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I'm Finally Doing This / Korea in Dec /

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Hey Guys & Girls.


I'm Jen. So I have been a lurker for a long time on this forum and read so many posts about sooo many clinics. I just want to thank everyone who has been brave enough to post all their experiences, good and bad, since it has helped me so much.

I am planning to go to Korea in December. I have literally had to sell absolutely everything I own to afford this surgery so I hope it goes well:sad:

I'm transgender so I'm interested in Facial Contouring ( Zygo + Chin & Jaw ) and Fat Grafting. So three surgeries in total to make my face more feminine.

I am just left to choose between:

1. D.A ( first choice )

2. Banobagi

3. JK Clinic.

I was just wondering what everyone thinks of those choices and if I should be worried or not?

Is D.A good for facial contouring? I am not not interested in pointy chins just something more natural like: 30969C2F00000578-0-image-m-28_1453829096026.jpg

Do you think I be ok recovering If I take the trip alone?

Should i be concerned about sagging from both surgeries?
Wishing everyone a successful surgery and recovery :smile:

Thnx, Jen
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You look so pretty already I couldn't even tell you are a transgender. If you can take a friend for moral support it is better but I know many people who went alone and everything is good. All the best hope all become good for you
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Thanks so much Missfitt that's really nice of you. I think its pretty obvious tbh!

I think if I can't get a buddy I'll just have to grin and bear it. I only worry about getting food really as I'll be on a soft food diet.

I know the aftercare in the above clinics is pretty good so that gives me a bit more reassurance.
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A lot of people on pf who go to DA have said Dr Lee's style is quite pointed and very V like. Maybe if you just ask him for a more "egg" shape he might be able to not be so dramatic! I think a pf user (maybe oreo...) said somewhere that View clinic was good for egg line? But I'm not too sure, so don't quote me!!
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Hi krizzo. Im also a mtf transgendered woman looking to get facial feminization! I have very square features and I just want it to be smoother and more fem without looking like the korean girls who do V shape and zygoma. I lean more towards western beauty type than asian type. Someone responded to me that facial feminization is the same as facial contouring but I do feel surgeons who have experience with transgendered patients will understand our anatomy better. Do you know of any specialized clinics for trans women?
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I plan on taking these for my surgeon at D.A.

I think these will be of help to me. I am posting them here if anyone else needs to use something like this also for a visual reference:smile:

Given the fact I am caucasian, the pointy v style many Koreans want really wont suit me.

I am still trying to work out how to communicate this accurately to my surgeon. Any ideas?

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Hi Tiff. There aren't any specialised clinics I know of. The reason I am going to Korea is the procedure is very similar and most of the good clinics are very experienced with these bone cutting procedures. Pictures will help a lot, especially when there is a slight language issue to get over. So gather pictures of jawlines you like and dislike so you can convey exactly what is on your mind. Sometimes without a visual reference you can end up just getting a misunderstanding.
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I think Thailand is probably the better option for FFS, as far as medical tourism goes. But with the entire country in mourning, it might not be the best time to visit Thailand either...

There's a doctor in Busan who's very famous for performing gender reassignment surgery (Harisu was one of his patients). He works out of Dong-A University Hospital. Not sure if he does FFS, though.
There's also another clinic in Gangnam that specialises in voice feminising surgery (Yeson Voice Center). So these specialist clinics are there; they're just a bit hard to find amidst all the glamour of the big plastic surgery hospitals.

If you're going to be in Seoul, maybe you could visit Yeson first. I'm sure they could recommend a good surgeon for FFS.
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Do u like Anna Kendrick's V-line?
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My personal choice is DA i have plans to go next year nothing is booked yet though (still monitoring PF lol)
i heard that DA dr lee is well known for facial contouring , thats why i chose him.

im sure you will be fine with goin on your own, i talked to a girl that went there on her own, she said that they look after you well if you have any problems and alot of people come for surgery on thier own :smile:
as for exploring korea, you will definitley be fine i went there for holiday on my own before and its a very foreigher friendly place alot of touristy areas ahaha.
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Thanks Carla. Good luck when you eventually decide.

I hope to go with D.A In December. I think I'm going to go alone. They have been really polite in emails and give me lots of information. Hopefully I can book my flight this week.

I feel confident in my choice after hearing some positive stories on this forum. I'm sure their aftercare is really good too.
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