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Is Laprin Legit?

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Goldenview seems good for lips. They charge the same price for foreigners and locals apparently.
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I am interested in them as well. Have you contacted them? Do they have an english translator? Do you know any prices?

Thanks :smile:
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You also want to get your lips done?:biggrin:

I am interested in philtrum reduction, corners lift and another surgery don't know what is called, the one that puts your lips on m shape kinda..Do you what I'm talking about?

So, do you think a foreigner could get a local price with them?
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  • 1 year later...
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Hi eric, do you have their address? I tried to contact them but they always ignoring me. It almost feels like they don't want my money :/ but i saw some of their b&a and they look pretty good
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Was just at Laprin about a week ago for consultations. I asked about fat graft to face, chanel line lipo, fat graft to cover over existing silicone breast implants, and also lip lift to shorten philtrum. The English translator was super sweet, the consultant was very *****-faced, and the doc was nice but super busy! I had to go back again in the afternoon to catch him between surgeries. They tout a special no-scar technique for philtrum reduction on their website, but in person they pretty much told me I can't do it, because I already have had a nose job which makes my nose tip stiff. Their special scar-less technique requires a flexible nose tip where you can still do the piggy nose. Since I cant, they would have to do conventional method on me, which they said would very likely leave a scar. They told me best not to. I was sad. They didn't even bother to quote me on it. But for breast fat graft it was 6mil won and they were willing to go down to 5 mil won if I committed to do it like 2 days later. Chanel line was 2mil won. Facial fat graft was 2.5mil won. They claimed to also employ a stem-cell specialist, saying this makes them better. But I honestly felt more comfortable with my consult with Fresh PS for any fat grafting stuff and they also use stem cell and don't overfill.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
I know this is an old-ish thread, but I have gone with Laprin for facial lipo. I'll post a more detailed review soon but as of yet (I'm on 3rd day post-op) things are good.
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  • 1 month later...
Hey, did you have your cheeks lipo'd or just v line and double chin??
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  • 2 weeks later...
Can you message me or tag me when you post your review?? Thank you!

I really want to hear more about it. Like where you had lipo; what you looked like before (where you were carrying fat in your face, shape of face, etc); and if you got any kind of lifting done afterwards for the skin?

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