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GNG Hospital Experiences (Rhinoplasty Specialists)

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Try WhatsApp. They are generally really good at responding next day on there :smile: Every single time I've messaged Hazel on WhatsApp she has responded to me next day (minus during the Korean holidays) but remember that depending on where you are in located in the world the time difference can make for a delay in communication.
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They replied me today :smile: I'm guessing they were just busy / was on holiday. I'm based in Japan so we have the same time zone, heh.
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Great!!! Keep us all posted! Can't wait to see your results ! Did you want a dramatic result or natural ?
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hello all, i'm new here. but i just wanted to comment about hospitals vs clinics. I came across this article and i found it extremely informative. There are over 500 PS clinics in gangnam alone and only 100 of these are run by board- certified plastic surgeons. All of legal because apparently anyone in Korea with a medical license can do everything, including plastic surgery. I don't know seems kinda odd that you wouldn't need any surgical training before performing surgery. So here is my assumption, I'm wondering if because GNG is an actual hospital if their doctors are more likely to have some actual surgical training. Anyhow, I thought I'd share the article if anyone wants to read. http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/health/article/1143170/korean-plastic-surgeon-shares-his-views-industry-regulations
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Thank you for sharing the article. I don't read scmp, so I'm not sure if they are creditable and where they get their data. I do wish there is a list of certified clinics. Even with certified surgeons, I don't believe in 100% success rate. I just hope I can find a place that is honest with every client.

I do agree with your concern. The fact that GNG is an actual hospital comforts me, but also worries me. Maybe you could ask for certificate if their plastic surgeons are indeed certified. Also, does anyone know how much experience their surgeons have in field of plastic surgery?
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@cieh download the pdf file from their english website. when you go the the introduction of GNG doctors you will see how many years of expertise they have.

Yong Hae Seong / Rhinoplasty Specialist, over 17 years
Do Jin Hyun / Sleep Specialist, over 12 years
Hye Young Kim / Plastic Surgery Specialist, over 7 years
Min Suk Kye / Plastic Surgery Specialist, over 23 years
Young Dal Choi / Oral & Maxillofacial Specialist, over 13 years
Seong Mun Hong / Rhinoplasty Specialist, over 15 years
Hong Jun Kim / Rhinoplasty Specialist, over 10 years
Sung Hoon Lee / Rhinoplasty Specialist, over 8 years
Won Sang Son / Rhinoplasty Specialist, over 16 years
Ji Hyun Lim / Dermatology Specialist, over 12 years
Jung Ah Lee / Specialist in Anesthesia, over 13 years
Hee Jung Park / Specialist in Anesthesia, over 13 years
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Oooh thank you!
[e] Ugh I hate looking at their website because it is flashing so much on my laptop. My eyessss
[e] "Director of Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic"
"Director of ID Plastic Surgery Clinic"
"Director of Cinderella Plastic Surgery Clinic"
Hmmm... this worries me.
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@cieh Ah, finally someone noticed haha I'm actually not so worried about that cause that's just directors.
All of these clinics were once good lol maybe at that time it was okay (so it means several years ago). Or they were just directors.
Or maybe because I'm getting any nose surgery.
The only one doctor I'm interested in is Choi Young Dal, the one for facial contouring (maxillofacial specialist)
You can get super dramatic FC effects. But that's not really the look I'm going for lol

Idk but I agree it can be worrying haha

Interest in Gng seem to be raising here, in China and Thailand as well. But please be careful, we never know haha
Not only for Gng but for all clinics
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You have a point. But then as directors, they had more authority which worries me more. Maybe I'm worrying too much.
I'm interested in rhino and facial contouring too (cheek+chin). When are you planning to do the surgery if you don't mind me asking?
Also, I looked Doctor Choi that you mentioned. Is it just me or he looks too young for someone who has over 13 years in Oral & Maxillofacial alone. Maybe I'm being too skeptical. The more I research about a clinic or whatever, the more doubt I have.

[e] so I was searching up gng on korean site and I THINK that I found their prices from back in 2015.
600 million won (5215.56 usd) and 800 million won (6954.08 usd) for facial contouring packages (double jaw+ chin). I know that foreigners' price is higher because the extra service that we are given, but that difference in price is still savage
[e] Price for jaw and chin alone: here (at least I think that's what it says lol)
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I messaged gng regarding their cost average cost of rhinoplasty. They replied by saying that i can send them pics of my nose from different angles, they will analyse and determine what procedures would I need and then tell me the cost.
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@cieh wow those low prices... I was quoted around 6mil krw for just rhinoplasty lol. (Price "negotiable" during consultation, but no discount for paying in cash or booking in advance).

I was however, told I could be given a 20-30% discount if I let them use my before and after photos on their website and SNS. what do you guys think about this? Have you been offered a larger discount from other clinics?
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@solarbeam it's kinda hard to get higher than 30% though unless you're a beast at negotiating haha

@cieh I'd be worried if would have rhino though haha but for face contouring I think it's okay. I wouldn't say it's the best doctor out there, but he's definitely skilled
He looks young you think? Hmm he's pretty normal for me. For an asian, lol. Asian tend to look younger than their age, my grandma naturally looks 30 years younger lol no kidding

I'm planning to have my surgery in fall or winter 2017 (depends on work... sigh)
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