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My plastic surgery experience with MVP

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Hi ladies, I did get a reply back from her after I private messaged her. Maybe she just missed your comments on this thread since it was from a few weeks ago? I would PM her and see if you can get a hold of her that way. I might have just caught her at a good day. I can't share her private pics, but her results really turned out great! Looks natural and symmetrical.
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Thanks for your reply sunniesforlife and my apologies to ohaiolos for asking openly on her thread. I was just getting nervous having paid my deposit and already booked my flights/hotel.

I am feeling very positive and confident going forward with my procedures in early March :smile:
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi All, I just had my double eyelid incisional surgery + ptosis + epi done with Dr. Seo at MVP, and overall it was a very positive experience! Even though I was sooo nervous pre-booking, pre-paying, and securing a surgery date without an in-person consult first... I have no regrets. I get my stitches out later this week, so things are still pretty early for me! I just have to say ohaiolos was right on with her experience, and Dr. Seo is as detail-oriented as I had hoped. He was very thorough with the consult, and did not pressure me into anything. During the consult, he pulled my chair close to his, had me look at him from all angles, he pulled on my eyelids and measured my eyes, the distance between them, drew on my face, etc. He also used a needle thing to give me an idea of how I'd look with various crease sizes.

When I went, both Ellen and Mindy were there for me. They are both super sweet, reassuring me and calming me down the whole time because of my nerves.

In the post-op kit, they gave me an eye mask that you freeze, gauze, pumpkin juice, ointment, q-tips, and packets of pills that I'm to take 3x a day. The pills are antibiotics and painkillers.

I honestly felt pretty great even the day after surgery, and went shopping, eating, walking around with my sunglasses on. People here are so used to this that nobody even looked at me twice. My first follow-up was the very next day, where they cleaned my eyes, and did a de-swelling treatment which consisted of red light therapy and an IV bag of some cocktail that's supposed to help with swelling. I go back again for my 2nd follow-up in a few days, where they'll take my stitches out and do another round of de-swelling treatment. The post-op care here is above and beyond what I expected, but of course I have nothing to compare it to. I just know it's way better than the post-op care that my friends in the U.S. got.

From what I can tell, my creases look really symmetrical and when I imagine the swelling going down by half I think I'll be happy with where my crease falls. I think Dr. Seo did a great job! Anyway, I'm sure I'll get a better idea in a month or so on the end results... but just wanted to share my initial thoughts for those who are thinking about MVP in the soon-ish timeframe. Good luck!
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Thank you for sharing your experience with MVP and in particular Dr. Seo. This kind of seals the deal for me :smile:

I am looking to go in May to get revisionary DES and revisional epi plus rhino this time (pretty much the same as ohailos).

So happy to learn of their post operative care: this was severely lacking at TL PS when I went there last year. I can't help but feel so cheated by them!

If you don't mind me asking, did you try bargaining on their prices?

Also had you gone to consultations with other clinics prior to confirming mvp as your choice?

I won't have much time to move about clinics and worry they won't have availabilities for procedures to be done within the same day or the next.

Would you mind sharing the picture of your eyes in its current state with a before photo? I can pm you?
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^I was also wondering about prices since I heard that MVP can quote pretty high prices. D:

I'd also be interesting in seeing before/afters of your eyes. Though I dont advise showing your entire face if youre going to do that lol.
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@iamsummer and @enf782 - I'm sorry, but I don't really feel comfortable posting pictures of myself on the internet.. but am happy to answer any/all questions you have.

I did not try to bargain, but this was the price breakdown at MVP:
- 2,000,000 krw for incisional double eyelid surgery
- 1,000,000 krw for ptosis
- 600,000 krw for epi

I did not go to any in-person consults at all before securing the surgery, as I only had a week in Korea. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to do the surgery and take out the stitches while I was here, and it felt risky to go all the way here and not have a surgery date secured. Anyway, it's a risk both ways right? Still a risk to book a surgery date before ever seeing the doctor, so I really had to trust the research I did and reviews I read, my interactions with Mindy online, and my gut instinct. I'm glad I did secure a slot though because MVP was super busy the day of my consult and surgery. The waiting room was filled with mostly Koreans, and maybe 1-2 foreigners.

As for online consults - I did do online consults with JK and Teium too. MVP gave me the best impression both price-wise and customer service-wise, but my second choice would've been JK with Dr. Paik Hye Won. I was really curious about REAL too, but never heard back from them even after contacting them multiple times, so they probably don't cater to foreigners as much.
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Thank you for breaking down the cost :smile:

The price you paid for your surgery is on par with what they quoted me for my revisional des work.

I'm feeling more inclined to confirming MVP based on the good reviews from real people (especially from non-koreans).

The fact that you also highlighted being in the waiting room with mostly Koreans and only 1-2 foreigners suggest that it's not just a production line for us non-koreans. Another green tick :smile:

I like the post op care that includes deswelling treatments. How is your incision site today? Have you found the first treatment (and pumpkin juice) to help?

Also where are you staying? Ideally I'd like to book for some place within walking distance to the clinic.

Thank you and await your reply!
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Yea I definitely didn't get the vibe that it was a production-like environment! I felt very well taken care of from beginning to end.

My incision is feeling pretty good. I actually haven't felt any pain since the day following the surgery, but did feel some soreness for a couple days, which is mostly gone now. Its been 4 days since my surgery. I did think that first treatment helped, and I felt so much better after they cleaned my sutures too. Mindy said if I needed to come in again for anything, or for more deswelling treatment prior to the stitch removal, to just contact her. I took her up on her offer, and went back today for another round of deswelling. It feels pretty relaxing to lay under the red light while being injected with the deswelling IV (though the sticking it in the vein part isn't very fun..).

But anyway, if you need more deswelling treatments on top of the scheduled ones, they're pretty accommodating. I've been drinking pumpkin juice and taking my meds 3x a day too. They only provided 3 pumpkin juice packs in the aftercare package, so I went and bought more at the pharmacy (they don't sell pumpkin juice at the 7-11s or mini marts). I think all this has been helping with my recovery.

I'm staying in Gangnam... so not as close to MVP as I'd like, but it was close to Gangnam shopping and the subway. I didn't mind staying further away because the subways here make it easy to get around, but my only issue is Gangnam is so much further south than all the fun areas of Myeongdong, Hongdae, Dongdaemun, Insadong, etc. Knowing Seoul a little better now, I would definitely stay in the Apgujeong or Myeongdong areas next time around. They're just more central to everything, so it makes it easier to explore. MVP is a 10 minute walk from the Apgujeong exit... and MVP is along the same street as a ton of other clinics. I saw Dream, JK, JW, and VIP just to name a few while I was walking from the subway exit to MVP.

There weren't that many options I liked in the Apgujeong area, but there is Sunshine Hotel, which is right across the street from MVP so definitely walking distance! But you can try Airbnb too. Mindy also gave me a few recommendations in the Apgujeong area... you can ask her for a list.

Hope this helps!
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