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My plastic surgery experience with MVP

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I communicate with Ellen via KakaoTalk and receive replies within 1-2 hours everytime. Of course bearing in mind that she's busy too so it can stretch to after half a day.

My friend contacted Mandy via KakaoTalk and received replies after a day and weren't able very comprehensive replies too.
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Interesting. Thanks guys.
Also, this question is kinda common sense, but is there a particular reason why some clinics dont respond at all, or respond at first but then suddenly stop?
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I sent in my queries online last night, and this morning, I received an email from them asking more details queries and requested different photo angles on my face. Thats surprisingly fast and details respond! I responded to the email with photos and details requested. Mindy then called me on my phone today and we spoke in detail on my concerns and expectation of what i want to do for my face. Now corresponding with Mindy on Kakao. I am pleasantly surprised by the fast respond and customer service.

Cos the other clinics i enquired either did not respond, or just a simple respond to what they think needed to be done (from a few pics i sent) or reply with available timeslot for consultation.
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I was messaging Mindy via Kakao and she was very responsive at first, but after 13th February she stopped replying to me, even when I sent her another message a week later, which I know she read. I'm feeling a bit disheartened so I'm looking at other potential clinics now.
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I've found being in contact with Ellen has been the best. Prompt replies and has never left me hanging for an answer.
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Since iamsummer has good experience with Ellen, perhaps u may like to get in touch with Ellen instead? I know some forumers have problem getting response from other clinic sometimes as well, some of them will just keep trying till they respond.
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I requested to have consultation with Dr. Seo on the same day with other clinics but was told Dr. Seo will be out of duty on that date. I was suggested to see Dr.Hyun Kyung Bae instead. I didn't hear anyone commented on him.
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I requested to have consultation with Dr. Seo on the same day with other clinics but was told Dr. Seo will be out of duty on that date. I was suggested to see Dr.Hyun Kyung Bae instead. I didn't hear anyone commented on him.
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Dr Hyun is allocated to locals and Dr Seo to foreigners. I heard Dr Hyun did Ellen's DES surgery.
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Like yasmin has said, Dr. Hyun Kyung Bae is allocated for the locals and older patients whereas Dr. Seo is allocated more towards foreigners and younger patients! :smile:
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Hi all,
I'm so sorry for my lack of responsiveness and replies, I havent been coming onto tpf very much at all. For everyone asking, I am sorry but I will no longer be sending out photos of my B&A as I have seen my B&A's floating around when I have asked them to remain confidential. Because of this I no longer feel comfortable sending out my B&A's, I hope thats understandable.
It's now been over 4 months since my surgery and everything has healed up great. My eyelid scars are healing up nicely and my columella scar is now invisible. As for my alar scars they're still visible although, they too, are healing up nicely.
After rhinoplasty my nose tip is extremely stiff as expected. I'm finding it quite hard to wipe/blow my nose because of the stiffness but it's getting easier as the days go by.... hahaha. Apart from that everything feels as it felt pre-op.
For everyone who has messaged me about opinions on DES and rhinoplasty at MVP I will say that I 100000% would recommend MVP to anyone who wants to undergo DES. Dr. Seo really does create beautiful eyes and his stitch-work is amazing. I'm surprised at how fast my stitches are healing especially because I am not applying any scarring gels/creams to it.
As for rhinoplasty, whether MVP is the right place for you is dependant on what style/change you're going after. If you desire a dramatic/barbie looking nose I don't think MVP would be the best place for you. If you're going after a 'natural' looking nose I would recommend consulting MVP. The reason I chose MVP for my rhino was because I felt like they were the safest option sitting between dramatic and 'no change at all'. Four months after my rhino I'm still loving my nose although I do find myself wishing my change was just a tad more dramatic.
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