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Mandible Reduction at MVP Clinic

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Hello, beautifuls!
I'm writing this as of day 3 post-op. It's been in an insane week and I can't believe I had the courage to go through with this surgery. But the width of my lower jaw was something that had bothered me since young, and to finally go through and change something unwanted feels liberating.
The reason I'm writing this is because I've been lurking through this forum for a long time, and despite the increasing amount of promoters, the majority of people here have provided great advice and support which helped a lot for me finally gaining the courage to go through with the operation. So I hope in return my post can be useful to those looking for information on plastic surgery in Korea, specifically facial contouring.
I came to Korea all by myself. In my opinion, I don't think medical tourism agencies like docfinder or seoultouchup are necessary. It's very easy to navigate through Korea, especially since there is an abundance of taxi drivers whom are very helpful in finding where you need to go. It's completely your choice, but to those who are travelling solo and are worried - I'm only 17 years old and did not find it difficult at all.
I had my consultation with MVP clinic on Monday, where my CT scans were taken, and I also had my blood and EKG tests. The consultant, to my surprise, did not try to pressure me into doing other procedures which I really appreciated. On the same day, I paid and signed some forms, and was also explained some risks to the surgery. I was told the risk of accidents, even though it had never happened in MVP clinic, it is important you're aware despite the minimal chance of it occurring. There is no such thing as a risk free surgery and it is important that whatever clinic or doctor you choose makes sure you're in knowledge of that. I was also told that there would be the possibility of sagging, but since I'm quite young it most likely won't be that evident in my case.
My surgery was done the next day. I had to fast for at least 8 hours, so by the time I arrived at the clinic at 9:30am, I was starving and thirsty! I had to wash my face and make sure my nails were clear of any nail polish. I also had to change into a loose shirt with no buttons, but was tied up like a wrap. I had to change my pants, take off my bra AND change into their disposable underwear as well! It was serious business!
The doctor, once again, showed me where he was going to be shaving my jaw and then drew on my face with a marker. I remember just feeling numb as if none of this was real. I didn't feel nervous, I just felt nothing.
Then I was led to the surgery room where I laid down on the table. One of the nurses tied up my hair while another injected a thin needle into my arm. All I remember was feeling extremely drowsy, so I asked the English consultant Mindy who was standing beside me if the anaesthesia was supposed to be working now. I don't think she understood what I was saying, but I was knocked out in seconds.
I woke up in around 3 hours with my face bandaged up and these little blood pouches which collected the blood draining from wounds. (I apologise for my lack of medical knowledge haha... but that's how I'll describe it. It was a thingy connected to my incision which collected the blood)
I barely felt any pain, to my surprise! Just a slight ache in my jaw, but the main discomfort was feeling unbelievably THIRSTY. I hadn't had water for hours, and was still not allowed to have water until 6 hours after my surgery! Shortly after waking up I was walked to my recovery room where I stayed. The nurse told me it was important not to sleep until 6 hours after, but I was still feeling so drowsy. I was checked up on by the nurses every hour or so, and my doctor came to visit me before he went home to work to tell me how the surgery went. I was so happy, I wanted to tell him and Mindy thank you so much but my throat was so dry I could barely talk... I had to stay overnight and Mindy was kind enough to stay with me during the night just in case there would be any language barriers with the nurses. I was so grateful.
The next morning, the nurses took off my bandage and taught me how to put on my compression band, which I had to wear as much as possible. Everyone seemed surprised that I was barely in any pain, but I just felt a slight ache in my jaw and the main issue was my dry throat. The most painful part, however, was when they removed the drainage. It was like a slow, numb pain... but it wasn't too bad. Honestly, I had chin and nose fillers a month prior to this and it was more painful than this! But again, the feeling of not drinking and eating for an extended amount of time was torturous!
Mindy gave me a post-op care package which included pumpkin soup, ice compress, anti-biotics and other post-op medication and mouth wash I have to gargle every 2 hours. They hailed a taxi for me and I went back to my guesthouse where I drank an entire carton of chocolate milk! Chocolate milk never tasted sooo good! I instantly felt so better.
Right now, I'm just recovering in my guesthouse. I've been out shopping while wearing those half face masks to cover my mouth and haven't received any weird looks so far! As I said, it's day 3 and my swelling has PEAKED. Haha, I woke up and I look like I've been stung by 1000 bees. Tomorrow, I'll be going back to MVP for a checkup and deswelling treatments, so hopefully I won't look so much like a human pear anymore...
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Also, I'll try upload some before and after photos when my swelling eventually subsides..
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Hi daysuntilpretty! Very brave of you to travel alone at 17! Congrats on what sounds like a great post op experience. Did you consult anywhere else and is your family supportive? They must be worried about you. Hope your guesthouse is comfy. :smile:
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Thank you for your kind response! ^^~
I also had a brief consultation with TLPS, but before I arrived I had already heard bad things about them and their post-op care so I wasn't expecting too much. My guesthouse is quite small, but since it's just me I'm managing very well haha ^^
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Thank you haha ^^~ I didn't feel very alone at all, especially in this age where everything is accessible through the internet, so I don't feel like I'm lost in a foreign country. I really liked MVP because firstly, the consultant did not try to pressure me into more procedures than I wanted. That meant a lot to me because it means they appreciate what their customers wanted, instead of just wanting to squeeze out as much money as possible. Their English translator, Mindy was so friendly and even went beyond duty and offered to stay overnight with me to help with translating. It wasn't a very big, "factory" like clinic and when I spoke with the doctor and the consultant I felt they cared about what I wanted and listened to me as an individual. Thank you for responding ^^~~!!
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Thank you for your kind response! ^^~ I hope your facial contouring goes well! I'm staying in Korea for a total of 17 nights... So another 11 days until I go home! The clinic recommended to stay at least 2 weeks for facial contouring!
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Wow next month! Good luck on your surgery! Don't be too scared, it's always scarier in your head than it seems! So far, I'm just living on soup and noodles! Lots of water as well to flush out the anaesthesia and help with the recovery. Yes, they recommended walking a lot to help with the swelling! It's not recommended to stay inside and sleep all day haha. Walking definitely helps!
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UPDATE: I just came back from a checkup with the clinic! They gave me free deswelling injection and laser treatment to help with the swelling. Mindy told me that my swelling was much less than other cases, and I think it's because I went into a lot of preparation taking pre-operation and post-op medication to help with the swelling and recovery! I'll get my x-rays done on Monday and hopefully I can show the before and after! ^^~ p.s: I can eat burgers now if I tear them into tiny pieces and eat them one at a time LOL
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wow. I was on a liquid diet for a week. Doesn't your intraoral incision hurt?
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Oh, yes, it's a little painful around that area! But I didn't have my chin and zygoma done as well so I just have stitches around my jaw area. I make sure to gargle the special mouthwash after every meal to make sure all the little pieces are gone!
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