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Breast Augmentation (Tear Drop vs round)!

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Not everyone has to change implants every 10 or 15 years. If your implants stay still, it's okay. You don't have to change them unless you notice some sagging or any other problem.
I know 2 ppl who have done BA (not in Korea) and they're doing good so far. One has her breast done approximalety 3 years ago, and the other more than 5 years.
Look at realself reviews and thoughts on BA there's plenty of information there! :smile:
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Hmmm thanks for the heads up! I might have to reconsider again :smile: well, I do not want to risk having any infections or worst, death (cross fingers)

Got to keep on searching! Thank you
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I've just downloaded the app you've mentioned! Hopefully it'll provide insightful informations for me :smile: oh yes! And a clinic just responded to me, telling me about the changing of implants. They mentioned it depends on how much "care" did I put in looking altering my boobs hahaha
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I just had a friend done this past Saturday and she had oval shape implants. The doctor told that is better based on her natural breasts shape which I think is very important. There's no universal answer. Consult the doctor and see what's the best for you.

Also assuming you are a foreigner, I really don't think it's worth doing it in Korea if it's just breast implants. It's a very mature and standardized procedure and performed extremely often all around the world. It's a lot easier and convenient to just find a reputable local doctor to do it. Breast augmentation technique in Korea isn't any better than the western one.
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Hey! Thank you so much :smile: I don't know why but your words made me feel relieved if I were to go BKK have BA instead.

I guess I've to do consult my doctor first to know which implant is suitable for me!
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