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My plastic surgery experience with MVP

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Hello everyone,
It’s been two weeks since my surgery at MVP and I decided to recap my experience here. I’m not sure whether it’ll be helpful/informative but I hope it’d be able help anyone who needs it!
First and foremost I would like to thank everyone who I’ve spoken to here on tpf and over on kakaotalk. Thank you for giving me guidance and for sharing your experience with me. You’ve all made my experience a lot less lonely and gave me such great moral support.


I originally had thick monolidded eyes and a nose with a bulbous tip and no bridge at all.
My eyes were also small and I never left the house without heavy liner on my lids.
My nose was very flat from the front and side with no definition. I couldn’t wear sunglasses without it looking weird because of my lack of bridge.

I had always thought of getting surgery but never had the guts to jump the gun and go for it. Upon turning 19 I decided it was time to finally live life up and change the features on my face before turning 20! As someone whose number one fear is needles I was anxious for the entire 11 months leading up to my surgery.

  • Incisional double eyelid
  • Tipplasty
  • Bridge augmentation
  • Alar reduction
  • Bridge hump shaving
  • Columella correction
Before arriving in Korea I had already paid a deposit with MVP to secure a surgery date. My surgery date was set on the 11th of November and it was to be Dr. Seo’s first surgery of the day.
On the 11th I arrived at the clinic at 9am for my consultation before surgery. I was nothing but a bundle of nerves upon stepping foot in the clinic.
When I arrived I was greeted by Mindy and was taken into a private room to sit and fill out some forms. Before meeting with the consultant and Dr. Seo I was taken to change into surgery robes before washing my face, getting my ‘before’ photos taken and getting my blood drawn for a blood test. I was so nervous my hands wouldn’t clench hard enough so it took a while for the nurse to find my vein!

Once I got my blood drawn I was taken into the consultation room where I met with the consultant. The consultant studied my face and recommend procedures for both my eyes and nose. All the procedures recommended were procedures that I was happy to undergo. I was also glad that no extra procedures that I wasn’t comfortable with were thrown at me.
After meeting with the consultant I was able to meet with Dr. Seo. With Dr. Seo he showed me the crease that I wanted and also the silicone that he would use. I opted for a curved bridge and the silicone height Dr. Seo recommended was 4.3mm. I originally wanted a higher bridge than the height he recommended but Dr. Seo said a higher bridge would not be possible because it wouldn’t suit my face and would look unnatural. After going through the procedures that he would perform and marking my face he asked if I had any questions before surgery. I had no other questions and felt very confident in Dr. Seo. At this point I was so nervous I was shaking like a leaf! I believe Dr. Seo was able to notice how nervous I was and gave me an encouraging pat on the back before he left and said he’ll meet me in the operating room. I also really appreciate Mindy's efforts at making me feel less nervous. I dont think my legs would've been able to walk me the operating floor if it weren't for her!!

The Surgery
When I was taken into the operation theatre I was pleasantly surprised. The room was spacious and very clean. It didn’t give off a scary ‘medical’ vibe that would’ve made me feel even more anxious than I already was. Once I entered the room the nurses strapped me onto the table, clipped a heart monitor on me and put eyedrops into my eyes. My face was then cleansed before Dr. Seo came in. The last few things I remember was Dr. Seo drawing on my eyes again before I was knocked out.

Being put under was on the most weirdest but coolest experiences ever. It quite literally felt like being on a rollercoaster full of colours and squishy shapes. I remember seeing a different colour each time I felt a sensation on my eyes. I felt like I was on the rollercoaster for only 2 minutes before Dr. Seo woke me up and told me to open my close my eyes. I could feel the threading but there was no pain at all during surgery. I think I was quite a loud/fidgety patient so I feel sorry to Dr. Seo and the nurses for all the noise!!

I was then woken up after surgery and Mindy came to help escort me to the bathroom before I went back in for rhino. I was taken back into the same room and was being strapped in again. I was still a little high from the drugs so I don’t remember much else apart from greeting the anaesthesiologist and having him put a mask over my mouth. My vision got blurry not long after and I fell asleep two blinks later.

Once I had fallen asleep it felt like I had just fallen asleep before I was being woken up again. When I woke up I felt no pain or discomfort. I remember feeling annoyed that I was being woken up because I just wanted to sleep for a longer time. It felt like I was being woken up by my mother to get ready for school. I totally forgot I was actually being awoken after getting surgery. It took me a while to process where I actually was.

After Surgery
I felt no pain from my eyes or nose at all during or after surgery. The only real pain I felt after surgery was from the dryness of my throat and the soreness from my teeth. My throat was so dry it was really uncomfortable and my teeth felt really sore from the tube that was down my throat during surgery. The feeling of the teeth pain is the exact feeling where you first put on your retainers after years of not wearing them.

In the recovery room all I wanted to do was sleep however the nurses wouldn’t allow it. After about 10-15 minutes the drowsiness went away and I was fully conscious and functioning well. The nurse then came in to check my temperature and made sure I was not feeling nauseous or sick before giving me some water to drink. I did have a slight fever after the surgery so the nurse constantly came in to check up on my temperature and made sure I was feeling alright. I was able to stay in the recovery room for as long as I needed. Before leaving Mindy came in to check up on me and gave me my recovery bag to take home. All medications and everything else that was necessary was in the bag. I was relieved medication was provided and I didn't need to head down to the chemist to pick them up myself. I left MVP a little less than 2 hours after my operation and got home to rest.

The night of the surgery was definitely the most uncomfortable night of them all. It was hard to adjust to sleeping at a 45 degree angle and the discomfort from the nose packing made it even harder to sleep. I didn’t end up getting much sleep during the first night. The nights after the second night were much easier and I was able to sleep most nights through.

I cannot rave about the aftercare at MVP enough. You are 100% not alone once you walk out the doors of MVP both after surgery and leaving Korea. I was scheduled to come back to the clinic every day post-op to receive vitamin IV injections and laser deswelling treatments. Mindy promptly replies to any messages of concerns I sent her and although the clinic was busy I was welcomed back to the clinic for a check-up whenever I felt like it. Their aftercare package also contains everything that you would need after surgery so you won't need to go to the chemist to pick things up yourself after surgery.

Overall thoughts and results
Everyone I came in contact with at MVP were all super nice and accomodating. Mindy, my consultant, the nurses and Dr. Seo were all friendly and very welcoming. I did not feel hesitant to ask for help or contact any of them if I had any concerns. Even after leaving Korea Mindy is still quick at responding to my questions.

I am very satisfied with my results although the swelling has not fully subsided yet. I’m most impressed with my nose. I initially felt like my bridge was not as high as I wanted it to be but looking at my face now the bridge Dr. Seo gave me fits my face nicely making it look ‘natural’.
I’m still not used to my new face yet. I find myself staring at myself whenever I pass by any reflective surface. Because I'm still swelled in some areas it’s extremely fun to wake up every morning and run to the mirror to asses how much change occurred overnight. I feel like my results are dramatically different from my old face however the results are very natural. I would like to believe I could easily pass off as having been born with these double eyelids and nose hahaha! I feel a lot more confident in myself now and I have no regrets going under the knife. This is so cheesy but I'll be forever grateful to Dr. Seo for giving me more confidence within myself.
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thank you for the detailed post of your experience. I am also considering eyelid surgery at mvp and was wondering if you could provide more detail on your experience. Are you able to show before and after pictures? how quickly did the swellng go down in your eyes? did you get any other procedures in your eye apart from the incision? I hear that many surgeries recommend epi and ptosis - not sure what i will need myself but researching at the moment as I am very nervous about the procedure but have always wanted double eyelids. many thanks.
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I hope you have a great recovery!! If I may ask what is your ethnicity? And are you male or female?
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Hello! I'd say the swelling in my eyes took around 5 days to deswell to a normal size. My eyes currently look the same as they did 5 days post-op with minor changes each day forth. I was initially recommended epi through an online consultation however upon face-to-face consultation I guess Dr. Seo decided against it. Sure, I can show you my B&A please pm me ^___^
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Thanks SassyQT! I actually had consultations set up with MVP, DAPRS and ITEM however Mindy messaged me before I left for Korea to ensure everything was okay with my consultation set-up. I asked her about Dr. Seo's schedule and she told me he was booked out on the date I wanted to have surgery and the the only spots he had available were on the 11th and 15th. The 15th would've been too late to be able to sufficiently recover before leaving Korea so I decided to pay a deposit to secure my surgery date on the 11th!
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Would you mind sharing with me too? :smile: I've recently been in contact with Mindy and waiting her reply. Also would you recommend them for facial contouring?
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Sure, please pm me too. I can't speak for facial contouring because I didn't do facial contouring with them nor have I spoken to anybody who has done facial conturing there so I wouldn't know, sorry :sad: However I highly highly recommend them for eyes + nose!!
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Thank you :smile:

No worries. I might get facial contouring done else where-- I'm totally confused right now (there's so many clinics and mixed reviews)
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I PM'd you, and no reply.
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Thank you very much. I have pm'd you :smile:
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