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anyone going to do PS in Korea this Dec

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April is good. I have consulted them in July this year. I'm going to Seoul again in late Nov.
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What are you going to do in Nov? I'm going 28th nov - 12th dec and am going to consult April on the 29th :smile:
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I'm doing to do zygoma. If I have time then I will consult for rhino revision. I will be in Seoul from 22nd till 8 dec :smile:
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Hi, I'm planning to bring my mom to Seoul this December. Do you know which clinics and doctors are most well-known for revision rhinoplasty and incision double eyelid with ptosis correction?

I think I got a really high quote and I have narrowed down to Banobagi and ID Hospital since both of them are very well known. I also got quote from DFW! Maybe because it's my mom third time do revision rhinoplasty and she has very sensitive eyelid with glaucoma so her case is complicated? I'm not so sure so I'm doing more research now.

Banobagi: They appear on a Korean TV program called 'Let me in', which is the most famous make over show in Korea these days.
Banobagi is one of the top clinics in Korea. But it is popular only in Korea. As it has been focusing on the local market, foreign patients don’t know it well. But Banobagi is beginning promotion and marketing abroad. It won’t take too long for foreigners to like it. The clinic size is not too big compared to other leading hospitals, but its’ ability in all parts is no less than them. So many Korean Girls like Banobagi very much, as their service as well as the result of surgery is superb. One more thing, their big merit is that all 4 CEO doctors themselves perform surgery to patients.

Revision Rhinoplasty : 7.15 mil krw
(Alar reduction : 1.32 mil krw)
Incision double eyelid with ptosis correction : 4.73 mil krw

ID Hospital: They appear on a Korean TV program called 'Let me in', which is the most famous ‘make over show’ in Korea these days.
ID Hospital is the most renowned plastic surgery hospital in Korea with more than 30 medical specialists. They also have dentists, dermatologists, ENT doctors, Physician in order to enhance appearance as well as functionality of different face and body features. They prioritize patient safety by recruiting the best doctors in Korea and equipping clinic’s facilities with the latest technology. They are a high standard plastic surgery hospital which is equipped with safety facilities required by the government, such as emergency power system, ambulances, and inpatient rooms(more than 30 hospital beds). One more thing, they have a very long history (15 years) compared to others, therefore they have numerous experiences in plastic surgery. They are much more well known for VIP and local patients. They are only hospital in Korea compared with others are just clinic. It means that they satisfy the hospital’s standard of Korean government for everything like size, safety, surgery, etc.

Revision Rhinoplasty : 6 mil krw
(Alar reduction : 0.5~1 mil krw)
Incision double eyelid with ptosis correction : 3.5 mil krw

These two clinics provide hospitalization services and rough price is KRW 110,000 per night. It will be my mom third time surgery (she got incident 1 first, hit by motorbike helmet 2 time for 8 months ago and that turned her nose ... long story short, very unlucky days for her :sad: ) so I want to make this as the last time for her surgery and she'd be comfortable during the surgery and after that with hospital treatment. I'm still debating to go with these two clinics or Dr. Kim April 31 ?

Any advice for me?
My kakao id is mindyle if you also plan to go from Dec 15 this year
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Ive read alot of bad reviews from ID. I wouldnt go there. I think april 31 would be better out of the 3 but theres many more clinics you should look into as well.
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I suggest you read the other posts here first and reconsider your decision, both BNBG and ID does not have very good reputation both here and on Chinese forums..
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DA also has a free model thing aswell i saw it one time on their facebook page!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi there, I am also going to Seoul November 28th for 2.5 weeks! I will be consulting with Grand, Wonjin and ID for rhino, V-line and fat grafting. How did you decide on consulting with April? I don't know anyone in Korea so just did online research for these hospitals. Where are you planning to stay while you are there?
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I'm staying near Gangnam station exit 1 :smile:

After reading from online experiences I decided to consult the clinics I'm going to. To be perfectly honest with you, I would avoid all the clinics you are planning on visiting. Grand is the number 1 most sued clinic in Korea and has had deaths from surgery before. Both ID and Wonjin have had many unsatisfied Chinese customers. Especially with V line surgery, Dr Park from ID will consult with you but he will never operate on foreigners and it will always be a shadow doctor. I would advise you to do more research... for facial contouring I have read online that DA, view and face dental are quite good, but I haven't researched too much into it myself so don't just take my advice!
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Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated. After reading some forums on My Seoul Secret I am looking at this https://www.bnbhero.com/en/users/5384 as a possibility for the first few days of accommodations until I decide which hospital to go with. It's a guest house within walking distance to 2 subways and very close to all the hospitals. It's a shame that all three of the hospitals I will be consulting with are not recommended. I had in my heart written off ID because I read a couple of poor online reviews about shadow doctor. I was leaning towards Wonjin (My Seoul Secret has them listed as a hospital that is certified to operate on foreigners and seems to have natural looking results), or Grand (good email communication and offers some smaller surgeries that I am considering in addition). Where did you find these facts about the hospitals? I guess I haven't researched enough. I will look into DA for facial contouring - not sure how experienced they are with rhino and FG.
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Hey ikiban8,

I've been doing some research for the past few months. I would recommend everyone and anyone to stay clear from Grand. I saw many articles about ghosting and shadow doctors at Grand. This is one of the articles I found online: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/09/116_201818.html ..
If you search for them online you'll find a lot about the founder/head director being charged and prosecuted for having other doctors operating in his stead. According to that article the head director and some other doctors at Grand have already been suspended :\
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There are lots of threads about FC here on PF with many users talking about which clinics and surgeons are good for FC. A RealSelf user is being sued by ID for a review of FC experience with their clinic and has been forced to remove it! Most of the things I have read about FC has been on PFs forum, since I'm not looking into getting FC done myself I haven't really read much up about it outside of what I've seen around here.

# href="#" class="internalLink"># href="#" class="internalLink"># href="#" class="internalLink"># Here are a few of the threads about FC! But I would definitely read into the clinics you choose to consult with and especially the surgeons who will be performing the surgery!

Also if you PM me your KK id we can chat about it a bit more! xx

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