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is the following clinics good for rhinoplasty (or any recommendation?)

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I'm gonna get pretty much my whole face done: v-line, rhinoplasty, eyes and fat grafting. I know I'm gonna go to DA for v-line and perhaps fat grafting (I know they're overpriced and a little sketchy but their results are nice when it comes to facial contouring) and eyes and nose at MVP or Top Class. Or I'll get my eyes done seperately at Teuim and get my nose done at MVP or Top Class since Teuim doesn't do rhinoplasty. MVP indeed has pretty good reviews. MVP is also cheaper than some other big clinics so that's a bonus.
I heard that MVP does more natural noses and Top Class more dramatic/dolly noses. When it comes to rhino alone I'm leaning towards Top Class but if I do eyes and rhino at the same place I'll go for MVP. Do you know if MVP is good at eyes? I heard it once I think.
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Hello!! Wow that's a lot of surgery done.. If you don't mind me asking, How old are you?

Anyways, I've contacted my Korean noona tour guide's brother who knows such stuffs. He told me that top class specialise in nose job, he said MVP is not bad(?) but suggest me to get my nose done at top class.

I've contacted ellen from MVP on kakao, showed her my pictures and asked her to photoshop my original picture to how I would look like after the surgery. Not much difference, I'm slightly disappointed. :sad:
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It certainly is a lot :biggrin: It's really tough to find the right clinic(s) for multiple surgeries though.
I'm 16 years old. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the youngest on this forum lol. But I'll be 18 when I'm getting the surgeries done. How old are you, if you're willing to share?

Yeah I kind of expected that. MVP doesn't really make big changes after all. If you want a significant change, Top Class is great. :smile:
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Oh my god, you're soooo young! Why are you considering plastic surgery? :sad: is that you on your dp? I think you look extremely adorable and gorgeous. I'm 23, been wanting to get my nose done since I'm 20 years old.

How did you know that MVP doesn't make big changes? :P Yeah, I'm considering getting my nose done at top class. I need to chat them up first before deciding. Argh, it's soooo hard to find a good clinic. :sad:
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I have multiple reasons, but my main reason is because I have social anxiety, and plastic surgery would really help with that. People with social anxiety get anxiety from people, but they all have different things that specifically give them anxiety within social anxiety. I think a lot about how others view me (what I'm doing, how I look when I'm doing it, how I look in general, how my voice sounds to others etc). So when I go out, I try to hide my face as much as possible. If I don't, it gives me anxiety. That's why I don't leave my house unless I have to. I'm getting therapy for social anxiety, but social anxiety can never be cured completely. So plastic surgery is kind of a last resort. But of course I want to look better too :P . Social anxiety isn't the only reason.

Also, even though I'm getting a lot done, only two out of many surgeries will actually change how I look a lot: v-line and an under eye fat graft. You can't see it in my profile picture (yes, it's me, but remember that I'm wearing make-up and using a filter), but my face is kind of U-shaped so it'll make a pretty big difference. I have really thin skin under my eyes, which makes me look permanently tired (again, you can't see it in my profile picture), so I'm getting a fat graft for that. My tired looking under eyes are a prominent feature in my face (even my best friend comments on it multiple times!), so once again, it'll change a lot. But I'm not very unsatisfied with my features in general. My eyes are fine, they just are a little bit asymmetrical, my nose is fine as well, and my lips too. So when I say for example that I'm getting rhinoplasty, I don't mean that I'm completely transforming my nose. Everything but the facial contouring and fat grafting will be sublte/small changes that only reaaaally good friends will notice.

You're definitely at a better age for plastic surgery :biggrin: It's much easier if you're in your 20's. (except for recovery: the younger, the better apparantly) I hope you get your ideal nose!

I heard that MVP does really natural rhinoplasty, and in my eyes, natural = not much change :P That's why I'm not going to Banobagi for v-line: their results are way too natural for v-line. It looks like they just lost some weight instead of getting plastic surgery. I definitely don't want that.

And it's indeed tough to find the right clinic for yourself :sad: It requires a lot of time and effort.
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I'm same as you, except I don't think I have social anxiety. Low self esteem and insecurities I guess? I hate talking to people and making way contact because I really do not like how I look and often think to myself when they are talking to me "they must be thinking about how ugly I am".

Hats off to you, you're such a brave young girl. I'm sh1tting myself when I think about getting a nose job, but what needs to be done has to be done. Can't live h4ting my looks everyday. Btw, does your parents know you plan on getting plastic surgery? What are their thoughts about it?

I'm actually hoping that Top class could give me the result I want since MVP couldn't. I'm still waiting for them to contact me through kakao so I can ask them questions :sad:
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Hmm yeah. That's probably not social anxiety. Otherwise you'd be anxious about what you're doing and how you'd sound too.
But having low self-esteem is just as bad. I also have it, unfortunately. I think exactly the same things you do. I also feel as if my friends must be embarrassed to be seen with me. (even though that doesn't make sense because they also definitely don't look like a supermodel lol)

Plastic surgery is supposed to be at least a little scary! If it's not, you're not cautious enough. So it's good that you're scared. Just don't let it get to you too much. You'll most likely be fine if you choose a clinic that seems right to you and that other people have good experiences with. You only tend to see the bad results on the internet, not the good ones. So people get paranoid easily.
But I am definitely not very scared. It's just that I know that if I make wise decisions I'll probably be fine. The doctors are all very capable too so if you've chosen your doctor you're just gonna have to put your trust in him/her anyway. :smile:

My parents definitely don't know I'm planning on getting plastic surgery! They'd be really angry and upset if they did. Furthermore, they'd probably send me to a therapist for 'a higher self-esteem' instead of letting me get plastic surgery. (even though going to a therapist won't help because I have a vision of how I'd like to look and I don't look like that. No one can change that: not even a therapist in my case) I've showed them before and afters of people getting plastic surgery in Korea, and they were amazed that the doctors could transform someone that much, but they were also really disturbed and upset. They were frowning all the time and they kept asking why someone would change themselves like that. My mom already complains every time I have my circle lenses on. She then keeps asking why I want to change the way I look (even though I bought my circle lenses because I like the color and I just want to have a different eye color for a day or two: I'd never want to permanently change my eye color).

I hope Top Class doesn't disappoint! :biggrin:
How long have you been waiting for them to contact you? I sent my enquiry on a thursday and they responded friday morning (on Kakao). They were really fast.
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I think once you're older to make your own decisions, your parents will respect and understand them. I remember telling my parents few years back, they said "what for, it's not like you're very ugly. You look just fine!" But few months ago i told my dad that I want to get a minor nose job (no silicones or anything involve), they actually are quite supportive :biggrin: though my mom still tells me not to get it done since many people said my nose is not that huge and changing my nose shape might affect one's destiny/fate (P.S, I'm Chinese, so my mom believes in these kind of superstition lol)

Oh Erm, I sent an request on their website, you know where they have this "online consultation" thingy popping up? Yeah, that one. And I emailed them, add them on kakao and texted them - their kakao ID is topclass1 right? I think it was Friday night or Saturday morning. I can't remember. :sad:

I really hope they will reply me soon. Just wanna faster get over this searching clinic thing. Now I have 2 choices, MVP or Topclass.
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It's great that your parents don't have a big problem with you getting rhinoplasty :smile: Also, if it can change your fate, maybe it could change it for the better! lol.
I hope my parents will get more supportive when I'm older. But even if they're not, I'll probably get it anyway. So they'll just have to accept it.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's topclass1. But you don't have to Kakao them first so don't worry about that. They'll Kakao you anyway.
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Wanting to look better is fine, but using plastic surgery as a means to treat social anxiety is a bad idea as the source of the problem isn't how you look, it's how your mind is interpreting things that's the root issue, you have a distorted view right now. You look normal, there is no one that thinks you need to hide your face and stay home all the time due to how you look. The solution isn't plastic surgery, it's in changing how you think. You can get plastic surgery but if you are still stuck with the mindset of thinking other people are viewing you negatively, that won't go away and you'll just have anxiety about something else or you'll want some other surgery later thinking that will fix your anxiety, it'll never end because you aren't addressing the real source.

Have you talked to your therapist about plastic surgery? Are you seeing a cognitive behavioral therapist? I'm concerned you think plastic surgery is a last resort cure for it because it's not. Social anxiety is very treatable and plenty of people have been cured completely where they live full lives.
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Self-confidence would really help when it comes to my social anxiety, and I feel like getting plastic surgery will help me boost it. I know I'm way too harsh on myself, as no one is ugly enough to the point where they should hide their face. But there are things that I'm just not satisfied about and I want to change them. Then I can at least walk outside more confidently.
I don't really see it as a cure. I see it more as something to help me get rid of it more easily. And as I've mentioned in my post, I also just want to have a different look. It isn't all about my social anxiety.
I don't think I'm extremely ugly or anything, but I'm definitely not pretty either. (Maybe twice a year or so) My features are okay aside from my jaw and chin, but my proportions are way off. This is a fact. So I wanna change that so I'll look better.

In the end, it's the new look and confidence boost I want it for. The confidence just helps with the social anxiety. It's not like I directly want it to help my social anxiety. I know it won't cure it.

I'm not sure what kind of therapist I have (English isn't my native language and I'm not sure) but I know she works with teenagers and is good at treating things like social anxiety. So I'm in good hands.
I'll definitely ask her about it. I'm sure she'll know what's best.
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They replied me on kakao already. But they didn't give me the exact quotation, they only said the price range from 4,5000,00 to 5,8000,00 (this is abit way too expensive for me already!) and say the exact amount will only be confirmed by the doctor once I see him face to face. :sad:

Did they quote you an exact amount when you contacted them?
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Girl, I do not recommend that wrenched place. Go see my review and others stories

# SERIOUSLY. Research, girl.
Agreed. Well said! I agree completely
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