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Best plastic surgery for "caucasian nose"

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I have done revision Rhinoplasty in April 31, and the so called renowned dr.Jae hoon kim didnt give me a better smaller change since my nose is big and high. They quoted me 9 Mio won, very expensive but no significant change. I want my bridge lower and nose tip smaller, and yet.. my nose is still big, he claimed just make my nostril lower to look normal. I dont recommend April 31 clinic if you wanna have nose job to be a dramatic change. Their marketing Mr.B only super care at you when you're in Seoul, but when you got back in your country, he simply doesnt respond to your request due to your medical needs of information.
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Thank you for sharing your experience, these reviews on April31 rarely show nad are very valuable I will take into account your review when making my choice..So they could be good for a natural change in your opinion?

Are you going to get another revision?

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Tbh I don't trust Korean drs to do rhinoplasty on my western nose. I'd rather do it in Europe or Iran but I don't know too much Persian so I would need a translator :/ And I don't want to do it in the US since the prices are crazy. I'm really leaning towards Iran right now, since most of the people who get rhinoplasty there have noses like mine.
I would love to know how many people here are considering rhinoplasty who have prominent "western looking" noses. Would you trust a Korean doctor or are you thinking about doing the surgery elsewhere?
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  • 2 weeks later...
This is actually my first post here (Hello! I'm super shy), but I've been looking around here for about a year now.
I'm caucasian, with a very prominent "western nose"--large hump, nose tip sticks out quite a bit, kinda droops down when I smile, all that stuff.
Honestly, I've been considering a Korean doctor to fix my nose mainly because they tend to have more experience in general, I've heard, and also I'm a student so I like that the price isn't as crazy as Canadian or American doctors.
I've mainly been thinking about going to April31 because I keep hearing good things about Dr. Kim, and also they had a video on their website with a caucasian girl who had surgeries there so it makes me feel like they have some experience. Idk...
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  • 9 months later...
yes i do nose surgery in TL but everything goes wrong... so i decide to do a revision rhinoplasty again in this september... everyone who got information where is the good idea to do rhinoplasty revision, please let me know... big thanks anyway
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i got
same problem too but i was went to another clinic... it was TL... now my nose was not proportional on aspect... wish we find a good one to revision
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  • 4 weeks later...
aww you are like me. i was really highly considering april 31 and TL and some other places, they were the top. but in the end i decided with GNG hospital and i am really glad i made that choice. i hope the best for you and hope you dont need revision! :sad:
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I've done my nose job this Summer at Banobagi and I'm planning to visit next year around march for my double eyelid. I went through K-Doctors for my nose job and I'm happy that I was able to know this agency because they've helped me arrange my hotel and treatments also which was really helpful for me cuz I went to Korea alone.
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I'm getting my nose done at View Clinic, I'm not Caucasian, middle eastern some what hahaha but when I spoke to the doctor he showed me on paper and mirror what he was going to do. I'll post the results as soon as the surgery happens so wish me luck!!
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I'm Persian and I totally understand what your saying. With Iran, like the US or South Korea or anywhere you want to get plastic surgery with, you have to find the right doctor and clinic. My cousin had a really big wide nose, she lives in Tehran. She got it done in the capital and her nose is more western style. And by that I mean the Iranians perceive western style as skinny skinny nose that is upturned. She's happy but it's far from natural looking. Look through instagram on Iranian nose jobs, you'll have a better understanding. I choose South Korea b.c I wanted my nose on the more natural side. Good luck!!
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