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Post surgery blues

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Eric, I'm sorry that your feeling bad, but if it's been less than 2 weeks than I would hold off on judging the results. Just try your hardest to not think about the results for a little bit, just concentrate on healing up and recovering.
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Go to the medical tourist center in Gangnam (IIRC?) and ask for legal advice, etc. You will have to argue for the revision I think, doctor sounds ****
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Eric i am truly sorry for your experience :sad:
i didnt mean for my reply to offend you.
infact after reading all your comments sounds like the clinic is horrible!..
i know you mentioned you didnt want to mention the name of this clinic, but maybe if you tell us you can save alot of people from having the same experience..
i hope you can find a way to solve this!
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Eric, very sorry for what happened. It's very disappointing to read that your surgery did not go as planned. I know this is a very difficult time for you, but I would strongly suggest that you let the initial swelling go down before considering revision. I have not come across anyone whose results are 100% perfect the moment the cast and sutures were removed. Even for my rhinoplasty, the radix was high, but it's been 3 months now and my radix has dropped to a good level. So look on the positive side and know that all this is only temporary.
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I know it's difficult to wait, but I really think your nose will get better with time at least wait 1 year. The nose is a living organ it will shift and adapt to it's new form within a year. If you still aren't happy with it then search another surgeon. I wouldn't have surgeon with the same doctor that "botched me" twice.
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The problem is it looks plastic as well, which is really bad.
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