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TLPS Vs View Clinic

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Well I had my fat graft at view and Imma have eye and nose job there too.
I already paid some deposit a few months ago. Actually I got to know the clinic from my bestie and that time the clinic was not as popular as now but the last time I visited there there were lots of patients and seemed busy.
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Good luck on your surgeries! What are you having done to your nose?
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@jacobjarred30 im trying to make appt with dr oh banobagi but the consultant insisting that i cant meet dr oh for implant and pushing me to go for dr Park. She said that this dr park is chin implant specialist.

I know there is no such thing as chin implant specialist, does anybody share the same experience? Because i am more comfortable with dr oh.
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If they are not letting you consult with the Dr. you requested then maybe you should look elsewhere. You can also tell them you are only willing to consult with Dr. Oh
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Who's your consultant? Hmmm..
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  • 4 months later...
Hi everyone. I just had my consultations with item and view. I don't post here a lot (so i don't think I can start a thread) but I really benefited from this blog when I was researching and planning so I wanted to give back and maybe help the next person out. My main concern is my wide nose. Other than that, I would really like to improve (slim down) my face shape. The surgeries I'm interested in are rhinoplasty, zygoma reduction, dark circle fat graft or lower blephroplasty, and possible mandible reduction or Botox depending if the doctors say it's a bone issue or muscle issue).

Item- this was my first consultation for any kind of plastic surgery and it was really a shocker. Dr. Kim ended up saying that my zygoma is within normal range so I don't need it done. He recommended grafting to the temple and under cheek area instead for a smoother face shape.(along with fat grafting to the sides of the forehead and filler for my laugh lines). As for the rhinoplasty he was spot on with everything that I hate about my nose and suggested osteotomy, rasping of the small bump on my bridge with a thin implant placed for shape (my bridge is already high, I just have a "manly" looking nose due to the angle and wide-ness). He recommended tip refinement with septal cartilage which would also improve my hanging columna. He said I really don't need a nostril reduction (I have always thought that I may not need it). As for the mandible, he agreed it was a little wide and suggested mandible reduction and chin augmentation for my short chin (with the resected bone from my mandible). He also said the mandible reduction and chin were the least important of the surgeries. I got the feeling that he didn't really think I needed it that much. I did ask him about Botox for my jaw muscle and he agreed it was developed and that I could benefit from it. But again I got the feeling that he thought it wasn't needed. I actually talked to the consultant about my under eye dark circles and we talked about lower eyelid blepharoplasty (she said for my case fat repositioning is necessary not fat grafting). Dr. Kim came in and it wasn't addressed at all and I forgot all about it until after he left. The consultant said if he didn't mention it, he probably didn't think it was necessary but it's really something that bothers me when I look in the mirror. Probably my fault, I should've made sure to address it. (Fyi the consultant was very nice and courteous). I was just kind of overwhelmed on my first consult I guess!
Overall I don't think this clinic was on board with the kind of changes that I wanted for my face. I don't think I would achieve the look I want at this clinic. They seemed to take a less invasive approach to my face issues, which is fine, but not what I'm going for. Also I have to really think about fat grafting as I would have to come back in 3-6 months to touch up. And it's not a permanent solution for my rough looking, slightly wide cheekbones.
Next is view...
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Part 2 View ps
View- Disclaimer, this is the clinic that I really thought I would go with when I was researching so I may have been really trying to like it haha. But, I really did like it! Overall I feel like I can l achieve the face I want at this clinic. I think on the forum a lot of you guys call it "dolly". Because of the recommendation of this forum and my own research I originally planned to see Dr. Lee dong chan (for fc) and Dr Kim teak hyun (for nose) but I don't think Dr. Kim is there anymore. The consultant said something about going overseas? So, I ended up consulting with Dr yoon for fc ( I remember reading on this forum that dr yoon does Fc revisions so I was ok with that) and Dr Song (nose). According to the consultant he is a rhino specialist, however I couldn't really find any English reviews or other info when I got back to my room to look him up. ( I made sure to point out that it is very important to me to have a specialist in each area). Dr Song suggested the same as item for my nose: hump removal, osteotomy, tip refinement with cartilage, no nostril reduction. The only difference was that he asked me if I was ok with a thin implant. (I didn't think i would have an option as Item had explained to me that a thin implant was necessary after hump removal but it's nice that he asked as some people might be adverse to artificial material and I already have a high bridge). I told him what Item told me and he agreed that I should have one. On to the FC consult! Dr Yoon actually suggested a totally different approach for my face than Dr Kim at Item. He said that both cheekbone reduction and mandible reduction would improve my face shape and also recommended chin augmentation (by cutting and repositioning my chin). So ok, I know I have a short chin but I have a huge fear of ending up with a super thick, or long pointy chin. (Like Jennifer Anniston. Love her, hate her chin). I always thought I would just get fat grafting to the chin if augmentation was recommended but since the fat is not permanent, maybe I will have to take the chance and trust the dr.
Overall I feel like drs at view were more agressive with my treatment which I love because I want a small, cute, face and nose!
Both the consultant and translator here were super nice and accommodating. And the facilities looked ok. (I saw on their website that they are moving to a new building in May. I just missed it!). After negotiating and getting a decent price (I think), I put down a deposit. Here we go!!! Oh, and I forgot to talk about my dark circles again!! At this point I'm thinking it must really not be that big of an issue! Haha! But why am I so self conscious about them then?! The consultant did arrange for me to see the dr again to discuss it which was very nice and professional instead of saying "if he didn't mention it, he didn't think you need it". Anyway I don't think I will get them done right now b/c.. um..I'm on a budget!

One thing I will say about both clinics, my consultations with the drs were so quick! And both clinic's docs didn't really seem keen on looking at pics of faces/noses that I like (I really didn't insist though). I think I will force them on the drs during my pre-surgery consult!!! I don't want to be THAT girl but hey, it's my face!!!

See you guys after the surgeries!
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Congrats and good luck on your surgery! Please keep us updated on your journey and results. Feel free to continue posting here for your updates.
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