for rhino, I felt a bit umconfortable because I could not breath for days and even a week, the pain level was not much either though, very tolerable in my case.
Well, as I mentioned, I looked normal a month after surgery, but I think it depends on different people, I am one of those who heal relatively faster than others.
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Haha my nose is very natural now:smile:
No worries:smile:
Seriously, it all depends on how u describe ur ideal nose to ur doctor, I know different doctors may have different standards on beauty, but how u describe it to ur surgeon matters the most:smile:
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Hey, have you seen any negative reviews/botched surgeries on facial contouring though? and switching doctors for that surgery? I wanna go there for facial contouring but I'm afraid they might switch doctors :sad: I have seen positive reviews though
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I have heard that there are some or many hospitals where do that. And since I have some korean friends, I could get some informations about that.. where not to visit, or some clinics where had medical accidents. I had consultations at three different clinics, and I decided to have my surgery in View. now I don't have regret, and I think my decision was very right.
However, the other clinics were also nice. When I had consultation at view for the first time, they emphasized that they don't switch doctors and had no medical issue. It sounded quite trustworthy so I guess I decided View eventually. I want you to look for some information enough and then not be deceived by clinics haha
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