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Mandible Reduction at MVP Clinic

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I'm 16, and I'm planning on getting plastic surgery when I'm 18. (V-line, eyes, rhino, fat grafting) Don't you have to be 18 to get plastic surgery over there without a parent being with you? (I heard that quite a lot of times) Did you have any problems regarding your age when getting plastic surgery there?
Thanks~ ^-^
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Hi ! How have you liked your results at MVP? Do you recommend the clinic?
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  • 1 month later...
I do! They were so lovely and treated me very well. I'm not sure of all of my swelling has gone yet, but I'm very happy with the results. My family relatives have all said they noticed my face line getting significantly slimmer, but haven't asked if I had surgery or anything done
I'm just worrying about the sagging at the moment! But I haven't experienced any double chin or the like
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Hi there, I was reading your post and kept wondering how you underwent surgery underage alone? Because I am currently 17 and I know as a matter of fact that if you're under 19 (international age), you should have your parent with you before your surgery at least for consent. Clinics don't see "written" consents as legitimate either. I'm just curious as to how you went to Korea and got surgery by yourself.
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It's not a law though. It's more morality-driven. Quite some clinics don't really care about your age (as long as you're not 12 or something).
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That's pretty strange, I always thought parents consent had a legal effect. I mean you are still underage and is under the control/care of your guardian legally. I have done a couple procedures and always had to have my mother with me otherwise it was a no. I guess some clinics just don't really care..
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For me, I had to email a form for my mum to sign and then she would email it back signed with a picture of her passport (to show her signature), which I would then show to the clinic. Also, they called my mum as well to confirm if I had her permission to get surgery done. Good luck!^^
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Oh wow, that's a good way for clinics to handle younger foreigners.
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  • 6 months later...
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  • 1 month later...
Hello @daysuntilpretty ! Thanks for sharing your experience. Wow you are so brave for going to Korea and undergo surgery alone. I salute you :smile: and i concur on the fact that you don't need 3rd party for surgery in Korea. I wanted to ask how long did you have to wear the compression garment after the surgery? Do you like your result now?
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  • 4 weeks later...
Thank you lots for your kind words. I had to wear it 2 weeks after the surgery. Then I just wore it for 20 min every night after that... then eventually stopped :biggrin:
I am very happy with my results and am surprised I recovered as quickly as I did. However, I'm planning to get my chin and zygoma done as well, as I noticed that after only reducing my jaw, my chin and cheekbones have become more prominent. :confused1:
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