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Best Closed Rhinoplasty Surgeons in Korea?

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Yeah the situation with Park which i wasn't aware of back then but I've come to realize now is the results is very much dependant on your nose structure. People who like his results, myself included have thinner issues. Mine being thinner due to extrusion and damage made by the previous surgery hence I obtained definition from Park. But people who for example require bulbous excision usually are not satisfied because he doesn't seem to excise enough fatty tissue. I am not certain if that's a limitation of the endoscopic method. I did ask him once how to achieve more definition in the tip and his response is to use open rhinoplasty so that might be it.

Anyways other surgeons who do closed rhino is Kim from April 31 but he only does it upon request and prefers using open rhino. The other ones I am aware of is Pitangui but wouldnt recommend it. They used an L shape implant on my friend implanted via closed rhino. -_- and it caused her tip to be tear and be very fragile. I think pitan would only be good for a brazilian butt lift since the surgeon is brazilian trained. And then the other one is Namu. Namu also specializes closed rhino so its worth checking out too. I believe there are some b n a on their site too
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I have not done any surgery yet. Still clean fresh face haha. I want to do nose and facial contouring in Sep or Oct is the plan I am working on now
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Ooh, interesting. I didn't know Dr. Kim at April31 does closed rhinoplasty when requested. I consulted with him before, and he said it would be open rhinoplasty. I wonder if this is because he's not as confident in it and his results in closed may not be as good? I ended up not going with them because I was worried about the scar (I scar suuuuper easily - can still see all the dark, raised scars from where fat was taken for each of my fat grafts, and I even have a long scar on my hand that won't go away from a papercut ages ago)... that and their costs are double everywhere else. (I got quoted $10k+ for revision at April31... yikes!)

Thanks for sharing!
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Ah my case sucks. So unnecessarily difficult. Sigh. Also all surgeons said it was impossible to get the nose that I wanted, which isn't even asking for alot, just more projection. I know namu does closed but is it good? I have visited there before and their doctor gave me a weird diagnosis so I didn't regard them highly.
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Lol, is that supposed to be funny? You just seem like a rude person. Good luck getting help on the forums with that attitude... you'll notice that more of the frequent posters know each other & try to help each other out.
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Good sense of humour.:biggrin:

bad sense of humour, so uptight lol :yucky:

But to be honest with you I am here just to share my opinions as we are on similar journeys. Since 2014 most of my posts for help have actually gone unanswered, and only one person has reached out to me to help, with the rest of the posts and messages being ignored. In other words I knew nothing before I came to Korea. :angel: Most of the info I have comes from actually going to places in Seoul. regardless, this forum is a fun place to discuss stuff anyway and there are nice people around :nuts:

As for clinics I've consulted, i have queried all the rhino specialist clinics mentioned on this forum with the exception of trend, as it was rather difficult finding them , and even the ones only known to locals that I got from naver as I speak a bit of korean. So in total, more than 20 clinics, including those who are run by ENTs, including lesser known clinics in Jong gak and Sinsa and including random clinics like MEGA Ps and byulstar. This was very tiring and stressful. Disappointing too, once you realize surgery isn't as perfect as it seems to be in Korea:sad: Can you imagine? Coming down all this way only to be told 1. You cant have results like the before afters 2. The before afters are actually really fake in real life 3. The chance of botching (to me, looking plastic) is rather high. Only after consulting with a very very natural styled doctor did I realize that most of the places actually give you plastic looking results. For example, an alarplasty. Usually most doctors put it far too close together, and it automatically looks fake and too organized.

By the way missJ, how does a genioplasty fix a gummy smile? the maxilla hasn't been moved at all, there should have been no difference to your gummy smile. :confused1::hrmm:
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Are you looking for a natural or drastic change? It sounds you are asking clinics for a significant change (if every single one of them says it can't be done), but at the same time you are afraid of looking plastic.
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Nope. I just have factors that are not common in a nose. The change that most doctors said I could have is so slight that it's pointless. So it would look a little harder from the side and they say it is impossible to get the nose featured on any of their before afters, straight line nose that is 90 degrees with mouth. zero of the before afters on any site fit my case. Don't jump to conclusions.
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I found Semin as well, they do closed rhino.

But no potos on the website. And one doctor does everything, nose, fc, lifting..I wouldn't probably trust a trade of all kinds. And no photos? How can I see his work?

But you could check it out
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I agree with you, no photos is bad!!! hard to find out what his style of nose is :doh:
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