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Has anybody heard of Answer Plastic Surgery

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They are active, I consulted with their head english consultant Tony Medina (who also runs a ps tourism company that assists foreigners - "Seoul Guide Medical" which is similar to docfinder etc). He's a native Canadian and is therefore fluent in english and was really helpful when I was consulting with him, since I couldn't find much information on their clinic at the time I decided not to go with them however, just due to lack of knowledge.

They did a video with a Korean youtube duo BapMokja and Haeppy:

Hope this helps!
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Thank you so much! Have you found a clinic yet? Tony knows all about the bad clinics.
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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...
I've always been lurking on these forms and never leave reviews but I just got my rhinoplasty in Answer last month (December 2018).
I have been researching for a clinic for 4 years and when I came across Answer Plastic surgery, I was sold. although they don't have a lot of reviews, just 2 YouTube videos of people's result convinced me that this is the one. I emailed them in January 2018 and submitted my photos for online consultation and they were really patient with me for a good 10 month because I wasn't sure if I was really going to do it. On the last few weeks I decided that I'm going for it so I paid my deposit thru email and flew to Korea 2 weeks later. They offered me accommodation and airport pick up but I didn't need it.
Due to my tight schedule, I had to have my in-person consultation and surgery on the same day. For most people they wouldn't want this and I would not recommend this if you're going through any type of surgery!!! Do consultation first before you decide! As for me, for some reason I really trusted the doctor (Dr. choi min) so I wasn't nervous at all. I knew he was the one.
The clinic is located in A tower in Gangnam by station exit 12 beside McDonald. When I got to the clinic, I was greeted by few Korean front desk lady, they were all really pretty lol. They had in house translator for English speakers... My consultant spoke perfect English. I believe he works for Seoul guide medical (I did not use Seoul guide medical... I emailed answer through their official email). So I'm guessing if you're a foreigner, they will have Seoul medical guide help you.
The process was REALLY FAST. I felt like they were rushing me. The consultant went through some paper work, talked about my complex and concerns and had me sign the papers. I was interrupted to change into surgery clothes wash my face and everything and then was lead to meet Dr. Choi min.
Ok I'm going to be really honest here... It was NOTHING like the videos on YouTube lol. Everything thing felt soooooooooooooo rushed.
Now I'm explaining this in depth but reality I was in his office for 10min or smth (at least that's what I felt like). I literally went to his office.. sat down on the stool. And he's like "ok what do you want". He speaks decent english btw. I was taken aback by the straight forwardness and was like... uh.... *What de hell lol* i want my nose slimmer, hump reduction, remove bulbous tip. He looked at my nose for a second, touched it for 5 seconds and was like ok. Pulled out his camera and took photos from all angles and import to Photoshop on his computer. He showed me what he gonna do to it (similar to what u see on the review video). And at this point I was kind of scared to voice out what I like and what I didn't like... MY ADVICE IS DONT BE SCARED, just tell him!!!!!!!! I was scared because I didn't wanna seem like a difficult patient lol. I told him I want something natural. He did his Photoshop. I didn't really like his Photoshoping TBH because it looks diff than what I do to myself when I'm editing my photo (if u know what I mean). But I didn't say anything, I just asked if the result will look same as the Photoshop and he said no, it was just a reference. GOOD, I trust him. He showed me his previous works really quickly.. they were all really really pretty and natural. And then that's it, I was hurriedly rushed out to the consultant room to talk about my thoughts. Right then, i realized I forgot to show the doctor my ideal nose. I was hoping I can see him again before surgery (which is what the consultant promised). So I held on to my photos and then they called me into the surgery room. The whole time all I could think of is "I need to show him these photos..." Before I knew it, I was fast asleep and woken up after surgery. I did not see my doctor again after that photo session :sad:. So do keep in mind to take your time talking to the doctor as much as possible about your concern no matter how much they rush you because you may not see him again until you wake up lol. The whole process was so rushed it felt like chop chop!!
I woke up from surgery, the nurse was super kinnd... Soooooooooooooo nice! Felt no pain at all. They gave me pumpkin juice and water. And then told me I can rest as long as I want in the recovery room until I am comfortable enough to leave. Before I leave, I got the chance to meet the doctor. He followed me up with what he did. (Took less than 3 minlol) again, everything was super fast.... i was given my care bag, the nurse took me down to the pharmacy to get medicine and i went home. I had 3 follow ups for some type of injection and check up.
I'm only 1 month post op but I'm loving my result. Despite the feeling of being rushed, Dr. Choi min is really good with what he does. My scar is barely visible already at one month. My relatives can't even tell I got my nose fixed since it was so natural.
The was ZERO pain or discomfort during recovery process. His bandaging and cast was very clean and neat. Unlike other surgeons, they bandage your whole face... The stitching was done so perfectly that the line was so thin and barely visible even when there was still stitches.
I have before and after pictures for 1 month. If you have any questions, I can try to answer them. You can leave your email and I may show you my before and after ^^.
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Here are my before and after photos at 1 month post op. Also I forgot to mention, at each check up the doctor is ALWAYS available to look at your nose to make sure its healing properly. IMG_20190114_184116.jpg
(Above) 7th day post op, right after taking off cast. you can see there are still bruising.
1 month post off before and after.
You can see there was a hump. And lack of nose bridge between eyes.
I did hump reduction and bulbous nose tip correction.
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