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My PS Journey and Experience with DA

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Wow congrats yasminn! I have to admit it is not easy to make a decision and go under the knife especially in a foreign country
Hopefully there are still people that share their experience post-op! Thank you so much for contributing to the community :smile:

I'm considering DA for facial contouring, but still hesistating though

Looking forward to your review :smile:
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Quick update, I'm currently 5 days post op and feeling pretty great. Surgery went super smoothly so just in recovery mode now and enjoying Seoul, proper review will be coming in the future when my results are less swollen but feel free to pm me any questions!! ~

PS. Big thanks to everyone's support and kind words!
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  • 2 weeks later...
How is your rhinoplasty?
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  • 1 month later...
I am now roughly 2 months post op and I am really happy with my des result!! My operation went really smoothly and I had very little swelling and virtually no bruising, for the first 4 weeks my eyelids were completely symmetrical but it didn't bother me too much since my eyelids weren't symmetrical before anyway. But now they are pretty much identical and I love them!

My undereye fat repositioning result isn't as good and I still have fat under one of my eyes... But it's still such a big improvement from before so I'm not complaining too much, just a little disappointed they're not perfect.

I'm still healing from my ba and the final results won't show up to or after 12 months. But so far so good! I trusted Dr Koo to choose a suitable size and profile for my frame and he did an amazing job! Everyone has said that they look incredibly natural and couldn't even tell they were fake!

Will update everyone later when everything is healed

Straight after operation
2 months post op IMG_20170119_183227_mh1486982115773.jpg
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Your after looks amazing! I might consult with DA too now after reading this :smile: do you know if your rhino surgeon is an ENT surgeon?

edit: oops, it seems like you didn't get your nose done? You mentioned wanting to get it done in the first post and was wondering if you went ahead with it it or not
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Your results look amazing! Thanks for sharing. IMHO your nose looks great as is without touching it. I second @lovelypeach and would love to hear more about your undereye fat repositioning and fg. I have heard mixed reviews on FG around the eye area. Would love to hear ur POV since your results look so great. Thank you.
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  • 1 month later...
Congrats!!!! U look so Gd!! I'm planning to do ba next week too, will consult da:smile: may I know what things do I need to prepare and how's the recovery like within a week? Do you need stitches removal?
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If you're doing under the muscle, be prepared to not be able to get out of bed without help for a few days haha. The first week your chest muscles will be really sore and it will be hard to apply any force with your arms (ie. getting up, opening doors etc). Also it is highly recommended not to carry anything over 5lbs for the first few weeks! So if you're travelling I would HIGHLY recommend a suitcase with 4 wheels on the base so you can just easily push your suitcase around :smile:

I had the armpit incision and DA didn't use any stitches, so no removal required. I had to keep the waterproof tape over my incisions on for 3-4 weeks (basically until they fell off)

I got anatomic implants, however I do wish I went for smooth round implants. Even though the doctor is very experienced in anatomical, I wish I had gone smooth only because since I do not live in Seoul, I can't go back and consult the doctor if there are issues. Textured implants, especially anatomicals, are more likely to have complications when compared to smooth. I'm having a few complications with one of my breasts healing, but it's not a huge issue and I'm still so so SOOOOOOO happy that I went through with the surgeries I did :smile:

feel free to ask any more q's xx
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