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GNG Hospital Experiences (Rhinoplasty Specialists)

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I pulled up their Korean site. Seems to have much more variety than their English page for some reason. They most def are famous for their nose results, but they do have FC surgery too .
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Yes they are good for rhino, they have english consultants there for that. The english website is only for rhino
Hence why i was wondering if I could get help in English there for FC (my Korean is not fluent)
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I stumbled upon their insta account. So, I'm guessing they must have an English representative. I feel like every ps clinic usually has one though. I wish I could find more information about them in English. Aside from that, their site and everything else is in Korean. Their before and after photos are pretty on point though
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Aw please tell me if they do! If they do FC for foreigners (other than chinese foreigners because I know they have chinese consultants) I'd love to drop by for consultation!
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I don't understand your logic at all... I think a hospital is very ideal, if not better, place to go for plastic surgery. Clinics are smaller and focus more on specific aspects, whereas a hospital is equipped to treat a wide array of different medical treatments. Hospitals are also equipped with ENT professionals as well so they're not just focused on the aesthetics, but the over all functionality. Whether you choose to do your surgery at a hospital or clinic, it should be at an accredited surgical facility.
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It's certified by the Korean government.
I had those thoughts too. But once I checked the website, checked reviews about it, I was quite impressed.They have amazing results.
You have more like a hospital feel which is good I guess, because they won't push you to get many surgeries as some clinics do, and you feel safer in a way even if it's safe already

Foreigners don't know about Gng because first it was for locals, then they got really popular for their rhinoplasty, so popular that it attracted foreigners

Now their have an english version for their nose section, you can book an appointment and actually go there for rhino. Only for rhino though, if you want to get something else done there it's a litte more complicated. To be honest even their face countouring is great imo. A chinese girl went there for FC and the results are awesome, I'd like to go there for consultation too, just hope they will be okay to perform FC on a non-chinese-speaking foreigner lol
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they dont target the english speaking audiences thats all. they advertise very strongly on soyoung and you can always see them offering free surgeries on the front page of soyoung. i dont know abt rhinoplasty but i remember seeing alot of bad reviews of their fc surgeries when i was researching for mine. heres one of them: http://www.soyoung.com/p8881527?group_id=3107951, if you read in the comment session, theres many other girls who had botched fc there too. Them, opera and cooki.. you can easily find botched fc surgery reviews on soyoung
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I can read a bit of Chinese, and after reading the site, that girl didn't seem to really say she was"botched" she just said the swelling and everything is uneven cause she just had surgery, i think? There seems to be a lot of other updated reviews not just that unfinished one http://y.soyoung.com/al20799 I don't think it's fair to just pull that one unfinished review from right after surgery when there's a bunch of other good reviews >_<
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its has been 3 months since her surgery? she said in her reply to others that the doctor overcut. if you read the comments, some other girls are also facing this issue and many of the good reviews are sponsored. anyway,
http://www.soyoung.com/dpg3755170 : unbalance zygoma
http://www.soyoung.com/p7589208 : having some hair issue after fc surgery
http://www.soyoung.com/p9300519?group_id=3097336 : unsatisfied surgery
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