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GNG Hospital Experiences (Rhinoplasty Specialists)

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I'm soo curious, keep us updated, OP! What did you end up doing? Did you ever end up going?
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Weird, I tried that contact too and never got an answer too, but based on their English blog, their contact info is as follows:

Email: [email protected]
Kakao: gnghospital
Line/Skype/Wechat: gngplasticsurgery
Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
English Tel: +827044582933
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I was looking into their contact info, but it seems like @gnghospital is more of their direct kakao line? I'm not too sure what @gng is
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Oops sorry yes gnghospital I added them but then removed them, maybe they are busy but they still didn't see my message I gave up
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Nice find. I've been looking for their contact info
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I've seen quite a few replies here and there talking about the reviews of GNG on the Chinese forum SoYoung. Yes, I've checked out the reviews and yes, I do agree that they seem sponsored. But then again, this hospital seems to rely quite a lot on advertisements (which is how I found it to begin with) and I haven't really seen much about the reviews on naver.

Regarding FC, I'm not too sure about the hospital's reputation on it but from the links I clicked, I'd say the results look pretty conservative. I admit I don't really have a keen eye on FC but they do look like an improvement nonetheless as compared to before.

P.S. I've started a blog here which has failed rather dramatically due to my busy schedule. https://roadtoasianaesthetics.wordpress.com/ Do check it out though, I may still be posting further information which I may find useful
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I sent an email/request thing via the bar on the top of their English site, and used my kakao for the phone#.
Still no email reply, but just now (after ~1 week) I got a kakao message from @gngplasticsurgery. Considering this id isn't listed, I wonder if it's just spam lol
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Update (if mods could delete my previous post that'd be nice too lol limited privileges here)

So the kakao seems legit, they gave me an online consultation via kakao after I stated what I wanted+gave my front+profile pics (I also threw in a chin up type photo to be sure lol).

So basically they:
1. I asked about ASO, they asked me about bite calibration and when I said I wanted it purely for aesthetic reasons, she warned against ASO bc of how invasive it is ans how long the recovery would take.
2. I thought I'd need alar reduction, she said bridge augmentation, tipplasty, and short nose correction would be fine. No need for alar.
3. She also mentioned that a more defined nose would make the alars look smaller anyways. And that a higher nose would reduce the mouth protrusion.
4. Chin augmentation was brought up. I have a short chin I guess, and she recommended t-osteotomy to balance out the face.
5. Her rec was just to do either genioplasty or v-line. Vline is genio+mandible reduction.
6. She also sent me b&a's of their workers' nose jobs and jaw surgeries, she found people who had similar issues to me. With some progess like day of surgery, week, month, 3 month, 6 month ect.
7. I inquired about prices, she game me rough estimates and after asking about bargaining, she said I could.
8. Apparently employees get discounts lol, and summer is busy season. Foreigners usually book 1-2 months in advance.
9. More consulting, and she didnt keep pushing vline after I showed less interest. I gave more overall head shots and she said my jaw didn't seem that wide so vline wasn't needed.
10. She also gave me Dr information, in kr and english, and told me who did the nose job on the girls I showed interest in.
11. Overall very helpful, and I liked the nose jobs I saw. Highly considering them.

I haven't seen many botched nose job complaints from them? (Soyoung seemed to focus on their fc instead of rhino so not much on there.) I noticed earlier in the thread someone mentioned 2, could you pm me the photos/stories (not trying to be insensitive or rude sorry)? I'd be pouring my savings into this so I wanna be 100% it's worth it lol. Obviously their consultants will talk you up and get you all excited and hopeful about their hospital.
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@gnghospital is the right kakao line, right? My friend did her eyes there during the weekend. I was thinking about messaging them for an online consultation since their photos and reviews seem pretty on point. I will share her update when I can!
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here she is after 3 days hahaha. I think it's not that bad considering she was pretty messed up the day after. I've seen a lot of girls who look pretty bad during the first week of surgery. I wonder why my friend isn't as bad as they are? She lives in Korea and I will be visiting soon >< I was thinking about leaving them a message, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Not til I come up with a good list of clinics I wanna look into
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Do you have a before photo too?!
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I am rather curious about them cause I know they are pretty reputable in Korea, but since they don't do mass marketing, it's kind of hard to know the details about them when it comes to their foreign department. I'm highly considering them for a couple of surgeries I had in mind. Hopefully there will be more insight and reviews on them by our fellow purseforumers :smile: Please keep us updated ! Looking forward to reading your future shares
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