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My PS Journey and Experience with DA

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Hi everybody!

First of all, I would like to start off my post with a HUGE thank you for all the supportive members on PF! Without everybody’s help, advice and experiences I don’t think I would have even been confident enough to take this huge leap of faith and go to Korea for plastic surgery! This community is so supportive of each other and the people I’ve gotten to know are such beautiful people inside and out. I’m so excited about my trip, not only because of my surgery but also because I’ve been dying to go to Korea ever since I was first introduced to Korean popular culture when I was in high school!

The reason why I chose to go to Korea, besides being famous for its plastic surgery industry, is because I believe that the surgeons there are much more experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to performing surgery on Asian patients. I was afraid that if I got my surgery done in my own country, where the majority of people are Caucasians, the outcome wouldn’t be the best since the surgeons here are more experienced with Western anatomy and techniques. This was a huge concern of mine when I was considering rhinoplasty, since Asian and Caucasian noses are so different!

I really wanted to write a thorough review of my entire ps journey and experience, since I know that once a lot of people on pf get their surgery done, they tend to disappear and lose interest since they’re no longer really worried about the community etc. That’s why I’m starting to document my journey now, so hopefully it can be useful to another person’s experience, I want to give back to the community that has given so much to me :biggrin:

I have a huge complex over my eyes, ever since I was in high school I’ve had really bad undereye bags that have never gone away no matter what I do, so I always look really tired even if I have slept 10+ hours. I also used my eyebrow muscles to lift my eyes and increase my double eyelid so it looks bigger, and after doing it for so many years I’m starting to notice little wrinkles on my forehead. So being in my early 20’s I obviously started to freak out, and this is what made me really want to get ps, so I can make my eyes look how they look with me using my forehead muscles without having to actually use them.

I’m also going to get rhinoplasty; I’ve never been super upset with my nose… But I’ve never liked it either. I’m always contouring/highlighting it to get it to look smaller and taller, which works ok. But the problem you can’t fix with makeup is the length… and my nose is pretty short haha, from the front the tip looks so bulbous like a pig nose T.T” So I’m hoping that if I get it lengthened and the tip reduced I can have a much better profile and not have to worry about wearing so much effing makeup all the time.

Lastly I am going to be getting a breast augmentation, so I won’t be a part of the itty-bitty-titty-committee anymore! When I was younger in high school, I was a full 32C, which isn’t actually too bad for Asians haha. But after I lost a bit of weight when I left high school I’ve gone down to a 32A/B… Which is so depressing =___=” So while I’m super confident in the rest of my body, I almost feel like a child since I have such a small chest. I always wear the Victoria Secret bombshell pushup bras, and feel so self-conscious in anything strapless or when I can’t wear a bra.

At first I really wanted to do FC as well since I’ve always hated my wide jaw, but after reading about possible complications in the future and the need for accu/thread/face lifts to maintain it, I decided that it wasn’t for me and crossed it off my list. This leads me to my biggest advice for people wanting to get ps done, and that is RESEARCH. When I first wanted to get ps done I was so naïve and kind of trusted whatever clinics said or posted, because they’re qualified surgeons so they must right? But then after a lot of researching about the actual procedures I wanted to get done and the risks/complications involved, I realised that it is so important for you yourself to have a really good understanding of everything you want to do and also understand what results you want and if those results are achievable or reasonable for your body. Ps is all about enhancing what we already have in my opinion, so it’s unreasonable to say you want to look exactly like celeb A or have the eyes of celeb B.

So, after all my research on the actual surgeries, I read through hundreds of pages of threads posted here on PF and realself, and also looked at any reviews that I could find on babi. And after a lot of research, talking with other people and consideration I narrowed down my list of clinics to: MVP, Item, DA, Lamiche and April31.

At first I contacted a lot of clinics via email (this was like 6 months ago) and most of them replied with a lot of detail about what I was asking, though I did find that it did take them anywhere from several days to several weeks to respond sometimes :S

Personally, I’ve found that contacting clinics via KK is much better, since I’ve found that they are much more likely to respond and it’s also easier since it’s more like a conversation and you can get to know the consultant and vice versa. I contacted a lot of clinics… way more than my shortlist haha, the reason I shortlisted the clinics I did is not only because of my research, but also because I found that the consultants at these clinics were the most personable and I actually felt like they were looking at my case personally, instead of just spewing out all the procedures and the cost. The consultants I really really liked were from MVP (Mindy), April (Brian) and DA (Ava), all of them really took their time to explain to me what would best suit me and really answered all my questions very thoroughly (Brian even called me on his day off to explain something quite complicated to me!).

When I was consulting with the clinics, quite a lot of them made sure to mention that December is a peak period for them and that if I was wanting to get surgery done, it would be best to put down a deposit (most places ask for $500, which I think is reasonable). Since I’m only staying such a short time, I decided that I really didn’t want to waste anytime with consultations, like what if I go to a consult and LOVE the doctor, but he can’t perform the surgery for a week… which means I have pretty much zero time to recover before I have to leave. What if something went wrong a couple days after my stiches are taken out? I’d be so stressed and worried, so this is why I have decided to put down a deposit to make sure I can actually get my surgery done, otherwise I would have spent all this money on my trip for nothing!

After reading many positive reviews I ended up paying a deposit at DA (Tinzy’s recent experience is really what sold me, so shoutout to tinzy and thank you if you ever read this! Also Lollipopswiss!). It just means now that I don’t need to worry and stress about fitting in all my consultations and worrying if there is even going to be a surgery slot for me at the clinics I wanted.

My biggest tips for anyone wanting to do surgery so far are:
    You really need to have a full understanding of the procedures that you are wanting to get, especially any complications that may arise in the future because of it, you only have one body so make sure you're looking after it! Also make sure to research both the clinics and surgeons you are considering, too many people just jump into it without knowing and then you have all those horror stories from Grand, Wonjin or ID popping up because people didn't bother to research beforehand
  2. Get to know the people!!!
    You might feel scared and alone, but there are so many lovely people going through the same thing! Get involved in the pf community, find some friends and create KK groups and chat about ps and anything else really. You'll be surprised at how many people ar thinking the same as you! I've met some really great people through pf and I'm so sad that we're not going at the same times so we can't actually meet up :sad:

So that’s all I can really say so far!! I’m about to go through my final couple weeks at University, then I’m jet setting off to Korea! Once I’m there I will make sure to keep everybody updated on my consultation, surgery and recovery! If anyone has any questions, feel free to post in the thread or even PM if you prefer something more private :biggrin:

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Hi yasmin thanks for sharing & good luck! when in December are you going to be there?

i think it was K_couture who said it wasn't a good idea to put a deposit down and decide in advance, but to consult with the doctors (and not the translators) in person to make sure you know who will be operating, their method etc. just something to consider. anyways i hope DA works out for you, keep us posted! ^__^
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:huh:Oohh !!! ive been looking into maybe going to DAPRS / DA Plastic Surgery. I'm looking forward to your review!!! D__D
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I'm going around those time too, actually haven't even bought my tickets yet, but planning to go from around 25 Nov and staying there for about a month
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  • 2 weeks later...
I am quite happy with my surgery result. I will share my surgery experience and pictures at this forum soon. My rhino was a revision. Previously, my nose was slanted to one side because of my first surgery. I engaged DA to straighten the shape of my nose.
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