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GNG Hospital Experiences (Rhinoplasty Specialists)

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anyway just be more careful as it is a major surgery ^^
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Oh wow thanks for sharing! I wish I could read chinese, can't understand anything on soyoung :sad:
I only knew about 1 girl getting FC there but I don't see much FC reviews about GNG
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Yeah, but based on those reviews, most of them are all like 3-4 months post-op and I have read that facial bone contouring has the longest swelling rate since it can take at least 6 months and will only continue to change little by little for up to a year or even more. I know for sure cause one of my friend's sister's had mandible reduction (in Thailand, but still) and her jaw line continued to change for a while, even after all that time. Not saying everyone takes this long to recover, of course, but there's always a few of the unlucky batch that unfortunately do take longer than others. These other reviews seem more about results that are more far down their recovery, i think. Like this one did hers 9 months ago and such http://www.soyoung.com/dpg2557883 .
My Chinese is limited too, actually LOL hope that helps, guys ><
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Wow this girl looks so good, thanks it helps a lot :smile:
I'm kind of desperate finding the right clinic haha, do you know where chinese girls (or boys) like to go in Korea for PS?
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Is there a reason why you are wondering about where Chinese go? Are you Chinese? Cause your English is perfect! :biggrin: But then again, I think because Chinese, in general, is such a larrrgeee market for Korean plastic surgery that no matter where you go, there will always be Chinese patients kind of everywhere at all the good ones haha
I feel like the real question is where do the Koreans actually go >_< I reeeeeally really want to get my eyes redone an do rhinoplasty. Thinking about GNG for my nose for sure and possibly Forever for my eyes only cause GNG doesnt seem to have much info in English about their eyes.
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Oh thank you!! Wish I could speak Chinese though I tried to learn but forgot everything. I don't live in Asia so I'm far far away from rumors and what people say about this or this type or surgery. I only rely on what people say on forums. Here in Europe, plastic surgery is not as specialized as it is in Korea :sad:
I feel like Koreans tend to go on local clinics more than big clinics. I mean ofc they would, I still see reviews from big clinics like ID but well, at least what's people saying on Babitalk
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I'm trying to go through the Chinese forum soyoung. I don't speak a word of Chinese so it's all google translate so very slow progress.

But so far I have seen very good results from opera, omega and cooki. So I might be doing consultations with them.
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Thanks momo, do you know if those reviews are recent? Can't speak chinese either sigh
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Oh actually I should check that Totally forgot about seeing if it's recent haha, thanks for reminding!

I'll do more research and let you know. PM me if I forget and don't get back to you in a couple of days.
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Oh no don't worry! Thanks I tend to forgot to check the date when I look at reviews too (so focused on b/a pics hahaha)
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Does anyone have any information about their contact info? I tried checking out their page, but they only have a Korean and Chinese version ><
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Haha, yeah its kind of confusing for someone who can't read Korean, I think. But here's their English blog. Their contact info is listed as well. They def do seem to have English services http://gngplasticsurgery.blogspot.kr/2016/12/what-to-expect-after-rhinoplasty.html I am actually considering them for revision rhinoplasty since **clinic messed up my nose the first time around .. Good luck to you!
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