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Heart to heart surgery experience

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Fellow beauty lover, I decided to give you all the juicy details to my second surgery experience in Korea.
First let me share my background. I grew up in Asian family and plastic surgery was considered as something negative. I grew up accepting my fate and I thought I just have to bear with it and live like this. It's what my parents give me and I have to be thankful of that. I believe that everybody want to be beautiful. When we are young we can only dream but as we become adult, we can change, We can be our best self. Is it bad to have some confident booster? Life is short, let's be happy. Hakuna matata.

I blame it on every K-drama, I admit that I'm in love with Korea. Their fashion, their cosmetic, and their beauty (and all the oppas tee hee). After investing 2 hours everyday, researching for plastic surgery for 6 months. After comparing pro and cons I decided to come to Korea. Singapore, my country is good too but it's not the best. Sorry to say but I want the best for my face. I don't want to have regret in the future and I want no revision! Now the problem is I don't speak the language. I like numbers better than languages!! How am I going to survive?! I read about plastic surgery agency before but I don't know if I can really trust them, if you know what I mean. Long story short, I found a video on youtube (Sunny Dahye) and from her video I feel like I can finally grasp the idea and gain more courage to come to Korea.

So then I started my correspondence with Docfinder. I emailed them my pictures and I said that I'm thinking about having surgery for my eyes and cheekbone (I have monolid and the square face). They send me some quotations from multiple clinics that they recommended. I did more research about the clinic and I see that ID was a very big hospital, it looked trustworthy and anyway I heard that dr. Park from ID is the best facial contouring surgeon in Korea. So that's why I decided to go to ID. Docfinder asked me to send deposit money straight to the clinic (not through them) and they also told me different discount rates for multiple clinics. I told them that I had my worries too. I knew their service from the internet but still I don't have enough guts to do all surgery at once. This time I want to have eye surgery first. They said that it's ok if I just want to have square jaw consultation. I was happy and I booked the ticket, sent them my itinerary details. After that we started talking on whatsapp. They told me that they will send a driver to pick me.

I don't want to waste time because I already know where I want to go and what I want to have, so on the day of my arrival I want to have consultation and followed up straight by surgery. I need to fast for 6 hours so I fast on the airplane. It was SO tempting I must say. When the flight attendant started to bring out the meal, the whole plane was filled with yummy aroma! You know when you're not supposed to go to the toilet on school and then suddenly you want to go pee so bad? That's what I feel!! I thought I want to use the ear plugs to plug my nose lol

And ta-da! I arrived in Incheon, as soon as I walked out the gate with my luggage the driver waved for me and take me to his taxi. I tried talking to the driver but I don't think he understand English or Chinese. I rented portable wi-fi router at Chiangi airport and as soon as I turned it on I got a message from Anna, docfinder staff and she said that she will be waiting for me on ID hospital lobby so I said that I have purple bag with cat silhouette. The driver helped me with my luggage and then after about one and a half hour I arrived at ID. When I arrive the front desk lady greeted me first and then Anna came over. She said she immediately noticed me because of my bag lol

So we went to register, I remembered I answered bunch of question on the iPad. Some is important, like my height, weight, blood type etc. And some I think is not that important: how unsatisfied am I with my look etc. Then Anna took me to go somewhere to take my pictures. And then I go to some room for consultation. ID is huge so I thought I almost got lost! After a while Irene, my consultant came and she started asking me detailed question about my eyes. How I want to improve my eyes, what's bothering me about my eyes, have I considered about ptosis correction etc. On the email, Docfinder already told me that I have mild ptosis eyes and I already researched about that. So I said yes I'm aware that I have ptosis eyes that's why I always look tired and sleepy. I told Irene that I want to have obvious line even when I wear make-up and I want to have more round eyes. I don't like my eyes because I looked like an angry cat but I don't want to have huge dolly eyes. Everybody laughed and Irene said that she understand and then she go out to call the doctor. Then Dr Kim Il-Hwan came and oh my he is like a nice santa claus. Happy grandfather. He don't have white hair but well he actually really looked like a kind uncle. He touched my face, asked me to open close my eyes, follow his finger up and down. Dr Kim also said that I have ptosis eyes and he will correct that. Big news haha and he said that I can have non-incision eyelid surgery and I need to have epi canthoplasty to open my mongolian fold. Then he started pulled out his pen and started drawing on my face, I was really nervous actually at that time, my heart almost jump out of my throat! Everybody is nice and I'm well prepared for my surgery but maybe hospital is making me nervous.

On the email, Docfinder told me they will help me bargain. I said it's ok to go with no discount as long as they give me the best result. But I guess providing discount is one of the trademark of Docfinder, so they still gave me 10% discount. Irene said that she can give me 10% discount because I came with Docfinder. Well if they insist, how can I refuse a discount ^^ I finished my payment and Irene take me to the surgery room. I remember I walked past this air machine and I thought I almost fly out of the window! The wind was so strong! I went to the surgery room and the next thing I know my surgery was finished. Some hospital staff (can't remember her name I was so giddy) explained me something about the medicine but honestly she was speaking too fast I can't really remember. She showed me some paper with pictures and apparently it was my medication instruction paper. She helped me to walk and when I got to the lobby, Anna was already waiting for me. She then went somewhere and return with my medicine. She numbered my medicine and explained to me how to drink and use my medicine. I just laughed and asked what if I can't remember and she said not to worry and ask her anytime. Anna took me to my room in Young Dong Hotel and offered to help me buy some congee from the convenience store. I received her kindness and she asked if I want pumpkin congee. She said pumpkin is very good for de-swelling but pumpkin congee is very sweet. I asked her to buy me 1 pumpkin and 1 veggie congee. She came back and there's no microwave in my room so she went somewhere to heat my veggie congee up. I ate and went to sleep. When I wake up I feel much alive, I wasn't high anymore and I looked at the mirror. Oh boy oh boy, I am swelling! I heard that I must walk around for de-swelling so I wear my sunglasses and I went outside.

I looked again at my medicine instruction and actually it was pretty clear. So now it's just waiting period until I can remove my stitches and go home. I miss my dog and my mom so much! I need their love and support! I spent my days walking around the hotel area, there's many restaurant across the street and I also did a lot of shopping. If I'm tired I go back to the hotel, put some ice pack on my eyes and then I go out again. I visited the palace, Seoul tower, Gangnam, Coex mall, and my favorite is Myeongdong! After 7 days it was time to take my stitch out. My eyes was swollen for 2 days and then before I know it everything went down. I didn't know I will recover this fast, maybe because it's non-incision. So it was a happy end for my eyes!
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Second post: I reached over 10,000 character oops tee hee

On the day of my surgery we have no time for angle jaw consultation so Docfinder scheduled for the consultation on my stitch removal day. I met Dr Park Sang-Hoon. He was another santa claus. He can speak English! So we talked in English. I said that I don't like my square jaw but I don't want him to remove all of my angle, it will be so weird. He said not to worry and he said I also need genioplasty because after he reduce my angle jaw then my chin will be appear too long. I asked about my cheekbone too and he said I need one too lol

And then I went home the next day, the same driver picked me up again in front of my hotel. He still remembered me! After I got home I started researching again for facial contouring surgery. Many sisters in this forum shared that it's better not to go to Dr Park in ID because he only do VIP customer and if I choose him as my doctor then somebody else will operate me. During my consultation he doesn't look like he's going to that but honestly I was kinda scared. I asked Docfinder if I can have CCTV footage of my surgery and they said ID don't provide that. They said that DAPRS have that so I researched about them. I found out that Dr Lee Sang Woo is really good with facial contouring. But Sunny Dahye got facial contouring surgery with Dr Oh Chang-Hyeon and I like her result. SO!! After some more research I decided that I want to come to back next week to Korea and I will go to have consultation with DAPRS and Banobagi and I will decide where I want to have surgery after that. I will update you with my consultation and my surgery!

*if you want to know about the price and discount rate, please private message me. I decide to do this because I don't want to commercialize my experience. I'm doing this as a fellow beauty lover, sharing my experience so I can support you and you can support me too. Because I too was able to find strength and courage because of this community. So I decided to be open with you guys ^^
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Thank you for sharing your experiences jellyprincess :smile: It's good that you can have non-incisional eyelid surgery since they're virtually scarless and have quick recovery period. I'll add pumpkin juice, fake glass/sunnies to my surgery preparation list :biggrin:

Just wondering with the antibiotics do you remember what's the name/strength/direction you were given? It's because I'm thinking of getting the antibiotics from my local doctor before coming to Korea >°< Also did you have consultation with any other hospital before deciding on ID?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, did go to the clinics? How was it? (I can't seem to go on your profile to check your recent posts)
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Such a interesting story! I am also interested in double eyelid surgery. Recently I have had online consultation via some clinics. Id is one of that. I sent my eyes picture to several clinics. They recommend me incision with ptosis correction and epicanthoplasty. I want non-incision because I worry about the scar. But they said it seems that I have excessive and droopy skin on my eyes. The scar will fade away as time goes on as I heard about the scar. When I have consultation in Korea in person, I will ask lateral and lower canthoplasty. I really wanna big eyes.
Btw, I wanna see your B&F picture. Can you show me that?
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm planning to have double eyelid surgery or may be fat grafting next year. I also contacted docfinder. It seems more convenient going with them instead of going by myself. They mentioned that will help me to arrange all pick up and hotel. (I'm quite lazy about finding hotels or guesthouse haha) The only thing I need to do is choosing the clinic after the cousltatioin. Actually, I did some reserach on the clinics and I think I will probably choose Banobagi too. Since docfinder offer me to have consultation in 2 clinics, I may cosult in ID too.
After reading jellyprincess sharing, I feel more comfortable to go with docfinder. Could anyone share more experience about going with docfinder?
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  • 1 month later...
Sorry Haijir, I have no grid for my medication. I just remembered they said it's antibiotics and anti-inflammatory. I also have painkillers. They said that I don't need to finish the painkiller and I can drink them if I have headache. Maybe you can ask the name of antibiotics from your local doctor and ask to the clinic if they allow you to drink that after the surgery. For my eyes surgery I just had consultation at ID :sleepy: I had facial contouring consultation at ID and Banobagi and I'm going to post about that soon. Sorry for my hiatus. I'm waiting to recover first to I can give update about everything :P
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Yeah it's better to go for direct face-to-face consultation with the doctor. Sometimes picture can be deceiving :biggrin: I also heard with incision you will have longer down time but if there's droopy skin you want to remove then there's no choice other than incision. If you have good doctor like my santa claus, doctor Kim Il-Hwan then I'm sure he'll make pretty scar that will be unnoticeable as time goes by. Whoa you want to get lateral and lateral holtz canthoplasty? Your eyes is going to be really big and dolly then!! I'm feeling excited for you woo hoo :biggrin::biggrin:
My picture.. I'm not that open about my picture. I'm afraid there's somebody I personally know on this forum :doh:
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Exactly! I also feel the same way :smile: So convenient and I don't have to be afraid about coming alone anymore. So how was it? Did you got your consultation?
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Alright ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready for another plastic surgery adventure in the land of Kimchee? Put your hands up!! :cool::cool:

I started talking again to Docfinder about my facial contour. It's time to say goodbye to square face, I want oval I want egg shaped I want the perfect face shape that looks good in whatever hairstyle and more than anything I want my face to look small. In Korean TV show they sometimes say "your face is only as big as my fist". I want that! Although my eyes is now big but my face just look so sturdy and masculine. A lot of Korean female stars have small, delicate, smooth face. I actually have complex because of my square face but as I wrote before I don't want to remove all of my angle. Some people may actually like it but I don't want my face to be too sharp. Nice and feminine face line like Sunny Dahye would be perfect for me. Gosh I love that girl so much. Because of her I got inspired to have plastic surgery and even got introduced to Docfinder service.

After some more researching I decided to have face consultation with ID and Banobagi. I think that would be the better option since I'm in love with what they did to Sunny. So first thing first I REALLY did a lot of research and I prepare a lot of things for my face surgery. After face surgery you'll have stitches on the inside of your mouth so you can't bite and chew. In other words: liquid or soft food diet. I eat a lot and I don't like to starve myself. Some genius people said I should bring my blender so I did mwahaha :smartass: And after my eyes surgery I learned that they will advise you to sleep straight on your back for several weeks if not a month. So I pack my neck pillow with me too. I prepared a lot of button front blouses and just easy and loose clothes. I even downloaded some of my favorite movies like Harry Potter and Home Alone (lol) so I can have movie marathon when I recover. I made travel plan for places I want to visit in Korea because walking is good for my recovery. Last I also went to money changer and prepare some cash for spending and surgery fee. And ugh I'm so confused every time I see Korean money, there's too many zeroes! Singapore money is the best, just sayin' :cool:

Hop I go to the airplane and this time I didn't fast on the plane. I can enjoy the airplane meal, my bibimbab provided by Korean Air. Because this time I'm going to have consultations first on my arrival and then decide on the surgery. That's the plan but as you already know, Dr. Park Sang-Hoon is a busy man. I'm just afraid I can't have surgery with him if I didn't make deposit first so I make 500USD deposit in ID just in case. I already like him from my previous consultation but I just need another perspective from Banobagi too. Docfinder explained that it's not easy to get my deposit money back, I might get a percentage if I cancel the day before but I don't really mind, better safe than sorry.

On this trip I booked my consultation a little later in the afternoon so I can check-in at my hotel first. I don't want to carry my luggage everywhere :P Before I came I asked if Anna can be my manager again and it's possible! So after I refreshed myself, Anna come and picked me up at my hotel. During the commute she mentioned that it's better for me if I can take small note about my consultation later because otherwise I would be confused who said what and how much is where. Lucky I have notepad in my Doraemon purse. And after some catch-up talk we arrived at ID hospital!

ID consultation
This time I don't have to fill the iPad again because they still have my data (yay! that iPad questions are no joke. There's no end to it!) The staff just asked for my current weight and off we go to take CT scan picture (they still have my X-ray). Then the staff leads us to a room and we waited for my consultant to come in. Surprise surprise! I'm delighted to see Irene again! Somehow she become even more prettier! I told her I want to have a face like her, slim and just as big as my fist. She laughed :biggrin: This time I waited for quite some time because they said Dr Park Sang-Hoon is still in the middle of a surgery now. I really don't feel bad because it's a good sign that he will not leave until he finishes the surgery. And besides Anna kept me entertained by giving more details about my surgery and what to expect in the next few days. Before I know it Irene came back with Dr Park. He said he remembered me and then after looking at my pictures he still said I need v-line and cheekbone reduction. He said that he can reduce about 0.5mm of my bone because he can't damage my nerves. My heart slightly dropped when I heard he can only reduce that much. But he said it's actually a big change and I will like the result. Irene then continues by pricing. She said that actually there's no discount if I want to have surgery with Dr Park but since I came with Docfinder I got 10% discount! She asked if I want to finish my payment today or tomorrow on my surgery day. I said I would like to finish tomorrow :P

Banobagi consultation
I filled the chart and then same old same old I also went to take some pictures and X-ray. I asked why they didn't take my CT scan and the staff said that if I'm going to have surgery then they will give CT scan for free but if not then I need to pay about 65 SGD if I remember correctly. They said I only need X-ray for consultation. Now everything makes sense :idea: A consultant named Chloe came and asked me some questions and after that she connected me to have consultation in Dr Oh Chang-Hyeon office. And oh my Dr Oh was so gentle, he said he can't really speak English but I think he's English is perfect! He basically said the same thing as Dr Park. I need all around face contour. He then showed me some before and after pictures. All of them look fantastic. I saw a guy with so much pointy angle on his face and he become much more handsome after face contour surgery. I guess this surgery is also popular even among guys! Face contour brings so much difference, guys. And then we went on to price consultation with Chloe. So the price is actually 1 million more expensive compared to ID but after Chloe counted the tax refund it become slightly cheaper. I don't know how much ID will give tax refund for me because Irene didn't say anything. But I'm assuming it's the same, right? :sleepy:

Now I have to decide between ID and Banobagi. Sunny had her surgery in Banobagi and there's such friendly atmosphere in Banobagi. But I already had experience with ID and even with Dr Park the price is not inflated. I wish Dr Park and Dr Oh can work hand-in-hand for my surgery (wishful thinking lol). I get a sense of safety and security when I talked with them directly. There's some bad reviews about them in here but after I met them I really don't think that's the case. They're both equally professional and kind. If only ID give me more discount then I wouldn't hesitate to choose them but they didn't. At this point I'm super confused. After I calmed myself down with a cup cappuccino at Banobagi lobby, finally I decided to have my surgery with the legendary Dr Park!

Ok I got to go for dinner with my friend so I'll update with my surgery, treatment, and recovery tomorrow :heart:
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As promised, here are the rest of my facial contouring surgery journey update!

Surgery day
I can't really sleep during the night. I'm excited / terrified of my surgery tomorrow. They're going to put me under general anesthesia, I'm not very experienced in being unconscious so I had my worries. I think I slept for about 3 hours and then finally it's show time. I didn't bother to put make-up on because I have to remove them before surgery anyway. I put on my button front blouse and loose sneakers and I went down to the lobby. Anna already waited for and she was surprised to see that I look gloomy with my eyebags :nuts: When we arrived at ID, they asked me to finish my payment and then Anna took me to my ward. I put my stuff in my locker and changed into hospital's garment. The nurse came to draw my blood for test. Suddenly everything became very real real quick. I feel kinda nervous now. I'm actually very brave but I don't know why I suddenly become afraid of needles. After that I waited for Dr Park in the consultation room. When we're waiting, Anna explained to me that after the surgery I have to take a deep breath to let all the anesthesia gas out of my system. Otherwise I will feel very nauseous and terrible the whole night. After some time Dr Park came and explained once more about my surgery and Irene took me to my surgery room. Not too long after I lay down on the anesthesia kicks in and I blacked out. When I wake up I can hear somebody told me that the surgery is over. That person also said that I need to take a deep breath. I remembered what I'm supposed to do and I take a deep breath and my oh my it's hard!! I've never felt so weak in my whole entire life! I can barely blink. You really need to focus on nothing else other than breathing. There's tiny bit of pain started to creep in but it's not that bad. I just felt totally numb and my body didn't really listen to me. After some time they moved me to my ward and Anna was already waiting for me. I felt relieved to see the face that I know. She helped me to move from my wheel chair to my bed. After talking to the nurse she said that my surgery was successful and now I just need to recover. I asked her to take my phone out from my locker. I have no strength to type or even look at the phone but don't you feel safer while you're holding to your phone? Or is it only me? Am I addicted?? :biggrin:
Slowly I regain my consciousness along with the urge to pee :P Anna helped me to get off my bed. I thought I have no strength in my legs but as I focus I was actually able to walk. Taking careful and steady steps I went to the toilet. A girl also has to take a leak :P Anyway I felt much better after I went to the toilet. I guess peeing help the release the anesthesia I had inside. I felt it's hard to talk because my throat was super dry. I was told to gargle with the solution they gave me every time I drink anything else than water and once every 2 hours when I'm awake. Gargling is not easy. I still can't feel any sensation or strength around my mouth. It's not easy to close my mouth and make gargling movement, so I have to tilt my head to the left and right and spit out the gargle. Just by thinking I have to do this after everything other than water makes me don't want to drink anything else. But I know my stomach wouldn't let me :biggrin:
I have painkiller in doughnut tube that's going to my body little by little as time goes by. I was told that if I feel so much pain then I can press the nurse button and they'll give me extra injection. Honestly it wasn't painless but the pain is bearable for me. I heard that walking and drinking water is good for healing so I did as much as I can during the whole night. I had to spend a night in the hospital anyway. During the night, some other patients also walked along the corridor with me. Even though I don't know any of them but I felt encouraged by them. I'm not alone and together we can be beautiful :heart:

Going home
I couldn't really sleep again during the night. I probably fell asleep around 4 AM. When I wake up in the morning the nurse, doctor, and translator came to check up on me. Doctor said that I'm fine now and I can go home. Finally! Then Anna came to take me home with a box of pumpkin juice. Hello again pumpkin juice my old friend :smile: I was given big ice pack for my face as much as I can while I'm staying in. Well I look pretty much like a potato now so my plan is to walk around in my room with ice pack around my face. Double recovery for me! :biggrin: The TV in my hotel pretty much just air local channel so I turn on my laptop and watch Harry Potter while I walk around like crazy in my room. My throat still feels dry. I asked Anna where can I get honey for my throat, she said it's available in every 7/11. She sent me a picture and I showed it to the guy in 7/11 and I got the honey. And it's warm! I'm kinda embarrassed to go out but people don't really look at me as I walk by. I can't even imagine walking around in my home country with this face. People will point at me and talk behind my back! But that's not the case in here. Koreans are really used to see people walking around swelling like a potato :nuts:
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Interesting! Thank you for your sharing. I am also planning to have facial contouring surgery next year. I contacted Docfinder and they recommended 4 clinics to me including ID hospital and Banobagi. At first, I would probably choose Id as I heard that Id is much bigger and it is a hospital bot not clinic. It made me feel more save. However, after doing some research, Dr. 오 from banobagi seems very professional as well. TT really not easy to make a decision.
Docfinder said I can have consultation in both Id and banobagi. I think I will decide it after consultations done. Let see...Your sharing helped me a lot in preparing my surgery trip. Hope everything is going well with you. Good luck ☺️
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